Well it's been a quiet week or so since we last posted, at least for blogs. But remember that you can always check the Red Hat Developers site for more activity. In the meantime, let's take a look at what else has been going on.


The Hibernate team have been busy with updates to the project(s), including ORM 5.4.3.Final and Search 6.0.0.Alpha6. We've also had Andrew Dinn blogging about Byteman 4.0.7 being made available. Bela announced the release of JGroups 4.1.0, which now includes support for GraalVM and Quarkus! Speaking of Quarkus, Dimitris found time to write up his thoughts on the Quarkus announcement and what it meant for him personally but also for developers; it's a good read. And Bilgin touches on Quarkus in his article "Camel Rebirth with Subsecond Experiences", though there's a lot more in the article than just Quarkus so even if that's not an area of interest for you yet but you are a Camel user then definitely check it out. Finally, Eric has managed to publish a couple of articles on CodeReady Studio 12. One on setting up Data Virtualization Tooling and another on Process Automation Tooling.


OK, as I said at the start, it's been a bit quiet but no less interesting so hopefully you find something of interest in the above and maybe get the chance to give feedback to the authors and their respective projects! See you next time!