This week in JBoss (July 18th 2019) - Big Purple!
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Jul 19, 2019 3:41:32 AMWelcome to a new installment of the JBoss Weekly Editorial! (Which is now released every two weeks, but let’s not get sidetrack by that). The biggest news is for sure IBM and Mark Little have commented on that on his blog, but don’t worry, there is also plenty of more technical or community-related news for you!
Big Purple
The times, they are changing ! As you must be aware by now, IBM bought Red Hat, as announced a few months ago. The purchase being finalized, there is now an ocean of questions (and, to be honest, opportunities for collaboration) arising. I wish we could have all the answers to your question, but, hopefully, this blog entry from Mark Little, we still answer some for you.
A few interesting articles have been released in the past week. First is about Drools & jBPM: Kogito, ergo Rules — Part 1: Bringing Drools Further . It is to be noted that the Kogito project aims at providing the best possible cloud integration to both Drools & jPBM, so if you have any interest in both topics, you should certainly check this one out!
The next one is very exciting. I've been a fan of JGroups since I've been introduced to the frameworks back in 2005 (gosh, I'm not getting younger). It has been the backbone of the JBoss Clustering solution for decades now, but the framework was also often leverage in cutting project. And now that Bela Ban released this article on Compiling JGroups to native code with Quarkus/GraalVM, I'm sure the possibilities unlocked with both Quarkus and JGroups are going to be endless!
Still not enough? Still craving for more technological babble to impress your friends at dinner parties? Well, then take a look at this one: Debezium Apache Kafka connectors for Change Data Capture (CDC).
Java Tooling
Despite the decade-long rumors of Java upcoming death, the corpse still appears to be moving and thriving. The zombie language even appears to learn new tricks or rather get new swagger, as illustrated by the 17-million downloads of Visual Studio Code Java extension.
But rest assure, if you are still not feeling comfortable coding Java in Visual Code, you can get started with Red Hat CodeReady Studio 12.12.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.12.0.Final for Eclipse.
Evangelist's Corner
For the summer (well, summer in the northern hemisphere), Eric D. Schabell re-released an updated version of his classic 3 More Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Hybrid Multicloud (slides). If you missed it the last time around, you have another chance to check it out! He also released a new Beginners Guide on "Building an Online Retail Web Shop Workshop (Domain Model)".
Releases, releases, releases... Infinispan version!
The Infinispan project has been quite busy in the last days. They released a new version of the core project, along with a new version of the Infinispan Operator. Take a look!