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Thread Secure JBoss Administration Console with digest authentication
Secure JBoss Administration Console with digest authenticationHi all, how can I secure the JBoss Administration Console with digest authentication? I tried it but then I got two windows for authentication, the first was from the normal admin-console.war and the second fr...
Thread Which version of embedded jopr works with AS trunk
Which version of embedded jopr works with AS trunkI tried building AS trunk and embedded jopr trunk from scratch. I copied jbas6/target/jbas6-admin-console.war to $JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy and got the following error when logging in to the admin console (http://l...
jopr component modelI'm wanting to build a static view of the management components we support through jopr as the starting point for the profileservice domain metadata view. Where can I find the description of the components we expose v...
Add new WAR failesHello Forum, we encounter a problem with our installations of embedded jopr. When we Add a new WAR File, we get a Timeout like this: Failed to create Resource ourressource.war - cause: org.rhq....
Thread JBoss AS Administration Console and Multiple Nodes
JBoss AS Administration Console and Multiple NodesI hope this is the correct location to post this. I have JBoss 5.1.0 GA and using the following command-lines to start two nodes of JBoss: c:\>run -c default -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 c:...
SIGAR SupportI've learnt that Embedded Jopr doesn't ship with the SIGAR library for licensing issues, as mentioned http://fernandoribeiro.eti.br/2009/11/29/embedded-jopr-warning-in-jbossesb-4-6/. If so, how can I install it manua...
jboss jndi creationHi, I'm using jboss 5. When I using the admin console: * if you create a new data source, it is places in server/xxx/deploy as jndiname -ds.xml * if you edit an existing data source (including one you just created a ...
Thread JBoss 5.1 GA: error when trying to add a topic in the JMS de
JBoss 5.1 GA: error when trying to add a topic in the JMS deHi, I am trying to add a topic through the administration console : The URL of the admin console is : http://localhost:8085/admin-console/secure/resourceTypeSummary.seam?selectedResourceTypeName=Topic&actionMeth...
Create plugin for Embedded JoprI feel like a fool since I haven't gotten my crappy JMX plugin to work. I based it off of this code: http://svn.rhq-project.org/repos/rhq/trunk/etc/custom-jmx-plugin But no luck on getting it to work. Looks like it ...
Embedded Jopr 1.2.0CR3 and Jboss AS 5.01I just downloaded embedded-jopr to take a look and I have hit a problem which seems a bit odd, so I am hoping I can appeal to the more charitable and experienced members of this forum for a push in the right direction...
Thread Incomplete QueueConnectionFactory through admin-console
Incomplete QueueConnectionFactory through admin-consoleHi all, I am doing some tests on JBoss 5.1 in order to begin a new project. Recently I've been playing with application clients after following Wolfgang tips documented on: http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/Ho...
Thread Does embedded JOPR conflicts with standalone JOPR?
Does embedded JOPR conflicts with standalone JOPR?Does JOPR embedded conflicts with standalone JOPR? I have just installed JBoss 5.1.0.GA and it does not appear in JOPR 2.2.1 b704 however JBoss 4.2.3.GA is present. I also have done manual autodiscovery several times ...
How to change the deploy directoryHi, Is it possible to tell EmbJOPR (or admin-console) to deploy the new application in an other directory than the default one. In fact, I usually add a new "deploy-app" to put my own applications, but I cannot find...
EJopr meets its evil twin!Amaze your family and friends! Bring up two instances of JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA, using the default ports for one and using the ports-01 settings for the other. Bring up the admin console for both instances. Sign into the f...
Problems with JMX plugin in AS 5.1.0.GAHi, I want to create a jopr plug-in to manage JMX MBeans in Embedded Jopr in AS 5.1.0.GA. I create the plugin jar with the config:
<depends plugin="JMX" />
<service name="Messaging Service"
Thread Integration of JBoss Messaging 2.0 in Embedded JOPR
Integration of JBoss Messaging 2.0 in Embedded JOPRI'm currently integrating JBoss Messaging 2.0.0 in AS 5 and I want to manage it using the embedded JOPR. JBM 2 exposes all its management API through JMX MBeans registered in the AS 5 MBeanServer, so we can already u...