This week in JBoss (9th November 2012): Devoxx here we come
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Nov 9, 2012 10:20:37 PMJBoss Renaming Update
At the beginning of October we announced our intention to rename JBossAS and asked the Community's help in doing so. Our original plan had the submission period running from October 1st to October 14th, followed by a voting period running from October 21st to November 1st and finally an announcement of the winner during next week's Devoxx conference. The response we received from the Community was fantastic, with over over 1500 names being submitted, and we are only now completing the short list of names. This short list will be announced at next week's Devoxx conference, after which we will have a voting period taking us up to the Christmas holiday season with the announcement of the winning submission being made in early 2013.
Keep your eyes open for the announcements and remember to vote for your favourite once voting commences.
Why should you consider using a Data Grid?
Have you ever thought about why you should use a Data Grid? Perhaps you are wondering what advantages a Data Grid will have over a Clustered Cache? If these are questions you have been thinking about then Shane Johnson has some answers for these and more.
From Requirements to Deployed Services
The Savara project, part of the Overlord Governance umbrella project, has the aim of developing tooling to support the concept of Testable Architectures. As part of their recent milestone release, Gary has recorded a screencast which shows how you can get from requirements to deployed services in 15 minutes. You can find more information about the screencast and demo over at the Savara blog.
Automating ATDD through integration of Thucydides and Arquillian
The Arquillian team have come up with a plan to integrate Acceptance Test Driven Development, the definition of automated acceptance criteria, with the powerful Arquillian test framework. The integration of Thucydides with Arquillian will create a powerful framework that will enable the automated testing of human-readable test specifications, providing an environment through which Acceptance Testing can become agile.
In order to kickstart this work they will be hacking on this idea during the free-to-attend Devoxx Hackergarten. If you are in the area and want to get involved then head along to Hackergarten on Tuesday 13th November to take part in the fun.
JBoss AS 7 Tutorials
This week sees two great tutorials from Master The Boss. The first tutorial walks you through the JBoss AS Maven plugin, showing how it can be used to deploy artifacts, undeploy artifacts and add resources into the application server. The second tutorial walks you through the necessary steps to enable ActiveMQ as a message broken within JBoss AS 7.
GWT and Errai UI Quickstart
If you have ever wanted to do client side HTML5 templating within GWT then this screencast from Lincoln is just what you are looking for. Lincoln has also provided the demo code so that you can make your own modifications and play around.
Turning packages into a module system
Adam Warski has put together a thought-provoking piece on what he believes would be needed if we decided to turn packages into a module system. This is worth a read, whether you agree with him or not, so head over and add your thoughts into the discussion.
Scaladin quickstart for Escalante
Escalante, the JBoss application server for Scala, now has its first external contribution in the form of a quickstart demonstrating how to run Scaladin, a Scala wrapper for the Vaadin Framework. If you are interested in working with Scala in an application server environment, or have an interest in the polyglot efforts at JBoss, then take the quickstart for a spin and see what you think.
JBoss Out and About
Next week will see many of the JBoss Core and Community developers hit Devoxx to teach, learn and hack with the wider Open Source communities. Emmanuel has written about his expectations for Devoxx; Sarah has written about all the wonderful labs, workshops and BOFs covering the testing universe, and Geoffrey gives you some ideas for hacking Drools Planner during the Hackergarten.
The Infinispan team will be in force at JUDCon China, held on the 29th and 30th November, to give nine presentations on all things Infinispan.
Eric will be at JBugNL on 12th December to give an OpenShift Primer, followed by an appearance at Red Hat Developer Day in London on 14th December to present on Advanced Java & JBoss in the Cloud and finally the Open Source Conference 2012 in Amsterdam on where he will give a talk entitled "Demystifying the path to a JBoss Intelligent, Integrated Enterprise".
Eric has also submitted three sessions to the JAX 2013 conference in Mainz, Germany being held at the end of April 2013. The sessions are "Advanced Java & JBoss in the Cloud", "Building highly scalable process & rule-driven applications" and "JBoss BPMS sneak peak".
New Releases for the Week
This week has seen numerous releases from across the JBoss ecosystem
- The Overlord team have made two releases
- Milestone 2 of their Business Activity Monitoring tooling, including a screencast of some of the new features
- Savara 2.1 Milestone 2, enhancing the support for SwitchYard java service simulation.
- The Arquillian team have also made to releases
- Arquillian Transaction Extension 1.0.0.Alpha2, extracting the JTA transaction support into a separate module
- Arquillian Container Weld 1.0.0.CR5
- The Teiid team join the fun with another two release
- Teiid 8.2 CR1, including support for Vaults, Google Spreadsheet and a WSDL backed webservice translator
- Teiid Admin Web Console 1.0 CR1, a new GWT based administrative console for Teiid
- The SwitchYard team have released SwitchYard 0.6 Beta 2 and should shortly be following that with the 0.6 release.
- The tools team have released the first betas of JBoss Tools 4 and JBoss Developer Studio 6
- The Transactions team have released JBoss TS 4.17.2.Final
- The Hibernate team have released Hibernate ORM 4.1.8.Final
- The Portlet Bridge team have released Portlet Bridge 3.1.0.Final
- The Drools team have announced their first public release of UberFire, a web based workbech forming the basis of their consoles
This has been a very productive week for many teams across the JBoss Community, writing many blog posts, publishing screencasts and announcing numerous releases. Next week promises to be just as productive, especially for all those attending Devoxx.
Join us again next week to find out what happens during Devoxx!