This week in JBoss (23 Nov 2012): Thankful
Posted by eschabell in Weekly Editorial on Nov 23, 2012 4:05:51 AMWelcome to another week in the world of JBoss.org, a quiet week as is the tradition of reflection this week. Let me explain this...
This week we again catch you up with the news in our world of JBoss. This time we do it a bit different. This is a week in North America, specifically in the United States where everyone has a short work week (four day weekend, can you imagine?!). Thanksgiving is upon us and it is not only a tradition involving big ol' turkey dinners, football (American style) on the television and gathering together with your families. It is a time to reflect on what you are thankful for in your lives.
We have much to be thankful for in the world of JBoss. Not only are we thankful for the chance to better our daily lives by working on, coding, improving, brainstorming and contributing to our projects, but we have one of the best communities in the open source world. This is not about the core JBoss editorial editing team being thankful, it is about you being a part of it all. You the contributor, you the member, you the user should all take time and be thankful for all that is possible in this community we have built together.
So kick back, grab another turkey leg and enjoy this weeks JBoss news. It is not as busy as usual, but next week we will be back in full force!
Kris Verlaenen from the jBPM project has been touring the JBUGs in Sydney (November 19) and Melbourne (November 20) this week, stay tuned for more on this when he gets over his jet-lag!
The Netherlands JBug kicks off on Dec 10th with a JBoss & OpenShift evening by Eric D. Schabell.
Blogs / Articles
Mark Little give a recap of his Devoxx experiences.
Dimitris gives his take on Devoxx and it includes links to most of the existing JBoss blogging activities related to Devoxx.
Over on MasterTheBoss you can find a nice article on SwitchYard & JSF integration. Also one on how to use a Resource Adapter in your MDB (AS7 based).
We have pulled in the help of a Chinese speaking / writing Christina Lin, you can find her latest translations of JBoss content on her site, but it is also linked from the original postings by Eric Schabell and on HowToJBoss.com. Thanks Christina!
A list of new project releases, enjoy!
Thinking of getting involved in a JBoss User Group (JBUG)?
Setting up or running a JBoss User Group? Follow @JBossNews on twitter and catch the next event online especially for you and your group.
Vote is ongoing!
Don't forget to vote for your favorite new project name for JBoss AS!
Thanks again for taking the time from your busy Thanksgiving activities to read this, we look forward to you all coming back to work on Monday ready to kick it on your favorite JBoss project(s)!