Team JBoss continues to crank out more and more open source for your consumption pleasure - remember "everything in moderation" :-)

- The Alien Invasion continues with the Arquillian Team producing new releases of Graphene, Warp, Drone and Android. Automating your testsuite has never been easier.
- Hibernate Search 4.2 Final brings us Spatial Queries - The "I know where you live" edition. You can combine fulltext searches (think 'google' my database) with distance from a particular lat/long. Perhaps you can set up a real estate web app allowing users to find "all 3 bed, 2 bath houses with a basement within 10 km of current location". In addition, 4.2 introduces the indexing of MP3 and other binary document meta-data. Make sure to check out Emmanuel's blog for more details!
- This week I also wanted to highlight our RHQ project which recently hit its 4.6 Beta. RHQ is an extensible tool to monitor your infrastructure of machines and applications, alerts based on user defined conditions, configure resources and run operations on them from a central web-based UI. Other ways of using RHQ include a command line interface and a REST-api. This goes well beyond simply starting & stopping your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform servers (aka app servers).

- Eric Schabell - published several blogs related to his demo projects. If you are interested in Drools or jBPM, you should definitely check out what Eric has done in his series of BRMS demos:
- Mike Brock publishes a few blogs on Errai @Dependent and Timing Your Methods - if you have not seen this awesome video created by Jonathan Fuerth and Christian Sadilek, please stop everything and watch it now! It clearly demonstrates how Errai helps you build richer web applications faster.
- Have you heard of the CapeDwarf - a framework that enables you to make your Google App Engine applications portable! Ales Justin continues to roll, check out this blog on his latest endeavors.
- Modeshape 3.1 is coming soon and will bring back Federated Data - Randal Hauch does a GREAT job explaining how this feature can impact your application architecture.
- Geoffrey De Smet continues to blow our minds with the magic of Drools Planner - who needs humans to plan for and allocate resources when an AI can do it? :-)
Well that is all for this week!