This Week in JBoss (24 January 2013) : Ramping Up Speed
Posted by marius.bogoevici in Weekly Editorial on Jan 25, 2013 11:28:06 AMTime flies by - we're almost at the end of January, and hard work starts showing it's results! So what happened since last week? Bear with us and we'll fill you in.
Keeping tabs on the TicketMonster with RHQ
Heiko Rupp demonstrates how to monitor a running application with RHQ, with a practical example: no less than JBoss Developer Framework's TicketMonster. The example shows how to enhance an existing application by having it push data to the monitoring server.
Learn about SwitchYard by viewing
The SwitchYard team has put together a series of videos introducing the new features of SwitchYard 0.7 with no less than 6 introductory videos, showcasing various concepts or features in live recorded coding sessions. Watch here and learn.
BPM magic with BRMS and the Eclipse BPMN2 modeler
Eric Schabell has published a series of blogs covering the new features and best practices of BRMS. The first article discusses using the native Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler support in JBoss Developer Studio 5, illustrated with a JBPM showcase. In a second article, he demonstrates how to create Maven artifacts from your BRMS distribution. And finally, a nice presentation on BRMS and SOA, from the EMEA JBoss Forum.
Future plans for GateIn 4.0
Julien Viet discusses the plans for GateIn 4.0 - new features, architecture, the underlying Juzu framework in his blog entry here.
Timeline of Fuse projects
For SOA practitioners: have you ever wondered about the history of Apache ActiveMQ, Apache CXF, Apache ServiceMix and how they were incorporated in the various products of FuseSource (now part of Red Hat)? Rob Davies has put together a diagram that explains the relationship more clearly.
Distributed transactions and race conditions in WS-BA
For SOA practitioners again, especially for the ones that have to deal with distributed transactions, Paul Robinson has begun a series of blog entries concerning a particular race condition in WS-BA applications. Follow the blog for further updates.
Some tips for configuring your ModeShape repository
If you're intersted in setting up a JCR repository for your application, the ModeShape team has published an interesting article to help you decide on your CND file configuration, also introducing the CND editor in Eclipse.
Easier setup of Infinispan in JBoss AS7 with predefined modules
Tristan Tarrant has blogged about a new feature of Infinispan 5.2.0.CR2: predefined modules for JBoss AS7+. Now you don't have to include Infinispan libraries in each application, just use the shared ones.
More about the language features of Ceylon
Gavin King has published a couple of blogs, describing newly added featurs to Ceylon, in particular higher order functions operating over other functions, such as compose() and curry() - and how do they tie into other features such as tuples, as well as pitfalls to consider when designing a type system . Both, an interesting read!