This week in JBoss (9th May 2014): Ne'er cast a clout till May be out
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on May 9, 2014 8:33:10 PMWelcome to this week's editorial where we bring you the latest musing from the JBoss communities.
Eric’s Workshops
Eric has been busy this week, developing workshops to demonstrate the capabilities of the BRMS and BPMS platforms. He begins the week with the final lab covering the BRMS portion of the Cool Store demo, showing how to run the parts that have been developed to date, before releasing a video that shows one of the most impressive capabilities within BRMS, the ability to dynamically update the ruleset. The series continues with the beginning of the BPMS portion of the workshop, lab11, that shows how to install the BPMS Suite in preparation for the remainder of the series.
Eric has also spent some time revisiting his Generic Loan Demo, a necessity as the process was not strictly compliant with the BPMN2 specification, and has published a video showing how easy it is to deploy the demo onto OpenShift.
Arun's Tips
Arun has also been busy publishing two further tips in his series, #21 and #22. In Tip #21 Arun introduces the first part of a multi-part video series that he is creating in collaboration with Lincoln Baxter. The aim of the series is to show how easy it is to create a new Addon for Forge 2 and they have chosen to demonstrate this by developing an Addon for the Java EE7 Batch capabilities. In Tip #22 Arun introduces the new WebSocket capabilities present in EAP 6.3 Alpha, describes how it can be enabled and where you can find a number of examples to test the functionality.
PicketLink Deep Dive Part 2
Shane continues his Deep Dive series into PicketLink by introducing the notion of Partitions, describing how they can be used by walking us through some requirements from a fictional paper company.
Bayesian Belief Networks within Drools
Mark continues his series describing his ongoing work to integrate Bayesian belief networks into Drools. He now has the functionality working end-to-end and is now working to integrate this capability into the belief system.
Embedding task forms within jBPM
Kris has written a post describing new capabilities that are being introduced into jBPM, the ability to design forms using a WYSIWYG editor and have them embedded within the process definition. These forms can be used when starting a process or completing a task within the process.
What’s new in Errai 3?
Max continues the "What's new in Errai" series by covering the changes that have been introduced to handle Roll Based Access Control and PicketLink integration. The integration is declarative, specified through the use of annotations, and enabled the restriction of access to specific pages, specific DataFields and remote services.
Immutant 2 and the web
Jim has written a post describing the significant changes that have been introduced to the web library within Immutant 2. The changes cover the web API and also the underlying technology, Undertow, which has resulted in a significant increase in performance and support for Web Sockets.
Micro Services
James has produced a screencast showing a new capability that has been introduced into Fabric8 1.1.0.Beta5, the ability to deploy simple java applications, called micro services, using the new support for Java Containers.
Thoughts on Developing a Netty Server
Heiko recently had an opportunity to develop his very first Netty server for RHQ, an experience that he decided to share. Heiko has also make his source available for those who are interested in investigating further.
Interrupting an “Infinite” Java Regular Expression
Lincoln has written a very interesting post describing how to mitigate the issue of catastrophic backtracking when evaluating regular expressions, a condition when the regular expression engine has to calculate permutations with exponential complexity.
On the Road
The video from Kris' Red Hat Summit session, Deep Dive into jBPM 6, has now been posted online. In this session Kris provides a quick introduction to jBPM6, demonstrates the tooling and then dives into some details of the new jBPM execution server.
The Red Hat Tech Exchange in Asia Pacific will be taking place in Bangkok, Thailand from June 9th to June 13th. Eric Schabell and Kenny Peebles will be present with Eric giving sessions on BRMS, xPaas and OpenShift and Kenny giving sessions on Data Virtualisation, Fuse Service Works and Fuse.
New Releases
- The RHQ team have announced the release of RHQ 4.11.
- The ModeShape team have announced the release of ModeShape 3.7.3.Final.
- The Arquillian team have announced the release of Arquillian AngularJS 1.2.0.Alpha1.
- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid 8.8 Alpha 1.
That's all for this week, joins us again for more news from the community.