This week in JBoss (26 March 2015) - Day late but not a dollar short
Posted by dmair in Weekly Editorial on Mar 27, 2015 1:44:00 PMWe're a little late getting this week's editorial out (that's the "royal we", actually meaning, me... what can I say? I'm still on Standard Time ;-) )
JBoss Fuse Workshop
Christina Lin took us through a four part Fuse workshop for beginners. In Part one she gets us started by explaining the XML and basic setup. Part two she talks on data transformation which leads us to part three, enterprise integration patterns, and finally in part four she talks POJO and beans to wrap it up.
Happy Birthday Apache Camel!
As Claus Ibsen notes on 19 March Apache Camel was born. And while on the topic of Apache Camel, Clause also talks about Debugger with Eclipse Tooling this past week.
BPM and Nordics
Eric Schabell shares his update on his BPM tour in Denmark.
Debugging Wildfly... remotely
Rob Stryker shows us how to debug an externally launch Wildfly instance
Afraid to ask? We've got you covered!
Bela Ban announces a JGroups workshop in Berlin to cover everything you want to or are afraid to ask.
Wrangling Errors
Gunnar Morling talks about how to properly herd errors in HIbernate OGM with NoSQL.
Ultimate American Road trip.. er, well, almost
The Washington Post published an article calculating the ultimate American road trip but Geoffrey quickly noted the trip contains at least three bugs and shows us how to fix it in Optaplanner.
What to expect in the Red Hat JBoss BPM suite master class
Eric Schabell gives us a preview of what we can expect to learn in the class.
We're evicting you NOW MORE EFFICIENTER!! (yes we know that's not a word)
While this is actually release news, this release update shares some insights on more efficient evictions coming in Infinispan.
More BPM how-tos (it's our answer to MOAR COWBELL)
We've got the Minecraft!
Perhaps deceptive maybe even deviously deceptive.. teaching kids Java by making it fun with Minecraft.
Speaking of Minecraft... Arun Gupta gives us this related tech tip (#82 if you're keeping track)
Build Your Next Enterprise App in 60 minutes
Kenneth Peeples gives us a preview of a 2015 Red Hat Summit talk on building enterprise apps.
Evaluating performance (nope, this isn't the dreaded conversation with your boss)
Tom Jenkinson shares how performance is evaluated in Narayana
Parlez-vous français? Oui! Oui!
Great! Then you'll happy to hear that Devoxx France is giving away one ticket! Français is not a requirement to win the pass. ;-)
API Management is critical to the future of the digital economy
Kenneth Peeples invites us to join a webinar on this important topic. Did you know that Gartner predict 75% of the fortune 1000 companies will offer some sort of public API less than two years from now?
JBoss WS5.. looking beyond betas
Alessio Soldano talks about upcoming non-beta releases along with Wildfly 9 Beta1.
Hacking SAP
Okay, just kidding. We're not really talking about hacking SAP but Kenneth Peeples does talk about the important "S" userid and how to get one.
IntelliJ IDEA... distraction free mode
IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 was released recently and Anton Arhipov talks about some new modes in the tool including a distraction free mode.
Tips'n'tricks (no treats)