This week in JBoss (10th April 2015) - Microservices are coming!
Posted by marklittle in Weekly Editorial on Apr 10, 2015 7:59:00 AMThis week has seen a lot of activity around DevOps and microservices. I'll shamelessly start with plugging a few things I've written on the subject, such as how you should look at microservices and Linux containers (such as Docker) for the natural unit of failure within a microservices environment:
"If you are building multiple microservices, or using them from other groups and organisations, within your applications or composite service(s), then do some thinking about how they are related and if they should fail as a unit then pull them together into a single image."
I also wrote an addendum to that article the other day just to make it clear that whilst containers such as Docker are useful, their neither necessary nor sufficient for microservices, especially in the Java world:
"If you're thinking about developing microservices in Java then you don't have to worry about using Linux containers: your unit of failure is the JVM. Start there and built upward."
I also wrote about how state can be handled with microservices, especially in a DevOps/cloudy environment where Linux containers are used and typically assumed to me immutable. Hopefully people find these articles useful - I certainly found them fun to write. Then in a semi-related article, Eric wrote about Docker and integration/BPM projects - lots of nice demos there! Everyone is looking at Linux containers/Docker these days, including the Keycloak team where Marko wrote about clustering recently.
Now some of our projects and products that are at the forefront of the things we're doing around microservices and DevOps are Fuse, Camel and Fabric8. Christina wrote about how to (lazily) create an offline repository. Christian took time to write generally about Enterprises and Microservices (part 1), but also how to do continuous delivery with Fabric8 v1. Claus has written a great "getting started with Fuse" article, so check it out if you're new to Fuse. Marek has written an entry on securing Fuse and Hawtio applications with Keycloak, which is a critical requirement for enterprise deployments.
In other news Kenny mentions the upcoming Red Hat virtual event Building Data-driven Solutions for the Internet of Things on April 23 at 11 a.m. (EST) / 15:00 (GMT). Sign up now! And the Arquillian and TorqueBox teams release new versions - 1.0.0 Alpha 5 (Docker extensions) and 3.1.2 respectively.
OK that's it for this week! Onward!