This week in JBoss (10 March 2016): Another addition to OSS
Posted by kpeeples in Weekly Editorial on Mar 14, 2016 12:08:00 AMThe editorial this week is brought to you by Jason Porter, Senior Software Engineer
Today back in 1818 Mary Shelley published Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus![1] It is often considered to be the first science fiction novel. We may not have such exciting firsts this week, but the tech community has seen more announcements that would have been considered science fiction 10 years ago. Microsoft has continued it’s advance into the OSS area with the announcement of joining the Eclipse Foundation [2] and SQL Server for Linux![3]
I know I’m anxious to see any further moves in the tech industry in the near future!
On to our Week in JBoss!
New Releases
- Immutant 2.1.3 - notable fixes include a regression with
:dispatch? false
broken since 2.1.0 and new functions in theimmutant.web.undertow
namespace. - Infinispan 8.2.0.Final - this release includes perf improvements, changes to Infinispan server, and reduced network usage for remote reads
- Keycloak 1.9.1.Final - over 50 issues in JIRA have been closed with this release!
- Teiid 8.13.2 - 27 issues have been fixed including a TEIID-4017 an important security fix, please upgrade if you are not already using 8.13.2
- Ceylon 1.2.2 - over 70 issues have been fixed in this release, on the JVM this release is backwards compatible, however, for JavaScript it is not. There is a new
ceylon bootstrap
command to easily distribute code and work with Java Collections has been improved in this release.
Congrats to all the releases which happened this week. I know hard work was put in by many people in making these happen.
Presentations about JBoss Technologies
- Galder Zamarreño spoke at Voxxed Days Bucharest about Infinispan
- Romain Pelisse and Jason Porter spoke at JavaLand about Infinispan and contributing to Open Source, respectively
- Jiří Holuša posted links to talks given at DevConf.cz, see http://blog.infinispan.org/2016/03/infinispan-related-presentations-on.html for the links
More from the week
- Eric Schabell continues his series about the App Dev Cloud Stack in It’s all about the PaaS baby
- Eric Wittmann tells us how to store apiman gateway configurations in a database in Storing Your Gateway Config in a Database
- Get to know one of our youngest Hibernate contributors, Martin Braun at Meet Martin Braun, the youngest Hibernate contributor
- Part three of Christina Lin’s Auto Dealership Management Demo was released this week. This part details information about collecting data via the
Customer IoT Service
which simulates GPS data being sent in from customers' cars to determine how close they are to a dealership.
Thanks for a wonderful week!
Jason Porter @lightguardjp