This week has been horrible for many of us after the tragic events that took place in Brussels this Tuesday the 22th of March. But as the show must go on, you will find hereafter another edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial where we bring you up to speed with all that has been happening across the JBoss Communities.


SOA Governance with the Api Catalog

Our middleware products offering has always suffered the comparison with the competition due to the lack of a SOA Service registry or catalog and the tooling that we need to manage / import services/apis. Hopefully, the situation is changing and as we can now use the API Catalog feature proposed by the Apiman project to :


Screenshot 2016-03-24 10.09.47.png
  • Manage for an organisation the APIs / Services that we can propose,
  • Import existing Apis (REST or Web Services endpoints) from a WADL file or a Swagger file,
  • Build our own catalog using the Api Catalog Plugin or a Catalog File


Thank to Eric Wittman which has blogged around that recently !


Turn on a Database to Event Streams with Debezium


Debezium is a distributed platform that turns your existing databases into event streams, so applications can see and respond almost instantly to each

committed row-level change in the databases. Debezium is built on top of Apache Kafka and provides Kafka Connect compatible connectors that monitor specific database management systems.

Debezium records the history of data changes in Kafka logs, so your application can be stopped and restarted at

any time and can easily consume all of the events it missed while it was not running, ensuring that all events are processed correctly and

completely !

Debezium has been designed around these architecture patterns : Change Data Capture (CDC) and Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS)


Hibernate Search & Elasticsearch


Hibernate Search can now store indexes and query from an Elasticsearch cluster. What's cool is that all of your Hibernate ORM applications can now be indexed by Elasticsearch. The index is kept synchronized with the database thanks to Hibernate Search.


More info in these blog entries:




Evangelist's Corner


Charles has released a collection of "In Action" projects hosted on the FuseByExample github repository to play and discover the RedHat Middleware

technology using Apache Camel, JBoss Fuse, FeedHenry, Linux Container but also the security around the endpoints using Apiman & Keycloak.


- REST DSL in Action : Design REST endpoints using Apache Camel REST DSL & Swagger API, manage the info using ElasticSearch & Kibana Dashboard

- Enforcement Security in Action : Secure Apache Camel endpoints using Apiman API Mngt & Keycloak Web SSO servers (basic authentication, Oauth2)

- Mobile & REST in action : Extend the project REST DSL in action project to run the application using Feedhenry js api, AngularJS & Apache Cordova

- MicroService in Action : Turn on Apache Camel project as MicroServices running top of Linux Containers and loadbalance the services using Kubernetes


Releases, release, releases ....



I hope this week's editorial has provided you with something of interest, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from JBoss and the JBoss Communities.