This Week in JBoss (21st July 2011)
Posted by marius.bogoevici in Weekly Editorial on Jul 21, 2011 12:09:30 PMA lot of interesting things happened since last week. Let us do a quick roundup:
- We knew that HornetQ was fast, but now it's faster than ever: the HornetQ team has published a blog entry about the record performance of HornetQ: a whopping 8 million messages per second, against the industry-standard SpecJMS2007 benchmark. The best news? While the tests have been executed against JBoss EAP 5.1.2, HornetQ is powering JBoss AS7 as well - so look forward to the same great performance there.
- If you plan to migrate an existing Seam 2 project to AS7, you should check Marek Novotny's blog post. You can see how older applications can also benefit of the goodness of AS7, with minimal changes.
- For Richfaces users: Lukas Fryc has posted an excellent overview of two examples of using Richfaces with JBoss AS7. And actually more: if you read it closely, you will also learn how to create JMS queues using the CLI and also through your application's code.
- JBoss AS7 also a great runtime for OSGi bundles, which was the main focus of an excellent webinar by Thomas Diesler and David Bosschaert. If you are interested, in it, but missed it - you can always watch the recording of the demo.
- The JBoss Asylum has a new podcast. This time, the guests are Mark Proctor and Michael Anstis. The main topic is Drools with its new 5.2 release, but the recent developments in the Java EE world got their share of attention too.
- It's busy times for TorqueBox - and members of the team and community spread the word about it in a variety of places. And if you want to hear about it yourself, you can listen to Bob McWhirther's interview, explaining how Torquebox allows you to love Ruby on Rails and get the performance of Java EE.
- Gavin King continues to expand his preview on Ceylon with new articles, about the current progress, and the reasoning behind some design decisions such as the ellimination of the do-while loop as well as the handling of sequences and sequenced parameters.
- A few new releases have come out this week:
- Manik Surtani announces Infinispan 5.0.CR8 - and now, for the final release
- Gail Badner and Steve Eversole announce two new versions of Hibernate. Hibernate 3 has gotten a new maintenance release in 3.6.6.Final, while Hibernate 4 moves one step further towards a final release, with 4.0.0.Beta4.
- Participating in you local JBUG is a great way to keep track of the latest developments and get in touch with the comunity and JBoss developers. So, what happened close to you? Last week:
- The Sydney JBUG has received an introduction on AS7 by Stuart Douglas
- The Japan JBUG has announced an upcoming talk on AS7 next week