This week in JBoss (8th September 2011)
Posted by eschabell in Weekly Editorial on Sep 8, 2011 3:04:51 AMAnother week and another update about the wonderful world of JBoss, a community that is gaining both momentum and more traction every day. Each week we try to bring you an overview of the latest, greatest JBoss project news, keeping you up to speed on the width and breadth of the innovation being done in our house.
The Practical RichFaces
book was published this week! The book is completely dedicated to development with latest RichFaces 4 release and that means that it's all based on the new JavaServer Faces 2.
There was a new release of OpenShift Express this week. For JBoss developers they have added a modules directory to the Git repo so users can easily add their own JBoss modules. Also there have been some busy beavers over in the TorqueBox team, making it available on OpenShift!
Release v0.2 was pushed out by Keith Babo this week, good job here and it's worth looking at this next generation JBoss ESB project. A quote from Keith on the release, "We are pretty jazzed about how easy it is to use CDI for both implementing services and mixing integration glue logic into Camel routes. The two use cases are quite distinct, but the developer gets the same easy-peasy, standard programming model for both. The tooling that we have written in this area generates SCA component definitions off of the CDI bean services that the user has created. This is currently implemented as a Maven plugin. We also use the Forge tooling support from JBoss Tools. Works like a charm."
Hibernate Core
Release v4.0.0.CR2 of Hibernate Core was announced by Strong Liu.
Drools & jBPM
Michael Anstis posted a story about the new Guvnor wizzard framework, a nice improvement for Guvnor!
Kris Verlaenen will be hosting a set of workshops in September on jBPM5, in Japan and Australia. These workshops are a combination of presentations highlighting the various features, combined with practical sessions where you can try it out yourself using simple exercises on your own laptop.
Finally, the jBPM Migration project has been integrated into the Drools / jBPM github set of official projects. This was proceeded by the release of jBPM Migration v0.9, so come on over and join in to help us get everyone migrated to jBPM5!
JBoss AS 7
Andy Taylor provided a quick tutorial on how to get started deploying JMS resources and MDB's using HornetQ. Over on DZone, community member Daniel Bevenius has written a migration guide covering several of the possible pitfalls when migrating ejb applications to JBoss 7.
JBoss events
Not only do we have events coming up, but there is lots of news about who is speaking where and about what topics:
- Pete Muir on Devoxx 2011, Java One 2011 and JUDCon 2011.
- Eric D. Schabell on Cloud Developer Conference 2011 and JUDCon 2011.
- Manik Surtani on Infinispan at Java One 2011 and Devoxx 2011.
- Alessio Soldano on ECOWS 2011
- Andrew Rubinger and Aslak are presenting JBoss AS 7 and Arquillian at JavaZone the week.
- There is a Seam Hack Night on the 8th of September, meet on #seam-dev on irc.freenode.net at 22:00 hrs UTC. Seam Hack Night is a monthly gathering in IRC where everyone in the channel works together to improve some part of Seam, as opposed to the normal mode of operation where people are working on different things.
- Also keep your eyes on the JBoss Events page!
This section is a weekly spotlight on one or two pretty cool items out there in the JBoss community, just to let you know what you might be missing in the shadows.
- over on the blog by Stuart Douglas there is a nice tip for merging Git pull requests in large quantities.
- Bela Ban has a very in depth look at Optimizations for large clusters that you don't want to miss. All of this can be found in the JGroups release v3.0.0.CR1.
- over on twitter we had an anniversary for @kabirkhan, so give him a shout out for 7 years (and counting) at JBoss / Red Hat! ;-)
- community member bpmn2 has a great blog full of jBPM tips and examples. Check this stuff out if you are just getting started with jBPM!
- if you want to track conferences, speakers and you twitter contacts activities, check out a great tool / site at Lanyrd.com.
For the rest of you out there, enjoy your week and code on! ;-)