This week in JBoss (29th September 2011)
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Sep 29, 2011 5:10:56 PMYet another week has gone by and the high-octane train that is JBoss and its community continues at a blistering pace. As usual we try to bring you the best of the best, an update on the activities in and around JBoss and its community.
JBoss at JavaOne
JavaOne is next week and the "JBoss Everywhere" motto has never been more evident than seeing the phenomenal number of JBoss speakers in attendance. We have 20 presentations over four days (seriously, check out the schedule) and have had our very own Dan Allen highlighted on the Featured Speakers carousel.
Of course that is not all that we are doing during Java One. We have three full days of presentations in our mini-theater at the JBoss booth (#5502) where we will be covering numerous topics such as JBoss Application Server 7, OpenShift, Infinispan and more. Checkout the full list to see what is on and remember, these presentations are given by the folks who are behind the many projects at JBoss. If you have any questions that need answers, want to give feedback about any of the JBoss projects and/or platforms, or just want to chat with the people who know the details then take a trip down to the booth.
As if the presentations were not enough, we are also giving you the chance to win the latest fashion craze heading out of Milan. That's right, you could be the proud owner of a limited edition JBoss soccer jersey . Just head along to the booth and enter the raffle for your chance to win.
JBoss parties at JavaOne
As you know JBoss loves to party and this year is no exception. We will be hosting the “Lightning in the Cloud” JBoss party on Tuesday, October 4th, starting at 5:30pm PST. The party will be held at the historic “Slide” at 430 Mason St (between Derby St and Geary St), adjacent to Union Square where we will have food, drinks, music and a great crowd.
Remember to reserve your party invitation by registering now, then go by the JBoss booth, #5502, to pick up the invitation.
Transactions within TorqueBox
One of the most exciting developments this week has to be the announcement from the TorqueBox team about their support for XA transactions within Ruby, further enhancing the integration between Ruby and the JBoss Application Server. The team has come up with an elegant integration, something that is not easy to do when transactions are involved.
If you want to find out how this affects your MessageProcessors, JMS messages, Background tasks or manipulation of your ActiveRecords then take a look at Jim's excellent post.
Forge, EE6 and OpenShift Express
Are you interested in deploying EE6 applications to the cloud? Do you think it is hard to achieve? Think again!
In this video Lincoln walks us through the creation of an EE6 application using Forge and how this can then be deployed to OpenShift Express.
Lincoln starts with the generation of a simple web application then, having shown how to deploy this to the cloud, he continues to demonstrate the flexibility of Forge by extending the application to
- generate a persistent entity representing a user
- generate web pages to manipulate the entities
- generate a REST endpoint to expose manipulation of the entities
All of this is achieved using Forge, deployed to the cloud, takes less than 10 mins, and doesn't have an editor in sight. Very impressive.
The Future of Seam
Seam has been going through a number of changes of late and, as a consequence, rumors are starting to circulate about its future. Shane has written a wonderful article discussing Seam and its future direction, its goal of uniting the CDI developer community and its aim of fostering innovation through the encouragement and incubation of new ideas and improvements.
If you are interested in Seam then it is a must-read.
Modular Serialization
Jason has taken some time to describe the inherent problems of using Java Serialization within a modular environment. He describes a number of common problem cases and covers a number of possible solutions. It is a very good article and one that should not be missed.
JBoss Portlet Bridge passes JSR-329 TCK
Wesley has recently announced that, after a lot of effort, JBoss Portlet Bridge has passed the JSR-329 TCK and has been approved by Oracle. Congratulations to all involved in the process.
If you want to judge Wesley's excitement then take a look at the video he provides by way of a comparison
RichFaces and Mobile Web Frameworks
If you are interested in mobile development and RichFaces then you will definitely want to follow Wesley's series on RichFaces development for mobile applications. He continues the series with his second article, covering bookmarkable URLs and how to use the back button from within AJAX driven pages.
Developer Notes on the JBoss AS7 Console
The JBoss AS7 management console, as many of you may know, is implemented using GWT. In this article Heiko discusses the implications of the detyped model used within the application server and the strongly typed model required by the GWT components, introducing some of the building blocks used to convert between the two representations.
Envers in JBossAS
Envers is a hibernate core module which enables the auditing of modification to your persistent entities with the addition of a simple annotation, now bundled within JBoss AS 7.0.2. Adam has written a post describing how to integrate Envers into your application and includes a small JSF/CDI application by way of a demonstration.
SwitchYard and Forge
Keith has created a great video showcasing the integration between SwitchYard and Forge. If you are interested in either of these projects then check out his post for the video link.
OpenBlend and SIOUG
OpenBlend is a one-day OpenSource conference held at the beautiful Ljubljana Castle in Slovenia. Having had time to recover from the celebrations, Ales has now found some time to blog about the conference and his subsequent “CDI and Arquillian” workshop, with Marko, at SIOUG.
New Releases
Always keen to bring you new and exciting developments, here is a round up of the project releases that have happened in the last week
September 29th - Hibernate Core 4.0.0.CR4 is out, check out the release notes for details.
September 25th - Drools 5.3.0.CR1 is out, check the new and noteworthy changes.
As well as these candidate releases we also have
September 29th - Hibernate Search 4.0 beta 2 is released, removing the dependency on hibernate core. Checkout Emmanuel's post and read the Migration Guide before updating.
Upcoming JBoss Events
The SoftShake IT conference will be happening in Geneva on October 3rd & 4th. If you are attending then make sure to catch Galder's presentations on Data Grids.
JBoss In Bossa, the JBug:Brasil Conference, will be happening on October 8th. Make sure to attend if you are in the region.
JUDCon 2011:London will be happening on October 31st and November 1st, leading up to the JAX London event. If you are going to JAX, or will be in the area, then get yourself down to JUDCon. This is another great opportunity to learn from the source.
That's all for this week, please check back next week for more updates. If you are attending Java One or SoftShake then have fun.