This week in JBoss (18th of November 2011)
Posted by marklittle in Weekly Editorial on Nov 20, 2011 12:46:37 PMIt looks like it's my turn again to give everyone an update on the world of JBoss over the past week. Before I dive in, it's worth mentioning that next week's editorial should cover all things Devoxx related and since I was at QCon San Francisco during the week, I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say too!
So we started the week with a quick look back at something that happened at JUDCon London earlier this month: the JBoss Asylum podcast, hosted as usual by Max and Emmanuel (I still expect them to open these podcasts in a very Robin Williams 'Gooooood morning JBoss' shout!) In this episode the team decided to do a panel session on Polyglot JBoss, i.e., what non-Java languages are we using or thinking of using in the future. As you can guess, this has a lot of relevance with JBoss Everywhere.
Since we're talking about JUDCon, it's worth mentioning or reminding everyone that the next event will be in just over two months time in Bangalore. If you haven't submitted something already then you should definitely get a move on, and of course don't forget to register and attend. Although we don't know yet who will be presenting, it's certain from what they've said this week that both Heiko Braun and Mark Proctor are hoping to be present and would make any JUDCon a place to be at!
Someone else who may be at JUDCon India is Kris Verlaenen, jBPM lead, and who this week had a lot to say about executable BPMN 2.0 and jBPM:
"Bruce Silver did a blog recently, wondering whether any tools already exist that truly support executable BPMN 2.0. He defines supporting executable BPMN 2.0 as not just following the graphical notation guidelines (that are probably not that different from BPMN 1.x), but also supporting the underling XML serialization. And not just the basic high-level elements, but also the details that are necessary to come to executable processes, like process data, data mappings, service interfaces, etc. I believe that jBPM satisfies these requirements!"
So check out what he has to say and also give jBPM a try. It's evolved a lot since jBPM 3 and is already a critical component by itself, but also within several other projects and platforms.
There were a couple of announcements this week related to tooling. The first was from Max, or rather Max commenting on an announcement from Google that they had finally open sourced their Eclipse plugin. As Max says: "With the open sourcing of the plugin we are looking forward to working even more closely with the Google team and the rest of the community on making the developer experience even more productive and an integrated part of Eclipse platform."
The second was from me about work we've been doing across the company on improving the developer experience for OpenShift, our public PaaS effort. There's a webinar on the subject tomorrow (21st of November), so register for that and hear from Max and others directly, as well as be able to ask your questions.
Finally we have the usual project announcements, including BoxGrinder 0.9.8, another CR for Hibernate Search 4.0.0, the first CR for Teiid 7.6, and last but by no means least, Bela talked about the jGroups 3.0.0.Final release.
OK, that's it for this week. It hasn't been as announcement-full as other weeks, but I suspect that's because everyone has been busy producing things to talk about next week!