This week in JBoss (1st March 2012): Leaping ahead in creativity
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Mar 1, 2012 2:00:52 PMAnother week goes by and the productivity and diversity of JBoss and its Communities continues to be demonstrated through their numerous articles and releases. What better way to keep up with these events than by reading your Weekly Editorial.
JBoss AS 7.1
The recent release of JBoss AS 7.1 continues to spur postings from those who are working in related areas. This week is the turn of Max Andersen who has written a series of posts describing the AS features that he has been more closely involved with.
"What am I excited about?" introduces the series and explains how to work around the one issue which may surface if you are trying to get JBoss Tools 3.3 M5 to work with AS 7.1. The series continues with a discussion on "Deployable Datasources" and "Developer Friendly Security" before finishing with his last post entitled "Quickstarts Frenzy".
If you have been following what has been happening within the Ceylon community then you will already be aware of the tremendous advances they have been making over the last few months. Recently they have taken another big step forward in enabling interoperability with Ceylon and Java. Take a look at Gavin's post, "Trying out Ceylon's Java Interop", to discover what is now possible within the Ceylon language.
WebSockets vs REST?
Mark Little has a knack of writing thought provoking posts and "WebSockets vs REST" is no different. In this article he covers a number of the discussions which are currently being held about the relationship between WebSockets and REST. Are they complementary technologies? Are they competing technologies? Join the discussion and add your thoughts.
Drools - Community Health, Games and Employee Rosters
In "Measuring Risk via Community Health" Mark Proctor discusses some of the concerns which surface when deciding to adopt new technologies and how confidence can often be gained from looking at the health of the communities behind the technologies. He also found time to post a video showing how to build a graphical game in 20 mins using Drools; who said that you couldn't have fun with rules engines?
Geoffrey has already demonstrated how Drools Planner can be used to solve problems such as "The Travelling Salesman"; now he turns his attention to another common problem, the scheduling of an employee roster.
Marshalling within Errai
The ability to marshall objects within GWT presents the developer with particular challenges that are not encountered within java. In "Errai Marshalling: Good for Immutable Types" Jonathan Fuerth describes an Errai solution to the problem, demonstrating how to marshall mutable beans, immutable beans and handle creation through the use of the factory method pattern.
Metawidget and AeroGear
Richard Kennard has recently been working with the AeroGear team on a "proof of concept" which aims to integrate JBoss Forge and Metawidgets, enabling the development of mobile applications based on POH5 and JQuery. Take a look at his article to find out where things currently stand.
BoxGrinder in Fedora 17
The BoxGrinder team have recently been investigating the changes which are necessary to support BoxGrinder over three Fedora releases (15, 16 and 17). In "Preparing for Fedora 17", Marc Savy describes some of the issues that were discovered and how they managed to address them across the different releases.
Caching within Immutant
The Immutant project supports the development of Clojure applications within an environment that allows integration with various JBoss technologies. In the next article in their "Getting Started" series, Jim Crossley explores how the integration with Infinispan enables caching features that can be used within Clojure applications.
Infinispan out and about
The Infinispan team will be giving a number of presentations over the next few weeks, spreading the word on Infinispan and its capabilities.
Manik is currently visiting the US and will be presenting at the Wisconsin Java User Group, on 1st March, followed by visits to the Chicago JBUG on the 5th of March and the DC Area JBug on 14th of March.
Mircea with be at CodeMotion in Rome, presenting his "Infinispan in 50 minutes" talk on the 23rd of March. He follows that with a visit to Miracle Open World, being held in Billund, Denmark between 18th-20th April, to give his presentation describing how Radargun is used to help measure Infinispan's performance.
Galder will be staying closer to home, presenting "Infinispan and Datagrid" at Alpes JUG in Grenoble on the 29th of March.
Drools takes on London
The 8th of March sees the Drools team arrive in London for a full morning of presentations on Drools & jBPM technologies. Take a look at the agenda and sign up before all the places have been taken. Remember, spaces are limited.
Another busy week for the projects with numerous releases appearing in the usual places.
- The ModeShape team have announced the release of ModeShape 2.8.0.Final
- Steven has announced the release of Teiid 7.7 Final
- Brian has announced the release of RichFaces 4.2.0.Final
- Lincoln has announced the release of JBossForge 1.0.0.Final
- Anil has announced the release of PicketLink 2.0.2.Final
- Galder has announced the release of Infinispan 5.1.2.CR1
- Emmanuel has announced the release of Hibernate Search 4.1 CR1 & 3.4.2 and includes a discussion on the main benefit of the release, the ability to intercept indexing operations.
- The Errai team have announced the release of Errai 2.0.Beta2
- Jesper has announced the latest alpha release of IronJacamar, IronJacamar 1.1.0.Alpha6, and describes the first new feature in the 1.1 series: Lazy Connection Manager.
- The Arquillian team have announced the release of Arquillian Extension Android 1.0.0.Alpha1
That's all for this week. Check back next week for more information about JBoss and its vibrant Communities.