This week in JBoss (10th May 2012): When Something Unexpected Appears
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on May 10, 2012 5:22:36 PMIf you work with the JBoss Community on a regular basis then you will already be aware of the fantastic contributions that come in from all areas with each of the projects having a vibrant community that, through quality submissions, helps to develop and define the direction of those projects; but every now and again something completely unexpected comes along. Community member Christos Vasilakis has done just that. While working in his spare time, Christos decided to develop an impressive iPhone app to help with the remote administration of JBoss AS 7 servers and has now released version 1.0 of this app. You can find more details about it, including how to get hold of the source code, in his announcement. If you are interested in how this app works alongside JBoss Tools then Max has already answered this, having created a screencast which demonstrates both in action.
JBoss AS 7.1 now on OpenShift
Pete has written an article introducing the availability of JBoss AS 7.1 on OpenShift, the RedHat Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) provider. As part of this announcement the team have put together a series of videos demonstrating how quickly you can deploy a mobile ready application to the cloud, deploy and consume REST services, take advantage of high performance messaging and much more. Additional videos are planned for the series so pleae keep checking the Vimeo channel for updates.
Migrating to Java EE6
Shane continues his fantastic series with another three posts discussing the issues encountered when upgrading the JBoss Trading application from a Java EE5 based application to a Java EE6 based application. In these final three parts he covers
- Part III - the final configuration modifications required to support the structure introduced in Part II
- Part IV - the source code and configuration changes required for deployment of the EJB/REST/WS clients and integration tests
- Part V - the final part covering the cleanup of source code and configuration for deployment, integration and performance testing
In another post about migration, Ray Ploski introduces part 3 of a series on how to migrate from Spring to Java EE 6. The series, written by Bert Ertman and Paul Bakker of Luminis, goes into great depth on the rationale behind the migration and demonstrates, through real world examples, not only how to upgrade the application but also how it can be tested using Arquillian.
RichFaces and Twitter Bootstrap
The RichFaces team have recently begun an effort to integreate the RichFaces CDK with Twitter Bootstrap, thanks in no small part to community member Paul Dijou. Brian has written an article introducing the work and discussing some of his favourite components. You will also be able to find details on hoe to run the current demo and, if you would like to join the fun, on how to get involved with the future development.
Drools Planner benchmarking goes multi-threaded
Lukáš Petrovický has recently submitted modifications to Drools Planner in order to enable support for multi-threading during benchmarking. Geoffrey has written an article introducing the new functionality, describing how it can be enabled and demonstrates some of its obvious benefits.
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence
As part of the preparations for the Drools 5.4 release, Mark Proctor has recently updated the introductory documentation to include a fascinating, brief history of Artificial Intelligence. Well worth a read if you are even remotely interested in this interesting topic.
Releases for the week
The TorqueBox team have quickly followed up on their last release by releasing TorqueBox 2.0.3.
The Hibernate team have two releases this week
The Weld team have released Weld 1.1.8.Final.
The latest version of the JBoss AS7 Management Console, version 1.3.0 is now available.
The Errai team have just released the first release in their latest and greatest series, Errai 2.0 is now available for download.
The Portal team have released the third beta of their next major release, Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Beta3.
The RHQ team have also annouced the release of RHQ 4.4 released.
That's all for this week, make sure that you check back next week to catch up on all that is happening within the JBoss Community.