This week in JBoss: Catch a fly ! (March 20h 2014)
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Mar 20, 2014 11:22:06 AMLast week was a miss, so this week, the JBoss Weekly Editorial comes back with a packed edition - to be sure that you miss nothing of what has happen since the 6th of march ! Hope you enjoy this one even more !
Wildfly on JBoss Asylum
If, like me, you have little time to read but spend a lot of time standing in line, in the plane or in the train, you'll be quite happy to hear that the JBoss Asylum team has just released a new podcast on Wildfly. Probably the simplest way to learn about it and all the current works and enhancements in Wildfly, don't miss it !
The podcast covers many topics from the management, security, handling of datasources, using the CLI, or the brand new web server, Undertow - which is focused on high performance and stability.
Last nice item on Wildfly, and following the discontinuation of Glassfish, Arun Gupta has write up a nice blog entry on migrating from Glassfish to Wildfly...
Infinispan, to boldly go where no one has gone before
The infinispan project and community keep reaching new horizons and cross new frontiers. The first one being the frontier of C# ! Indeed, a brand new Hot Rod C# client for Infinispan has been released. You can now scale your C# applications using the Infinispan as in-memory cache or a data grid.
Along those line, it's also quite exciting to learn that Hot Rod is also now available in OSGI ! With all of that, there is less and less reason to NOT used Infinispan ...
Also, this week have seen the first release - at least, after 13 years ! - of the JCache API (JSR 107). Within the JBoss universe, Infinispan is the implementation of this specification, but most importantly, the specification allow you to leverage infinispan within your Java app - or even JEE application, in a standard, portable fashion.
At last, to be sure, no one can stop (for legal) reason, the "USS Infinispan" to cross its final frontier, the release 6.0.2, includes ASL2-licensed JBoss Marshalling.
BRMS & BPM : no rest for the wicked
Eric Schabell does not know how to stop, and has again released some pretty cool materials on BRMS, including an online workshop, a blog entry on BPM support for matrix Control Workflow Patterns, and a very cool preview of a Process Designer (on Openshift !). All those material are up to date with the latest of the release of JBoss BPM 6 (based on jBPM 6).
If you want to learn more about this later release, a JBoss BPM 6 webinar has also been released.
Teid, real life use cases
As mentioned by Ramesh on his blog, here are two very interesting articles describing how to use Teid :
- Provision Data Virtualization on OpenShift and Connect from Teiid Designer
- Salesforce as a REST service using Data Virtualization
... and some more items
- Thomas Segismont, a RHQ developer, just released a quite interesting blog post on how to monitor MBean deployed on Wildfly / JBoss EAP 6,but also an exciting new project called Simone: a Java library for system monitoring !
- If you feel like contributing to a new project, and that Simone just mentioned above, has not raised your interest, you might be interested in the Thym project proposal from the JBoss Tools team.
- JBoss Evangelists are on tour in Europe !
- Follow Andrew R. and Arun Gupta across the continent and catch them if you can ! They are not Pokemons, but you'll definitely learn a lot attending their talks.
- AeroGear Push updates to OpenShift and standalone servers
- As always, the JBoss universe is full of releases, including in the last two weeks:
If there is something that Java people has sometimes to face with RHEL is tuning the OS layer to increase their app performances, in order to ensure that the system "does the right thing". A while back, I've blogged about tuned-adm, which is a nice way for "a non Linux expert" to configure the kernel accordingly to one's usage.
Along those lines, but in more in depth, there was a couple of interesting articles recently published on the Red Hat developer blog on performances tuning for caches and huge pages:
Worth mentioning also is this blog entry on COPRs, a system designed to help people make theirs RPMs easily available over the internet. Even more importantly, COPRs can build for all the system one wishes for (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and so on...). This is quite handy because if you package a Java app as an RPM, having it build for all those targets is a no-brainer, but still a time consuming (and boring) task. In this case, COPRs will take care of that for you - so certainly worth a look !
That's all the news we have for you this week, join us next week for the next installment from JBoss...