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Weekly Editorial

69 Posts authored by: kconner

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Editorial where we take you through some of the work that has been taking place within the community over the past week.


Kubernetes, Docker and Swarm


We begin this week's editorial by taking a look at a number of posts written by Arun, covering topics including Docker Compose, Docker Swarm and replication in Kubernetes.  His first post demonstrates how to set up a multi-container application using Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.  He follows this up with two posts discussing kubernetes and its replication controller, first demonstrating how the replication controller can automatically restart pods when necessary before moving on to discuss how to use the replication controller to modify the number of instances of a running image, scaling a cluster up or down.


Camel on WildFly


Marcus has written three posts this week discussing how to use Camel on WildFly to solve some problems you may face.  In his first post he demonstrates how to leverage Camel routes within JavaEE components through integration with CDI, JSF, JAX-RS and EJBs.  He then looks at how to use the HornetQ JMS bridge to integrate queues from a backend Weblogic server into WildFly, testing the integration using Camel, before ending the week by taking a fresh look at a demonstration written by Christina Lin and showing how the same application can be developed using JPA and CDI integration with Camel.


BRMS Goodies


This week has seen Eric provide updates to some of his BRMS goodies.  He began by providing an update to his BRMS Cool Store Demo, taking advantage of a number of the fixes that have gone in to JBoss BRMS 6.1.1 to showcase its features, and then followed up by introducing a canned version of a workshop that you are free to use with any audience, whether a JUG, JBUG, work group, a conference or any other.


Hello Vert.x


If you have already heard of Vert.x then you will know that it is a project that enables reactive applications to be developed, relying on event driven and non-blocking features to scale applications with minimal hardware requirements.  To help you get started with this we have two "Hello World" tutorials, the first demonstrating how to develop a Vert.x application using java and the second demonstrating how to develop a Vert.x application using javascript.


Visual Editor for JEE Batch


The tooling team have added a new visual editor to support JSR-352 batch files, an API that provides support for Batch applications within the Java platform.  The editor is now available in JBoss Tools 4.3 and Developer Studio 9 for you to try out.


Hibernate Search Roadmap


Sanne has recently spent time updating the roadmap for Hibernate Search and has now provided a summary of the major aspects currently under development, also including some information on the direction they wish to take with future efforts.


Camel In Action, the sequel


Claus and Jonathan are writing a second edition of their popular Camel In Action book, a major rewrite of the first one.  As well as updating many of the existing chapters they are including six new chapters covering many of the new features that have been introduced into Camel over the recent years.


Hawkular Alerts


Hawkular Alerts is a new project spawned out of the experience learned during the development of the RHQ project, providing  fast, scalable alerting as part of the Hawkular Monitoring project.


VDB Builder


The Teiid team are busy developing a more versatile VDB editing tool called VDB Builder, a command line tool allowing the creation, editing and management of dynamic VDBs and their content.  Their first milestone release is now available and is ready for you to start experimenting.


JBoss Out and About


Arun and Devoxx4Kids were recently seen in London at the Minecon 2015 convention where they were fortunate to present their Minecraft Modding workshop to approximately 200 kids.  The workshop was a success with many kids experiencing their first opportunity to develop software through extensions to a game they love to play.


New Releases



That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities.

Welcome to another edition of the  Weekly Editorial where we take a quick spin through the JBoss Communities and highlight some of the interesting work that has been taking place over the last week


Data Mapping within the Camel Editor


Strong data mapping tooling is a capability that has been missing from JBoss Tools suite for some time however a recent effort to improve the tooling has had this as its focus.  In the first part of a series to cover this work Brian introduces us to some of the underlying technologies that are being used within transformation, explains how to obtain the new tooling capabilities and finishes this first part by demonstrating how these capabilities are being integrated into the Camel tooling in order to handle data transformations as part of an existing camel route.


NoSQL with Hibernate OGM


In the third installment of the tutorial series "NoSQL with Hibernate OGM", Gunnar demonstrates how to use Hibernate OGM from within a Jave EE application.  This installment extends the entity models created in the previous installments and introduces additional functionality showing how to expose those models through JAX-RS endpoints.


Java EE deployment within Docker Containers


Interest in the containerisation of applications has grown over recent times with many of us exploring how this impacts the way in which  we package our applications and deploy them into production environments.  If you are still investigating this technology then you may find this post by Markus to be of interest, in which he covers some of the major advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


Type Functions within Ceylon


The Ceylon team have recently been experimenting with a new feature to introduce type functions into Ceylon, technically known as higher order generic types and higher rank generic types, and are looking for feedback from the community to determine whether this is a capability that should be included in the language specification and officially supported.  Gavin has a post covering the experimental feature, including a very good explanation of what is being proposed, and there are already some very good conversations happening within the comment section.


Dependent Joins with Teiid


If you have been using Teiid to join disparate data sources then you may have come across a number of scenarios where the Teiid planner cannot determine a good plan using statistical analysis.  If this is the case then Ramesh has an answer for you, introducing an optimisation that can be used to reduce the impact of your statements through the inclusion of hints.


Camel and IoT


IoT is garnering a lot of attention these days and, with its support for MQTT, the Apache Camel project is well placed to help provide solutions.  Claus has found one such project where Camel is being used to help gather air quality metrics from IoT devices all over France.


JBoss Out and About


With  Red Hat Summit  starting in a few weeks many people are busy preparing for their presentations or going through the Agenda to sign up for interesting sessions.  If you are attending Summit, and interested in BPM, then you may wish to check out a couple of labs being hosted by Eric Schabell and others, Racing Camel with BPM and JBoss Fuse and Choose Your Own Adventure with JBoss BPM Suite.


New Releases



That's all for this week's editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more exciting news from our communities.

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Editorial.  Sit back, grab a drink and relax as we take you for a spin through the projects that make up the JBoss Community.


When are Champions No Longer Champions?


When they are Heroes of course.  Last month we announced the creation of a new program to recognise those community members who are passionate advocates of JBoss technologies.  This program was launched under the name JBoss Champions but is now called JBoss Heroes.  Do you know of any heroes?  If so get nominating!


EAP 6.4 is Out


JBoss EAP 6.4 has just been released with many enhancements and new features, the biggest being the inclusion of Java 8 amongst the list of supported virtual machines.  This is a timely release, as Markus points out, as Java SE 7 will no longer be receiving updates from Oracle after this month.  Arun has provided a summary of many of the new features and how to obtain the binaries.




The DevNation conference is taking place in Boston this year, from June 21st to June25th, with early bird pricing finishing today (24th April).  The conference agenda and featured speakers have now been announced so what are you waiting for?  This is a great opportunity to meet many of the core engineers in person, perhaps over a beer, and talk about anything.  The conference is also hosting a Devoxx4Kids event with submissions for this event remaining open until May 7th.


JavaOne Submissions


JBoss projects are usually well represented at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco with many core developers and community members giving presentations on many topics.  Our very own Markus Eisele, who is again part of this year's program committee, has some great advice for those who are still considering a submission.  Hurry up though, the Call for Papers closes on April 29th!


The conference is also working with the Devoxx4Kids organisation to run a special track aimed at children, submissions for this track are handled through the same Call for Papers process.


Docker, Docker, Docker


Docker is a technology that is generating a lot of interest within JBoss with many of our projects and products already creating dockerised versions so that you can focus more on how they are used rather than how they are configured.  Last week's release of Docker 1.6.0 brings numerous improvements, not only to the docker client but also to a number of other docker projects.


In Tech Tip #84 Arun introduces  a number of these changes while concentrating primarily on the changes that have gone in to Docker Machine.  He then follows up with Tech Tip #85 where he demonstrates how to orchestrate a cluster of containers using Docker Swarm.  Markus also covers some good news for those who work on Windows as this release also sees the introduction of the first Docker Client for Windows.


Kerberos in Keycloak


The release of Keycloak 1.2.0.Beta1 introduced support for login using Kerberos tickets through SPNEGO (Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism).  Marek has written an article describing the flow of a typical authentication scenario and explaining the steps required to set up the Keycloak provider.


Asynchronous Continuation in jBPM 6.3


The 6.3 release of jBPM will introduce a lot of changes however there is one feature that stands out having been requested many times, asynchronous continuation.  What is asynchronous continuation?  How can you make use of this features within your business processes?  Let Maciej show you how.


Visual Data Transformations


Keith Babo, of SwitchYard fame, has been working hard over the last eight months leading a team tasked with developing visual tooling in support of data mapping.  Claus has recently taken a look at their work, has some advice for how you can get started with their tooling and has provided links to some videos covering the various mapping styles they currently support.  Well worth some of your time!


JBoss Out and About



New Releases



That's all we have for this week's Editorial, we hope you have found something interesting to investigate and hopefully something that you feel you can contribute to.  Join us again next week when we will bring more news from around the JBoss Communities.

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Editorial, ready yourself for a roller coaster ride as we take you through the many exciting developments from within the communities that surround JBoss,


You are the Champions


This week sees the launch of a new program at JBoss, the JBoss Champions, designed to honour those who are passionate advocates for JBoss Technologies and active members of their respective communities.  The first tranche of Champions have now been announced, these are Adam Bien, Alexis Hassler, Antonin Stefanutti, Antonio Goncalves, Bartosz Majsak, Francesco Marchioni, Geert Schuring, Guillaume Scheibel, Jaikiran Pai, John Ament, Mariano Nicolas De Maio and Paris Apostolopoulos.  Congratulations to each of these founding Champions, the JBoss Communities would never be the same without the participation of people such as these.


Developer Interviews with Markus


This week we have two Developer Interviews for you.  In the first interview (#DI15) Markus talks to Niko Köbler and discusses his work on comparing the performance of Node.js and WildFly when implementing High Performance Microservices.  In the second interview (#DI16) Markus talks with Veer Muchandi and discusses Docker, OpenShift Enterprise v3 and Kubernetes.


Tech Tips with Arun


This week we have two tech tips from Arun.  In tech tip #75 Arun walks us through the process to bind WildFly on to a specific IP address or all available IP addresses on a multihomed machine.  In tech tip #76 Arun walks us through the procedure for creating a Continuous Integration environment, in this case jenkins, that can monitor a git repository for updates, run a build to create the binary artifacts and finally publish those artifacts to Nexus where they can be consumed by your community.


Developments within Tooling


The tooling team have been very busy this week, not satisfied with pushing out new beta releases of JBoss Tools and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio we also see a number of very interesting posts from members of the various teams feeding in to these releases.  In the first post Lars introduces us to some of the new features that will soon be seen in the Fuse tooling, the highlight of which being the new integrated Camel Debugger.  The next posts are a two-part series from Rob Stryker discussing the options for deploying applications into a dockerised WildFly container.  In the first of the series Rob demonstrates how we can deploy applications into the container through use of docker volumes with the second demonstrating how we can deploy the applications through the WildFly Management API.


Camel and Fuse


If you are interested in the Camel and/or Fuse ecosystems then we have plenty for you to read this week.  The first set of articles are written by Kenneth Peebles who describes how to integrate a Virtual Database into a camel route, his second article demonstrates how to integrate Fuse with SalesForce and his final article provides a primer for secure communications using SSL/TLS.  The second set of articles are written by Christina Lin and consist of part 1 and 2 in a series emulating a Vegetable Wholesale Warehouse Biding System.  In the first part she demonstrates how to parse the incoming CSV file detailing the delivered goods with the second part demonstrating how this information can then be forwarded to interested customers through the use of websockets.


BPM and Business Resource Planner


Eric Schabell begins this week with the first part of a series discussing the performance and sizing of Business Resource Planner, along with co-authors Maggie Hu and Geoffrey De Smet, by introducing the technology and some example cases through which you can explore its use.  If you wish to know more about this technology then register for the upcoming webinar taking place on March 18th.


Eric has also written an article launching a new BPM demo project called JBoss BPM Baggage Delivery, written especially for those of us who have gone through the pain of arriving at our destinations without our luggage


Composing Docker Containers


Those of you who watched Veer's video will already be aware of the work being done on OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker however sometimes we need only the ability to compose images through a lightweight tool without necessarily requiring the additional flexibility and resilience that comes through the deployment of Kubernetes.  If this is a requirement you have then Thomas' article will be of interest as he introduces us to Docker Compose, a new tool recently announced by Docker to simplify the composition of existing containers.


Arun has since written tech tip #77 to discuss the same topic, in this instance showing how to rewrite his earlier article on integrating WildFly with MySQL so that it now works with Docker Compose.


Immutant Happenings


Jim has recently posted some quick notes on the happenings within the Immutant community, discussing a survey to gauge how we are using Immutant, integration with the Luminus web toolkit, bugs within the beta2 that are now addressed in the incremental builds and plans for the upcoming 2.0.0-Final release.


JBoss Out and About


Max Andersen, Mickael Istria and others will be attending EclipseCon US in San Francisco, this event takes place between March 9th and March 12th.


Christian Posta will be giving a talk at the DevNexus conference in Atlanta, this event takes  place between March 10th and March 12th.


New Releases



Hopefully you have manged to find something interesting in all that we have shared this week, we have covered a diverse set of topics and demonstrated how rich the JBoss ecosystem continues to be.  Please join us next week when we will bring you another exciting installment from the JBoss Weekly Editorial.

Welcome to this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, our regular dip into the communities around JBoss.  In this week's edition we highlight a number of interesting topics, tutorials and videos that will keep you informed of the many recent developments occurring within those communities and hope that they serve as a start for your own explorations.  We hope you enjoy what follows.


Flying with JBoss BPM Travel Agency


Eric continues his series describing the JBoss BPM Travel Agency with his third video in the four part series.  This episode discusses the inclusion of compensation flows within the workflow that can be fired when fraudulent activities are discovered.  For extra credit you can even try to spot the JBoss BPM Travel Agency posters, sending a photo of those posters via twitter could earn you a goodie bag of BPM goodies.


We continue  the BPM theme with a post from Maciej who describes one mechanism for executing tasks concurrently, known as "Multiple Instances".  This component provides a mechanism through which multiple instances of a task or subflow can be created to concurrently process information available in collections, terminating when a specific completion condition has been fired.


Vehicle Routing with OptaPlanner


OptaPlanner 6.2 sees the inclusion of a new strategy that is useful for scaling Vehicle Routing problems and similar use cases.  The strategy, called nearby selection, allows OptaPlanner to handle larger problems much more efficiently.


Marcus' Developer Interviews


This week's Developer Interview sees Marcus interviewing Henryk Konsek, a support engineer with Red Hat who deals primarily with Middleware and Integration technologies.  In this interview Marcus and Henryk discuss Apache Camel, Fabric, MongoDB, Docker and Microservices.


Configuring TLS in WildFly


Marcus has recently been investigating some of the security aspects of WildFly 8 and came across some capabilities that are not as well documented as previous versions, in this instance how to enable TLS using the new web subsystem Undertow.  Never fear though, Marcus has taken on the challenge and has produced a great walk through describing the changes that are necessary to enable TLS handling via Undertow.


Vert.x with gulp


Vert.x is often touted as a polyglot alternative to node.js running on the JVM but what does this really mean to a node programmer?  Follow Brian's investigation as he looks at how you can use using gulp, a node.js build tool, to build a vert.x 2 module.


Scalable Splash Screens with Cordova


Having a splash screen on a mobile application is a great way of letting your users know that your application is running and performing its initialisation tasks, providing invaluable feedback.  In his second post of the week Brian summarises how he created a scalable splash screen and what configuration was necessary to allow it to be used within a Cordova application.


JBoss Out and About


The Infinispan team will be back at FOSDEM in Brussels this Saturday January 31st, represented by Gustavo who will be presenting a session on advanced querying capabilities  entitled "Querying your datagrid with Lucene, Hadoop and Spark".


Last week saw Eric present his session entitled "Is Platform as a Service (PaaS) in your future?" at the Power to Innovate event in Utrecht, if you missed the session, or attended but didn't take enough notes, then Eric now has his slides available online.


New Releases


That's all for this week's spin through the JBoss world, please join us again next week when we will take you through more interesting and informative articles written by our communities.

Welcome to this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial.  The wind down to the holiday break has already begun but that does not mean we have a quiet week, many within the community have been finalising releases and writing articles in order to give you plenty to do over the upcoming holidays.  Join me as we take a spin through this week's community news and events.


Watch and Learn with Arun


This week sees Arun publish two long, informative videos on Java EE development, the first video continuing the Hangout sessions with Paul Bakker and the second continuing Arun's Tech Tip series.


In the first video Arun and Paul discuss how to develop modular Java EE applications with OSGi.  They cover the importance of building modular Java EE applications, how this can be enabled through the use of OSGi, how to transform an existing Java EE application, how to deploy the application into production and much more.  In the second video Arun demonstrates what is necessary to create a Java EE workflow on OpenShift.  Arun covers how to develop and deploy an application using JBoss Developer Studio, how to set up Test and Production instances, how to run Continuous Integration using Jenkins, finishing with how to run tests within the Test environment and finally promote the application into Production.


Drools and jBPM examples and jBPM Maintenance


Eric and others from the Drools and jBPM teams have been very busy developing suites of example projects to help get you started with rules, events, planning and BPM projects.  These projects are tied together in two suites, providing a logical order in which to learn, with many of the examples being updated over the last few weeks to provide a better experience to those of us running within a Windows environment.  Once you have your jBPM project up and running you will then want to check out Maciej's article in which he explains some of the regular tasks that an administrator needs to be aware of in order to maintain a healthy environment.


Merry Christmas from the KeyCloak team


This has been a big year for the KeyCloak team with the release of their first alpha at the beginning of the year and the release of their first stable release towards the end of the year.  Next year appears to be just as ambitious with their current road map including Custom User Profiles, Two-Factor Authentication, SMS integration, OpenID Connect dynamic registration and many more.  This is definitely a project to watch in 2015!


Infinispan Remote Events and Certification


The Infinispan team are finishing the year with the conclusion of their "Hot Rod Remote Events" series.  In their last post of the series they discuss how remote events are delivered in a clustered environment and how to handle failures so that failover does not result in a loss of events.  If you are interested in Infinispan then this series will provide a great deal of insight into the support of remote events and is well worth catching up on.


The Infinispan team have also announced that their Infinispan 7.0.2.Final release includes a nice present, the first version of infinispan-jcache that has been certified as compliant with JSR-107.  This now allows applications to take advantage of the standard Java API used for caching temporary java objects in memory.


Testing Mobile Devices in JBoss Tools


With the explosion of mobile devices, especially within the Android ecosystem, you will find that most device simulators will only contain entries for the more popular devices, missing out less popular or newer models.  In order to test the other devices it is often necessary to create a custom device within you simulator, something that is very easy to do within the JBoss Tools BrowserSim as Ilya ably demonstrates.


Java Mission Control and Flight Recorder with WildFly


Recent releases of the Oracle Java JDKs include a number of tools that allow you to monitor and manage Java applications without the normal performance overhead expected from profiling, relying instead on data that is already collected in support of  the normal dynamic optimisations within the JVM.  There are a couple of steps that are necessary to enable this within a WildFly or EAP server but don't be concerned as Markus has spent time documenting all that is necessary to take advantage of these tools.


Teiid, Twitter and OAuth


Ramesh has written a nice article describing how to access Twitter data using Teiid and OAuth, exposing the information to applications through a Virtual Database.  It does assume a reasonable knowledge of Teiid however it also includes a link to their quickstarts if you need a refresher on Teiid's capabilities.


JBoss Out and About


Markus Eisele will be talking at OUGN Vårseminar 2015, being held March 12-14 in Oslo, Norway.  He has two sessions confirmed so far, "50 Best Features of Java EE 7" and "How PaaS, IoT and DevOps Change The Way We Develop"


New Releases


- The Hibernate team have announced the release of HIbernate Search 5.0.0.Final and Hibernate OGM 4.1 Final.

- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid Designer 9.0 and also their second alpha of the Teiid 8.10 release.

- The JBoss Tools team have announced the release of JBoss Tools 4.2.1 and JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1.


That is all for this week!  Please join us next week for our last Editorial of the year, authored as usual by Mark Little.

Welcome to this week's Editorial, a summary of the news and events that have been happening throughout the JBoss Community.


Monitoring through RHQ


There has been a lot of work taking place within RHQ and associated projects this week, fortunately a number of the team have been busy writing articles describing the efforts under way.  In the first post of the week Heiko has written an article introducing the work being done to integrate RHQ monitoring with InfluxDB, highlighting this by demonstrating how to use RHQ and InfluxDB to monitor WildFly instances.  Thomas introduces the work being done on netty-collectd, the netty decoded for the collectd binary protocol, discusses the current status of the work and the plans to incorporate this work into ptrans, the protocol translator used within RHQ.  John describes how to use the new WildFly Extension Installer maven plugin, allowing RHQ to deploy a message broker directly into an existing WildFly or EAP installation and follows up with a second article discussing how a message broker can be used to send and receive Auditing events.


Arun's Tip Corner


Arun has written two tips for us this week, both of which have a cloud theme.  In his first tip of the week Arun explains how easy it is to manage OpenShift with command line tools by using those tools to provision an instance of  WildFly on OpenShift.  In his second tip of the week Arun introduces STOMP, the Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol, and demonstrates how STOMP can be used over the WebSockets API.  In his STOMP demonstration Arun creates an instance of ActiveMQ running on OpenShift and uses this as the STOMP server for a local instance of WildFly.


Infinispan: Soft-Index File Store and Map behaviour


The Infinispan team have recently introduced a new local file based Cache Store, the Soft-Index File Store, intended to address some of the drawbacks associated with the Single File Store, it uses a B+ tree implementation that is cached in memory and offloaded to the filesystem.  Radim has some more details of the cache store, including a discussion on the implementation details and its known limitations.


In versions of Infinispan preceding 7.0.0.Final the Map implementation would return the local node size, often confusing those who were coming across this behaviour for the first time; in Infinispan 7.0.0.Final this all changes.  The 7.0.0.Final release introduces a Distributed Entry Iterator, providing a memory efficient way to iterate over all entries in the cache and providing the basis for reimplementing some of the bulk methods such as size, now returning the size of the entire cluster rather than only the local node set.


Travelling and Rich Clients with Drools and jBPM


Business processes and rules engines can be put to use in many industries, providing solutions to complex problems that have a requirement for process, events and the evaluation of rules.  If you have an need for this type of solution, but perhaps find getting started to be a daunting proposition, then take a look at the Travel Agency Demo introduced by Eric Schabell.  The project was created by two of our UK colleagues, Niraj Patel and Shepherd Chengeta, and is a great example of a solution that encompasses process and rules engines.


Mark Proctor recently gave a presentation covering the UI efforts that are underway within the Drools and jBPM projects, demonstrating the technologies being developed and their flexibility when being used to implement web based UI.


Upcoming Ceylon Features


The Ceylon team are busy discussing the priorities for development tasks aimed at the 1.1.5 and 1.2 versions of Ceylon, asking the community for help in determining the direction.  During these discussions they have identified a number of new features to be added, both within the libraries and the languages syntax.  Check out Gavin's post on those features that are currently being worked on and remember to provide feedback to help shape the future of the Ceylon language.


Upcoming Fabric8 Changes


If you have been using Fabric8 to manage your Camel, ActiveMQ etc. deployments then you may already be aware that there is a big change being introduced with fabric8 2.0.  This will widen the scope of the applications that can be managed and will embrace Kubernetes and Docker.  For more information on what this means check out Rob's post where he discusses these upcoming changes.


Confused over Camel Endpoints?


Have you ever used Camel endpoints?  Have you struggled to find out how to configure those endpoints and achieve the behaviour  you are after?  If so then you will be very interested to hear that Camel 2.15 is introducing a new capability that enables endpoints to self-describe.  The endpoints will now have the ability to explain how they are configured and what each configuration option is used for.


JBoss Out and About


Gavin and Stéphane have recently been presenting Ceylon at some of the Java User Groups along the East Coast of the USA, for more information read Arun's write up of the event.


Arun and the Devoxx4Kids team recently ran an event during JavaOne 2014.  The event was very well attended with 136 kids turning up to learn about Arduino, Lego Mindstorms, Minecraft Modding and many more topics.


Next week sees the return of Devoxx to Antwerp, Belgium.  Eric Schabell will be delivering a University session on Monday afternoon showing everyone how easy it is to get started with xPaaS using OpenShift Cloud.


New Releases


- The AeroGear team have announced UnifiedPush Server 1.0.2.

- The Infinispan team have announced the release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Final.

- The Forge team have announced the release of Forge 2.12.2.Final.

- The Teiid team have announced the release of Teiid 8.9 CR3.

- The Arquillian team have announced the 1.0.0.Alpha7 release of Arquillian Extension Jacoco.


That's all for this week, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news and events from the JBoss Community.

(Posted on behalf of Kenny Peeples)


This week is my first time posting for the weekly editorial and excited to join the team. There is a lot to highlight for this weeks editorial. Autumn is now upon us in the Northern Hemisphere which marks the transition from summer to winter. The arrival of night is earlier, temperature is cooling and leaves are turning color as well as falling. I was at the Boston office a couple of weeks ago and the area was beautiful with the change in the color of the leaves in addition to the cool weather. With the transition of warm to cold weather autumn is known as the primary harvest with many harvest festivals celebrated across the globe. Whether you celebrate Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan, the Dutch Feast of Saint Martin of Tours, American Thanksgiving Feast, Canadian Thanksgiving Feast, German Martinmas, Czech Republic Posviceni/Obzinky, Chinese Harvest Moon Festival, etc., have a great Autumn.


Now on to our exciting JBoss weekly content


Job Opening


Red Hat is the best company in the world to work. I have enjoyed Red Hat since day one and continue to enjoy the work, the people and the open source culture. We have a current job opening for a Software Sustaining Engineer who will help improve the quality of the BRMS and BPM Suite platforms which are the productised versions of the Drools and jBPM open source projects. So if you love Drools and jBPM, and want to help make them even better and even more robust - then this is the job for you The role is remote, so you can be based almost anywhere.


URL to apply now czech-republic-job-1-4759718




We had several events that took place plus some coming up:

  • 300+ kids, 16 speakers (4 from middle/high school), 6 rooms, 24 sessions of 75 mins each = extremely rewarding weekend + inspired kids! Silicon Valley Code Camp Kids ( is a one-day event that is a new addition to the famous Silicon Valley Code Camp (SVCC) event. The event was held at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA on October 12th.
  • DecisionCAMP 2014 took place at San Jose on October 13-15 which is a free conference in the San Jose area for business rules and decision management practitioners. The conference concentrates on Business Rules and Decision Management. Decision Management is the art or science, depending on your perspective, of automating decisions in your systems.
  • Last week was the Openslava 2014 Conference for emerging technologies and open-source in Bratislava, Slovakia. Videos from the talks will be published soon. Markus Eisele posted a Trip Report which also included a video and presentation on 50 best features of Java EE 7.
  • Coming up in November we have several people from Red Hat involved at Devoxx BE 2014. Devoxx has grown to be one of the most popular Java conferences series in Europe. This year we are excited to announce that JBoss will be presenting a keynote on the future capabilities of PaaS. We have several speakers who are speaking on a variety of topics. Visit JBoss Community members at Devoxx University, the Hackergarten, the sessions or have a drink with us at Nox!




A lot of blogs and articles were posted the last couple of weeks so I listed them here for your reading pleasure:

1. JBoss Teiid

2. JBoss BRMS and JBoss BPM Suite

3. JBoss Fuse

4. JBoss Wildfly

5. JBoss Aerogear

  • Markus Eisele provided another episode his developer interview which took place with Matthias Wessendorf. Matthias is working at Red Hat where he is leading the AeroGear project. Previously, he was the PMC Chair of the Apache MyFaces project. Matthias is a regular conference speaker.




The last couple of weeks we had several new project releases. Take all of them for a spin and enjoy!

  • JBoss Tools and Developer Studio for Eclipse Luna! There have been many feature additions and a lot of bug fixing polish going into this main release and these have been documented/described in details at What’s New.
  • Immutant 2 (The Deuce) Alpha2 Released! We're as happy as a cat getting vacuumed to announce our second alpha release of The Deuce, Immutant 2.0.0-alpha2. Big, special thanks to all our early adopters who provided invaluable feedback on alpha1 and our incremental releases.
  • Infinispan 7.0.0.CR2 released! As we approach final release, the main themes of this CR were bug fixes and enhancements, many related to Partition Handling.
  • JGroups 3.6.0.Final released! We just released 3.6.0.Final to SourceForge [1] and Nexus. It contains a few new features, but mostly optimizations and a few bug fixes. It is a small release before starting work on the big 4.0.
  • RichFaces 4.5.0.CR2 Release Announcement! We have a second candidate release for RichFaces 4.5 (4.5.0.CR2) available. We’ve fixed a couple of regressions uncovered by both our community and QA team.
  • Teiid 8.9 CR1 Posted! After a small delay Teiid 8.9 CR1 has been posted to the maven repository and the download page.
  • SwitchYard 2.0.0.Alpha3 Now Available! The SwitchYard team has been making steady progress on the 2.0 release and I'm pleased to announce the latest preview of SwitchYard 2.0, Alpha3. We're rapidly approaching beta quality and the only think keeping this release from being called a beta is the lack of support for BPM and rules components on WildFly. Overall, the team has made great progress improving stability, especially on Fuse/Karaf.


That's all for this week, please join us next week when we will share more news about the JBoss Community.

Welcome to another Week in JBoss where we bring you the latest from around the JBoss Communities.


Red Hat to Acquire FeedHenry


We begin this week with news of an exciting development with Red Hat recently announcing a definitive agreement to acquire FeedHenry, bringing  leading enterprise mobile application technology and a great team into our community.  FeedHenry develop a cloud-based mobile application platform using Node.js and Java, complimenting our existing efforts around mobile and polyglot.  In welcoming FeedHenry to JBoss Mark Little has also shared some of his thoughts on what will be an exciting development.


Markus' Musings


In his first post of the week Markus introduces us to some of the features in the recent WildFly 9.0.0.Alpha1 release before delving into the real purpose of the article, introducing us to the new integration developing between the hawtio console and the application server.  It's early days for this work but it is already looking promising.  Markus' second post sees him talking with Jeff Genender, a Java Champion, Apache Member and Java Open Source Consultant, about Apache and Integration.  Markus' final post introduces us to the SwitchYard 2.0.0.Alpha2 release, a component based service development framework based on Camel.  Markus explains how to install everything that is needed to develop SwitchYard applications then provides a quick introduction to a simple bean service, explaining how service contracts are defined, service references can be injected and how the service is configured.


Eric's Tips & Tricks


If you have been using drools or jBPM  lately then you will already be aware that both projects make use of maven as their repository, defaulting to your normal maven settings.  If you want to change this behaviour, using individual settings for each of your servers, then Eric has the solution in his first tip.  In his second tip Eric discusses options for initiating a jBPM process, providing examples that you can use within your own applications.


Infinispan Events, Hot Rod Remoting and the Cache


The Infinispan team have been focussing on events this week.  The first post continues their series on Hot Rod Remote Events and discussing the topic of customisation, how to modify the contents of these events to include additional information or to reduce the size of the events by removing information that is not needed.  The second post covers the integration of CDI and Caching events, providing examples that show how to produce and consume events through the cache.


JAX-WS in WildFly


Our very own Alessio Soldano, Red Hat's representative on the JAX-WS specification, has just finished writing a book on webservices.  Allessio's book first provides an introduction to JAX-WS, then moves on to the development of webservices before finishing with a number of discussions on more advanced topics.  The book is currently available in electronic form with the printed edition coming soon.


JBoss Asylum and ModeShape


The latest episode of JBoss Asylum is now out.  In this episode Max and Emmanuel sit down with Horia and Randall to discuss ModeShape, some of its key features and how it can best be used.


Writing Rules with POJOs


The drools team have been developing some ideas for writing rules using POJOs.  Check out Mark's post for an example of the syntax and details of a project that shows the current ideas in action.


JBoss Out and About


Arun Gupta, along with many other Red Hat employees, will be spending the upcoming week at JavaOneArun has a very busy week representing Red Hat and various communities in a number of events and sessions.


Eric Schabell will be presenting two sessions at JavaLand 2015, one covering xPaaS and OpenShift and a second covering Rules and BPM.


New Releases


- The Teiid team have been busy this week, not only have the announced the release of Teiid Designer 8.6 Final but they have also announced their second beta of Teiid 8.9.

- The ModeShape team have announced their second beta of ModeShape 4.0.0.

- The Apache Camel team have announced their first release in the Camel 2.14 stream.

- The KeyCloak team have announced the release of KeyCloak 1.0.1 Final.

- The Weld team have announced the release of Weld 2.2.5.Final and will now be shifting their focus towards Weld 3.0.

- The Tools team have announced the release of JBoss Tools 4.2 CR1 and JBoss Developer Studio 8 CR1 for Eclipse Luna.


That's all for this week, please join us next week when we will share more news about the JBoss Community.

Welcome to another Week in JBoss, a summary of all that has been happening around the JBoss Communities.  Despite many people being on vacation we still manage to discover many interesting articles for you to read, letting you catch up on the progress that is being made within the projects.


Improving ModeShape Performance


The performance of a ModeShape repository often depends on the hierarchy of the nodes and the distribution of the data through those nodes.  Deciding how best to structure the repository can often be difficult, with no real hard and fast rules to rely on, but a good understanding of the performance implications of your choices will help you to tune your structure and get the best out of your repository.


Infinispan and Hot Rod Remote Events


Infinispan has been providing client access to remote grids using the Hot Rod Protocol since 2010 but, until Infinispan 7.0, it was not possible for those clients to receive and react to events being generated within the cache.  With the introduction of this capability the Infinispan team have begun a series walking you through these events and showing you what can be achieved using this functionality.


Ceylon 1.1 and Touring


The Ceylon team are on the brink of releasing Ceylon 1.1 and have published a progress report detailing the work and priorities that have driven this release over the last six months.  To coincide with the upcoming release Gavin King and Stéphane Épardaud have planned a tour of JUGs along the East Coast of the USA.  If you are in the area then stop by to learn more about Ceylon and take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions from those who design and build the language.


Drools Execution Server


Drools 6.2.0 will include the new Drools Execution Server, a war that will allow you to host the execution of Knowledge Bases on a remote server and provide access through REST APIs.  Edson has recently created a video demonstrating the current state of this development work, available in Drools 6.2.0 Beta1.


JUDCon 2014: Brazil


The Call for Papers is now open for this year's JUDCon event in São Paulo, Brazil and will be accepting submissions until 5pm August 22nd 2014 São Paulo time.  Successful speakers will be notified by August 29th and the event itself will take place on September 26th.


JBoss Out and About


Eric Schabell was recently in the UK where he presented workshops on BRMS and BPM to the London JBUG, covering rules, domain specific languages, decision tables, rule flow and bpm processes using task forms and a data model.


New Releases


The Errai team have announced three releases on different streams, Errai 3.1.0.CR1, Errai 3.0.2.Final and Errai 2.4.5.Final.

The Arquillian team have announced two releases, Graphene 2.1.0.Alpha1 and Recorder 1.0.0.Alpha4.

The AeroGear team have announced the second beta of their 1.0.0 release of the UnifiedPush Server.

The Infinispan team have announced the release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Beta1.


That's all for this week, please join us again next week where we will bring you more information from the Community

This weekend sees the end of the FIFA World Cup 2014 competition in Brazil with the game for Third Place, between Brazil and the Netherlands, occurring on Saturday and the Final, between Germany and Argentina, taking place on Sunday.  If you are not a fan of Football then the following articles from the JBoss Community may help you to while away the hours until the competition finishes.


Arun's Tip Corner


Arun continues his  series with the publication of two additional tips on Java EE 7.  In his first Tech Tip of the week Arun provides a brief introduction to the Batch capabilities that have been added to Java EE 7 through the inclusion of JSR 352 and suggests a number of  answers to a question that has been asked on the forums, namely how can you execute batch jobs on a schedule.  In his second Tech Tip Arun covers a number of important changes to the default behaviour of a number of  features  within Java EE 7 including CDI, Data Sources, JMS Connection Factories and Executors.


Eric's Tips & Tricks


Eric and John have combined forces to write a series of articles describing the various deployment architectures that can be used for deploying rules and events within BRMS.  In the first article in the series Eric and John describe the first two architectures, the deployment of rules within an application and then a slightly different architecture that monitors an external repository and automatically deploy those rules and events within the application.


JBoss Projects as Docker Images


Marek has written a great post describing the work that is taking place to create Docker images for JBoss projects.  The creation of these images is supported by an automated process ensuring that the images always contain the latest versions of the projects.


Cordova Simulation within JBoss Tools


Ilya has published an article describing the work that is going on within JBoss Tools to support the development and testing of hybrid mobile applications.  The article includes a short video demonstrating the capabilities and instructions for how you can try these out within your own environment.


M2E improvements within JBoss Tools


The Eclipse m2e plugin has suffered from a number of issues when dealing with the import of large projects however these have now been addressed through the release of the m2e 1.5.0 plugin.  If you are interested in finding out what has changed, and how this would benefit you, then take a look at Fred's article discussing the many significant changes that have been added for performance and usability.


JBoss Data Grid, EAP modules and CDI


Thomas has recorded a video demonstrating how to use JBoss Data Grid in Library Mode when deploying as modules within JBoss EAP.  As an added bonus the video also demonstrates how to make use of the CDI integration within the product.


Camel and Microservices


If you are interested in Microservices then head over to Bilgin's blog where he introduces an article giving you 10 good reasons for using Camel to create Microservices.


Upcoming events


This year's Devoxx BE will be taking place in Antwerp from November 10th to November 14th.  During last year's conference Eric delivered a session on OpenShift however he has decided to take a different approach this year and has submitted two hands-on labs, each lasting three hours, on the subjects of xPaas and JBoss Rules/BPM.


New Releases


The AeroGear team have announced the release of UnifiedPush Server 0.11, incorporating a fully rewritten UI and now based on Keycloak.

The Byteman team have announced the release of Byteman, addressing a couple of issues related to testing with BMUnit and TestNG.

The Teiid team have announces the release of Teiid 8.8 CR1.


That's all for this week, join us again next week to catch up with what is happening within the JBoss Community.

Arun's Tip Corner


In his first Tech Tip of the week Arun continues the work he began in Tech Tip #25 by introducing a second Raspberry PI and showing how to configure a WildFly Managed Domain controlling servers on both devices.  He continues this work in his second Tech Tip by introducing a third Raspberry PI, running mod_proxy, and using this to balance the incoming load between the WildFly servers running in the Managed Domain.  Arun's third Tech Tip takes us through the WildFly patching mechanism, introduced in WildFly 8.0.0, and demonstrates how this can be used in either offline or online mode.  Arun finishes the week with the next installment in his series on developing a Java EE 7 Batch Addon for JBoss Forge.


Eric's Workshops


Now that Eric has finished the BRMS portion of his workshops he has created a bundle that allows you, with a single command, to install the completed workshop to your OpenShift account.  Eric also continues the BPMN segment of the workshop by walking us through the creation of the domain model and follows that with another episode showing the creation of the Rewards Process.  Eric's last post discusses many of the configuration properties that can be used to tailor an installation of BRMS or BPMS and how they can be used in a local installation or through the OpenShift cartridge.


Performance Improvements in Infinispan


The Infinispan Team have made some significant performance improvements between Infinispan 6 and Infinispan 7 and these improvements have recently been tested in their performance lab with the results showing that, certainly in in some scenarios, there is a four to six fold improvement in performance.


jBPM on WildFly


Maciej has written a good article showing how to deploy the latest jBPM 6 snapshots on WildFly 8.1.0.  There are still some known issues with the codebase however these will give you a good taste of what is to come in their upcoming 6.1.0.CR1 release.


Monitoring Application JMX Beans on WildFly


Thomas has written an article describing the changes that have been necessary to enable the monitoring of application JMX beans on WildFly 8.1.0.  This feature is now available in the master branch, give it a try and provide some feedback to the RHQ team.


JBoss Out and About


Claus recently presented at  gr8conf where he discussed the integration of Camel and Groovy.  His talk also covered the hawtio console and demonstrated the ease of which a new plugin can be written by developing a plugin to embed a groovy shell within the console.


Marek recently gave a presentation on Docker to the Warsaw JBoss Users Group, Boleslaw has posted a few photos of the event.


Upcoming Events


The date for JUDCon Boston 2014 has been set and it is coming up fast, taking place on June 28th.  JUDCon has reverted to its original format, a one day event associated with the project team meetings, and If successful this format may be duplicated at other team meetings around the world.


New Releases



Hopefully you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment.  Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.

Welcome to this week's editorial where we bring you the latest musing from the JBoss communities.


Eric’s Workshops


Eric has been busy this week, developing workshops to demonstrate the capabilities of the BRMS and BPMS platforms.  He begins the week with the final lab covering the BRMS portion of the Cool Store demo, showing how to run the parts that have been developed to date, before releasing a video that shows one of the most impressive capabilities within BRMS, the ability to dynamically update the ruleset.  The series continues with the beginning of the BPMS portion of the workshop, lab11, that shows how to install the BPMS Suite in preparation for the remainder of the series.


Eric has also spent some time revisiting his Generic Loan Demo, a necessity as the process was not strictly compliant with the BPMN2 specification, and has published a video showing how easy it is to deploy the demo onto OpenShift.


Arun's Tips


Arun has also been busy publishing two further tips in his series, #21 and #22.  In Tip #21 Arun introduces the first part of a multi-part video series that he is creating in collaboration with Lincoln Baxter.  The aim of the series is to show how easy it is to create a new Addon for Forge 2 and they have chosen to demonstrate this by developing an Addon for the Java EE7 Batch capabilities.  In Tip #22 Arun introduces the new WebSocket capabilities present in EAP 6.3 Alpha, describes how it can be enabled and where you can find a number of examples to test the functionality.


PicketLink Deep Dive Part 2


Shane continues his Deep Dive series into PicketLink by introducing the notion of Partitions, describing how they can be used by walking us through some requirements from a fictional paper company.


Bayesian Belief Networks within Drools


Mark continues his series describing his ongoing work to integrate Bayesian belief networks into Drools.  He now has the functionality working end-to-end and is now working to integrate this capability into the belief system.


Embedding task forms within jBPM


Kris has written a post describing new capabilities that are being introduced into jBPM, the ability to design forms using a WYSIWYG editor and have them embedded within the process definition.  These forms can be used when starting a process or completing a task within the process.


What’s new in Errai 3?


Max continues the "What's new in Errai" series by covering the changes that have been introduced to handle Roll Based Access Control and PicketLink integration.  The integration is declarative, specified through the use of annotations, and enabled the restriction of access to specific pages, specific DataFields and remote services.


Immutant 2 and the web


Jim has written a post describing the significant changes that have been introduced to the web library within Immutant 2.  The changes cover the web API and also the underlying technology, Undertow, which has resulted in a significant increase in performance and support for Web Sockets.


Micro Services


James has produced a screencast showing a new capability that has been introduced into Fabric8 1.1.0.Beta5, the ability to deploy simple java applications, called micro services, using the new support for Java Containers.


Thoughts on Developing a Netty Server


Heiko recently had an opportunity to develop his very first Netty server for RHQ, an experience that he decided to share.  Heiko has also make his source available for those who are interested in investigating further.


Interrupting an “Infinite” Java Regular Expression


Lincoln has written a very interesting post describing how to mitigate the issue of catastrophic backtracking when evaluating regular expressions, a condition when the regular expression engine has to calculate permutations with exponential complexity.


On the Road


The video from Kris' Red Hat Summit session, Deep Dive into jBPM 6, has now been posted online.  In this session Kris provides a quick introduction to jBPM6, demonstrates the tooling and then dives into some details of the new jBPM execution server.


The Red Hat Tech Exchange in Asia Pacific will be taking place in Bangkok, Thailand from June 9th to June 13th.  Eric Schabell and Kenny Peebles will be present with Eric giving sessions on BRMS, xPaas and OpenShift and Kenny giving sessions on Data Virtualisation, Fuse Service Works and Fuse.


New Releases



That's all for this week, joins us again for more news from the community.

Rapid Java EE Development Using Forge 2


Arun Gupta has spent time this week putting together a screen cast to show how easy it is to create a Java EE application using the Forge 2 Command Line Interface.  Arun demonstrates how to easily create JPA entities, add Bean Validation, include JSF scaffolding and REST endpoints and finally how to deploy the working application to JBoss EAP running on OpenShift.


Immutant 2 in the Works


The Immutant team are starting their development efforts on Immutant 2 with their main aim being the provision of a set of libraries, one for each of the commodity services, that are independent of the application server. This will allow you to embed those libraries in your application without requiring a "container" to be fully functional.  For those looking to take advantage of some of the container's facilities, such as as security, monitoring, clustering and more, it will also be possible to deploy your application into a stock WildFly or EAP container without the need to modify your application code.


Cleaning up Old JIRAs


Managing an Open Source project that has been going on for over 10 years presents a number of unique problems, one of which is how to deal with any old JIRAs that have been created.  This is a problem currently being faced by the Hibernate ORM team who find themselves with over 3000 outstanding issues, most of which they believe are no longer relevant to the current codebase.  The team has recently given some thought on this problem and have come up with a proposal.  If this topic is of interest to you then be sure to check out their post and add your thoughts to the discussion.


On the Road


San Francisco is going to be a very busy place over the next few weeks with the arrival of DevNation, April 13th-17th, and Red Hat Summit, April 14th-17th.  DevNation will have a very strong focus on the developer community with presentations on technologies such as Camel, SwitchYard, Drools, jBPM and many more.  The majority of the presentations will be given by those who are experts in technologies, providing a fantastic opportunity to discuss, in person, any topics that may be of interest.  Friday 11th of April will also see Mark Proctor giving a presentation at Square, discussing what is currently happening within the Drools projects.


The Red Hat offices in Amsterdam will be hosting a series of Hackathons over the next few months, providing an opportunity for some hands-on experience with various technologies.   The first Hackathon takes place next Thursday, April 10th, however spaces are limited so be sure to register before they run out.


Eric recently spent some time in Toronto, Canada, where he had the honour of giving a presentation on JBoss Rules and BPM at the Toronto Java Users Group.  He was joined on stage by Jonathan Feurth who was giving a presentation on Thread Safety.  Eric was also in Toronto for a partner workshop where he gave presentations based on his series of online workshop posts, the latest instalment of which covers the steps necessary for creating a Domain Specific Language.


New Releases


JBoss in the Wild


If you are interested in meeting with, and talking to, some of the JBoss developers then you have two fantastic opportunities coming up over the next couple of months.


The first opportunity will be during EclipseCon 2014, being held in San Francisco from March 17th to 20th.  This event sees a number of sessions being given by Red Hat employees such as Fred Bricon, Gorken Ercan, Bob Brodt and David Bosschaert.  In addition to these session there is also an opportunity to spend a full day learning about Vert.x with presentations being given by many of the leading experts, including Tim Fox.  If you are interested in any of these technologies then book your place for what promises to be a very informative  and worthwhile event.


The second opportunity will be during DevNation and Red Hat Summit, taking place in San Francisco from April 13th to 17th.  DevNation consists of numerous developer focussed presentations covering technologies such as Camel, OpenShift, AeroGear, SwitchYard, jBPM, Drools and many more.  With most of the presentations being given by the leading experts in these technologies this event provides another informative, developer focussed opportunity for learning, meeting the experts and debating any topic that may interest you.  There may even be a few beers to be had


Examining Mobile Development with Cordova


Mobile development is something that is on the radar of most developers, whether this be the development of native applications or those created using hybrid technologies such as Apache Cordova.  Another choice that we often make is whether to develop from the command line or through integrated support within an IDE; luckily we have both avenues covered.  Arun Gupta has taken some time to show how easy it is to create a Cordova application from the command line with Gorkem Ercan demonstrating similar capabilities within JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Beta 1.


Infinispan and Parallel Execution of Map/Reduce Tasks


Infinispan has long supported the fully distributed execution of both Map and Reduce phases of the tasks however the downside was that each node executed these tasks within a single thread.  With the community release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1 this has now changed as this release introduces the ability to execute these tasks in parallel.


REST versus WebSockets


Arun Gupta, while travelling the world to give his Java EE7 presentations, has many conversations with those who turn up to learn.  One of the most common questions asked during these conversations is on how REST compares to WebSockets.  Arun has recently tackled this question in a post that discusses the pros and cons of each approach, including examining the performance of each through a micro benchmark, all with the intention of providing you with sufficient information to spur discussions.


RHQ source moves to GitHub


If you are interested in, or indeed already following, the work of the RHQ team then you should be aware that they have recently moved their source code repository over to GitHub.  This move should make it easier for everyone to obtain the source and contribute changes through pull requests.




Kris Verlaenen and Prakash Aradhya will be presenting a webinar demonstrating how quickly you can get started building powerful workflow automation solutions.  The webinar takes place on Wednesday March 12th.


The end of March brings three opportunities to join an interesting webinar discussing rules execution with a focus on how decision tables.  If you are interested in these technologies, and are available on Thursday March 27th or Friday March 28th, then register and learn.


New Releases


Brett has announced two releases from the Hibernate ORM team, Hibernate ORM 4.2.9.Final and Hibernate ORM 4.3.2.Final.  Both releases contain numerous bug fixes and have been heavily focussed on improving performance.


Thomas has announced the release of the Arquillian OSGi 2.1.0.CR12 component


Barry has announced the release of Teiid Designer 8.4 Beta1, focussing primarily on upgrading the Teiid client compatibility to include support for Teiid 8.6.


Max has announced the release of JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Alpha2, the first working alpha release that focusses on integration with Eclipse Luna.  This release comes with a host of new features including improvements for Cordova, Arquillian, BrowserSim, OpenShift and many more.


Dan has announced the release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1.  This release includes support for several new features including support for clustered listeners, the ability to execute Map/Reduce tasks on multiple threads, the building blocks of cache security and improved support for OSGi in the HotRod java client.


The Forge team have announced the release of JBoss Forge 2.1.1.Final, following quickly on the heels of their 2.1.0.Final release.  This release addresses 51 issues making this the fastest and most reliable release of all.


That's all for this week, join us again next week to discover more from the world of JBoss

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