This was a quieter week, but interesting things still keep happening in the world of JBoss. Here are few:


A  shout from the JBoss Asylum inmates


Our favourite podcast, the JBoss Asylum, has recorded another edition, focusing on Java One. This edition's guest is Andrew Rubinger, tackling topics such as JBoss AS7, Arquillian as well as other recent developments from the enterprise Java world.


JBPM editor: On the web first, then in the cloud


We have announced last week the enhancements to the web-based JBPM editor. This week, Eric Schabell will show you how you can try it by yourself, by using the cloud-based version deployed in OpenShift. Indeed, all the nice web applications want to go there.


Pluggable encoding with TorqueBox


Torquebox provides now pluggable message encoding. What does this mean?  It means that Ruby applications that are deployed in TorqueBox may talk in a portable fashion to other applications via messages, regardless of what language are they written in. Learn how TorqueBox is  adding superior interoperability to the extensive list of advantages that the Java EE-based Ruby runtime provides from Toby Crawley's post.


Learn Switchyard with the workshop materials


The Switchyard team went on an Asian tour last month, giving a series of workshops. Keith Babo has published the workshop materials, so you can now learn more about using the new lightweight and powerful ESB from JBoss.


Content negociation in RHQ's RESTful API


Heiko Rupp has provided an overview of the latest enhancements of RHQ's RESTful API in the area of content negociation, providing an interesting example of avoiding code duplication when explicitly handling concerns that apply across content types, such as response codes and caching.


Unveiling MVEL


MVEL, a scripting language for the JVM, has been an integral part of Drools for a long time. In this article, published on The Server Side, Mike Proctor and Mike Brock provide an overview the main features of the language, arguing why it is, as they say, "JBoss' secret weapon".


New releases:



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Have a fun coding time, and join us next week for another round of news!