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All the hard work preparing for the DevNation and Red Hat Summit has come to pay off as Red Hat wraps up Summit Week and DevNation also comes to a close.


All About DevNation and Red Hat Summit Boston 2015

If you weren't able to make it check out this recording of the keynote and demo from the JBoss team.

Check out the recording of keynotes for DevNation over at 

And, of course, the big announcement was the strategic partnership announcement between Samsung and Red Hat

Follow more about the Summit on the Summit Blog

Also check out a cool story about Devoxx4Kids at the summit.


Specific DevNation Sessions/Keynotes to check out:

Rx.js Session at DevNation

Matt Hicks on The Future of Development with Kubernetes and Docker


Elsewhere in things JBoss:

Brian Che talks tenets of DevOps here and here.

A new episode of "Camels in Space!" by Claus Ibsen (not to be confused with Pigs in Space).

Eric Schabell talks design to execution in BPM Suite: From Design to Execution with JBoss BPM Suite & Signavio Process Editor

Harry Mower talks about the announcement of : - Learn More. Share More. Code More

And Gavin King talks Constructors in Ceylon



8.11 Final Released, Support for OData V4 and SAP HANA

Immutant 2.0.2 Patch Release

Hawkular-Metrics 0.4.0 release and the way beyond

Docker 1.7.0, Docker Machine 0.3.0, Docker Compose 1.3.0, Docker Swarm 0.3.0

Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.14

Developer Studio and JBoss Tools arrive on Mars

JBoss Fuse 6.2 is out!

RichFaces 4.5.7.Final Release Announcement

redhatsummitattendees.pngThis week has been busy for alot of folks getting ready for DevNation and Summit.  With more than 170 sessions and labs, 8 keynotes, parties, and receptions, Red Hat Summit has something for everyone as shown in the infographic to the right. From business and technical sessions to hands-on labs to 1:1 conversations, there's something for each level of interest and need during Red Hat Summit. 

For Developers, in addition to Summit, this year's DevNation event will have four general sessions to capture our imaginations, inspire our work, and spark the conversations that move us forward. Our keynote speakers are ready to bring it.


Here’s what you can look forward to.

- Freedom of choice. With 5 tracks, including sessions, panels, and labs, learning opportunities abound. Or you can hang out in our developer zone and charge up on coffee and electricity.

- Freedom of speech. You don’t have to network, but if you do, you’ll never find a cooler group of people.

- “Free as in beer.” Can you really know what “free” means if you don’t have a free beer in your hand? (But seriously, we have a few fun social events planned, and the hops will be freely flowing.)

- Freedom to break and create. We’re going to hack like hell over 4 full days. We’re dedicating 2 evening events to it, and you might win prizes even into the wee hours of the next morning.

- Freedom to roam. DevNation is co-located with Red Hat Summit, so you don’t even have to leave the building to attend both conferences. Do both at once in the shared track.

Developer Position Available

The Fuse team is looking for an Eclipse Developer to primarily work on JBoss Tools Fuse tooling.

Win Prizes at DevNation Code Challenge!


Join us Monday, June 22, 6:00pm-11:00pm in Room 200 at DevNation in Boston!  Show off your coding skills and win prizes at the DevNation Code Challenge! Using showcased technologies from cloud, mobile, and data services--plus your creativity--you’ll build an extraordinary project with friends (or on your own). Judges will choose winners from the projects built and presented during the session. The winners will walk away with awesome prizes and bragging rights (until next year).

Summit by Day, Party By NIght


Visit the Red Hat booth in Hall D at Red Hat Summit where you can see our awesome line up of demos and pick up a card with the party details which is being brought to you by the Application Platforms Business Group.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Conferences, Meetups and Webinars


Mobile, Microservices, and More...


This week's Releases:


Infinispan 7.2.3.Final - A few bugs have been found and fixwd in the Infinispan 7.2 branch.

Drools 6.3 SNAPSHOT - The team has rewritten the internal parts of our code that deal with multi-threading to remove a large number of synchronisation points and to improve stability and predictability.

Wildfly Swarm 1.0.0.Alpha3 - The team has fixed some things, enhanced others, written some tests, and generally knocked it together a little sturdier.

Keycloak 1.3.1.Final Released | Planet JBoss Developer - The team has done alot of improvements with this release.

Arquillian Container Chameleon 1.0.0.Alpha2 - In Alpha1 the definition for the JBoss AS / WildFly containers were hard coded. In Alpha2 we’ve externalized the configuration.

Bean Validation TCK 1.1.4.Final - BVTCK-68, which is about the removal of two tests from the TCK which could not be tested in a portable manner across containers. Check out the issue itself for the complete story.

Forge 2.16.2.Final - JBoss Forge 2.16.2.Final is now available

As a late student sneaking into classroom, and pretending to have been there since the beginning, summer has suddenly rolled on Europe this week. However, despite the heatwave coming with it, the JBoss communities have been, as always, thriving and produced numerous releases and interesting content for you. So, if it's too hot to work, or if you wish it would be, maybe it's time to have an iced tea, sit back and enjoy a nice tour of what happened last week...

When Data Virtualization goes the NoSQL road...


As you may know, Teiid is a data virtualization solution, which allows you to abstract your numerous databases into one, both simplifying your applications developpment and enabling you to easily creates report spanning across various part of your company or organization. If you don't know anything about it, the project just released Teiid 8.11 CR1 so it's perfect opportunity to go check it out.


For people who already knows about data virtualization, quite focused on SQL storage, they often overlook the fact that Teiid can also access NoSQL storage such as Infinispan or MongoDB. And even bring some SQL capacity to such storage ! Look at this in details with Ramesh Reddy blog's entries an SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 1 and SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 2.



Photo Credit Wikipedia

(sorry, I really tried to find a picture of Teiid Lizard eating mangos, but one must admit the internet still has its limits, so you got a well feed one instead)


Keycloak in real life


Nowadays no website is really secured without a proper authentification - as my friend François Le Droff and I have strongly pointed out during out talk on Java & Security at Devoxx France (in French, sorry). However, strong authenficiation generally makes a horrid user experience - expect if you smartly uses OAuth2. And if you wonder how to set that in place, look at this thorough demonstration using Keycloak to secure your services with OAuth2.


An other brilliant demonstration of Keycloak usefulness is this other explanation of how OpenShift UI Console authentication with Keycloak and OpenID connect together.


Hopefully those two description will convince you to give a serious at look at Keycloak, so if you happen to go to DevNation, don't forget to attend Enterprise security with Keycloak – from the intranet to mobile.


Photo Credit - FutUndBeidl


No Docker ? Seriously ?


Of course not ! This entry would not be a proper "IT related blog entry" without at least one entry mentioning Docker, would it not ? Well, don't worry, here it comes : Docker Compose on Windows with Python And Babon ! (Yes, just one, but a good one )


AeroGear and Feedhenry


If you are an aficionado of either AeroGear or Feedhenry, you'll probably be curious about this new post on AeroGear quick start push Templates,

which show both product can operate together quite nicely.


Evangelist's Corner


As always, our team of Evangelists have been tireless and produced quite a lot of interesting content for you to browse this week. First, Eric D. Schabell offers, yet an other follow up, to his JBoss BPM Travel Agency Demo adding modern BPM Data Integration to it, along with a peak of sneak preview of his submission for both NCDevCon and Red Hat Summit :


Then, Arun Gupta comes and discusses how to go from Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring for Java EE Applications,  whille Markus Eisele is tackling on an ever more challenging (albeit none technical) task in his 9 Ways To Stop Hurting And Start Helping Women In Tech.


Releases, releases, releases




With some many cool Java news, your blood is now filled with caffeine, your hands must be shaking like hell, and your heart is pounding. In short, time to switch to decaf' ! So, for a change, and a completly none Java related topic, take a look at this quite thorough and interesting description on Five different ways to handle leap seconds with NTP (if only to be able to clearly state why leap seconds is not an issue for your Java code ).


That's all for this week's spin through the JBoss world, please join us again next week when we will take you through more interesting and informative articles written by our communities. And don't forget to follow @jbossdeveloper !

Welcome to another edition of the  Weekly Editorial where we take a quick spin through the JBoss Communities and highlight some of the interesting work that has been taking place over the last week


Data Mapping within the Camel Editor


Strong data mapping tooling is a capability that has been missing from JBoss Tools suite for some time however a recent effort to improve the tooling has had this as its focus.  In the first part of a series to cover this work Brian introduces us to some of the underlying technologies that are being used within transformation, explains how to obtain the new tooling capabilities and finishes this first part by demonstrating how these capabilities are being integrated into the Camel tooling in order to handle data transformations as part of an existing camel route.


NoSQL with Hibernate OGM


In the third installment of the tutorial series "NoSQL with Hibernate OGM", Gunnar demonstrates how to use Hibernate OGM from within a Jave EE application.  This installment extends the entity models created in the previous installments and introduces additional functionality showing how to expose those models through JAX-RS endpoints.


Java EE deployment within Docker Containers


Interest in the containerisation of applications has grown over recent times with many of us exploring how this impacts the way in which  we package our applications and deploy them into production environments.  If you are still investigating this technology then you may find this post by Markus to be of interest, in which he covers some of the major advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


Type Functions within Ceylon


The Ceylon team have recently been experimenting with a new feature to introduce type functions into Ceylon, technically known as higher order generic types and higher rank generic types, and are looking for feedback from the community to determine whether this is a capability that should be included in the language specification and officially supported.  Gavin has a post covering the experimental feature, including a very good explanation of what is being proposed, and there are already some very good conversations happening within the comment section.


Dependent Joins with Teiid


If you have been using Teiid to join disparate data sources then you may have come across a number of scenarios where the Teiid planner cannot determine a good plan using statistical analysis.  If this is the case then Ramesh has an answer for you, introducing an optimisation that can be used to reduce the impact of your statements through the inclusion of hints.


Camel and IoT


IoT is garnering a lot of attention these days and, with its support for MQTT, the Apache Camel project is well placed to help provide solutions.  Claus has found one such project where Camel is being used to help gather air quality metrics from IoT devices all over France.


JBoss Out and About


With  Red Hat Summit  starting in a few weeks many people are busy preparing for their presentations or going through the Agenda to sign up for interesting sessions.  If you are attending Summit, and interested in BPM, then you may wish to check out a couple of labs being hosted by Eric Schabell and others, Racing Camel with BPM and JBoss Fuse and Choose Your Own Adventure with JBoss BPM Suite.


New Releases



That's all for this week's editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more exciting news from our communities.

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