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Weekly Editorial

359 posts

devnation-logo.pngBy the time you will read our editorial, there will be more or less than 24 hours left until the debut of DevNation, the open source, polyglot conference for application developers and maintainers. Its packed agenda features a stellar cast of technology experts, and it is collocated with the Red Hat Summit. So whether, you're packing for San Francisco, or are there already for the conference, we wish you a fun time attending the talks and mingling with your fellow developers. And if you're missing this year's edition (like for example I unfortunately do), don't worry - follow our upcoming posts and you will stay in the know, as we'll keep you updated with blog posts, articles and news, and you'll get to share even some of the fun!


And in other news:


  • Marian Buenosayres' post provides a preview of the Drools and JBPM public training in San Francisco - an exercise of saving a cat, all done by the rules!
  • Eric Schabell continues publishing new episodes for the JBoss BRMS online workshop - the one this week is focusing on creating guided rules using the guided rule editor. An interesting read not only for developers, but especially for business analysts too.
  • Eric has also put together a series of OpenShift-focused examples and tutorials, grouped together in the OpenShift Primer, the second revised edition of which he is announcing in a blog post;
  • Heiko Rupp announces the creation of a distinct project, rhq-metrics, under the RHQ umbrella, focusing specifically on metrics, allowing the production and consumption of common metrics, regardless of what the project using them is;
  • Mark Little talks about the relationship between Red Hat in general and JBoss in particular, and academia, especially in the context of the awarding of a Centre for Doctoral Training to the University of Newcastle, the proposal for which was in the field of Big Data and Analytics.
  • Tristan Tarrant has provided an overview of the Access Control features added to Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha3, allowing to secure the access to the data in the data grid;
  • You can find out about upcoming (free! as in free attendance!) Red Hat product (JBoss Integration, BRMS, JBoss Way) workshops in Atlanta, Dallas and Montreal in late April/early May from Arun Gupta's post;
  • Have you heard of Heartbleed? Are you afraid of it? Anil Saldhana's post explains why JBoss community projects aren't affected by it, and what other precautions should you take;
  • It's not Heartbleed, but it still matters - Brian Leathem shows you how to deal with CVE-2014-0335 by upgrading to Richfaces 4.3.6.Final;


  • The Infinispan documentation has been updated, including the clustered cache tutorial - as highlighted by Dan Berindei;
  • Max Andersen announces that JBoss Tools has a new address JBoss Tools  - Home! So update your bookmarks and keep in touch with your favourite IDE!
  • Bela Ban's post shows you how to run JGroups on Google Compute Engine;
  • If you are interested in joining the RHQ team, they have an opening - read Tobias Heute's post.




Rapid Java EE Development Using Forge 2


Arun Gupta has spent time this week putting together a screen cast to show how easy it is to create a Java EE application using the Forge 2 Command Line Interface.  Arun demonstrates how to easily create JPA entities, add Bean Validation, include JSF scaffolding and REST endpoints and finally how to deploy the working application to JBoss EAP running on OpenShift.


Immutant 2 in the Works


The Immutant team are starting their development efforts on Immutant 2 with their main aim being the provision of a set of libraries, one for each of the commodity services, that are independent of the application server. This will allow you to embed those libraries in your application without requiring a "container" to be fully functional.  For those looking to take advantage of some of the container's facilities, such as as security, monitoring, clustering and more, it will also be possible to deploy your application into a stock WildFly or EAP container without the need to modify your application code.


Cleaning up Old JIRAs


Managing an Open Source project that has been going on for over 10 years presents a number of unique problems, one of which is how to deal with any old JIRAs that have been created.  This is a problem currently being faced by the Hibernate ORM team who find themselves with over 3000 outstanding issues, most of which they believe are no longer relevant to the current codebase.  The team has recently given some thought on this problem and have come up with a proposal.  If this topic is of interest to you then be sure to check out their post and add your thoughts to the discussion.


On the Road


San Francisco is going to be a very busy place over the next few weeks with the arrival of DevNation, April 13th-17th, and Red Hat Summit, April 14th-17th.  DevNation will have a very strong focus on the developer community with presentations on technologies such as Camel, SwitchYard, Drools, jBPM and many more.  The majority of the presentations will be given by those who are experts in technologies, providing a fantastic opportunity to discuss, in person, any topics that may be of interest.  Friday 11th of April will also see Mark Proctor giving a presentation at Square, discussing what is currently happening within the Drools projects.


The Red Hat offices in Amsterdam will be hosting a series of Hackathons over the next few months, providing an opportunity for some hands-on experience with various technologies.   The first Hackathon takes place next Thursday, April 10th, however spaces are limited so be sure to register before they run out.


Eric recently spent some time in Toronto, Canada, where he had the honour of giving a presentation on JBoss Rules and BPM at the Toronto Java Users Group.  He was joined on stage by Jonathan Feurth who was giving a presentation on Thread Safety.  Eric was also in Toronto for a partner workshop where he gave presentations based on his series of online workshop posts, the latest instalment of which covers the steps necessary for creating a Domain Specific Language.


New Releases



You can tell that it is almost time.


The snow is melting... the sun is coming out more often... you start to wear some of your lighter jackets, and you can just tell that Spring is coming. This also means that we are very near to kicking off the inaugural DevNation conference in San Francisco, California.


This is going to be a sensational event with leading speakers from all over the development world. Check out this star studded cast, and this are but a few; Gene Kim (Tripwire), Tim Fox (JBoss), James Pearce (Facebook), Kris, Brochers (JQuery), Gavin King (JBoss), Jeremy Edberg (Netflix), and many more. Check out the jam packed agenda and register to join us today.


Developer in the Wild

On the road again and who should I run into, but the lead of the Uberfire project, Jonathan Fuerth. He is Canadian (all good), does wicked impressions from The Great White North album (comedy), is somewhat of an authority on brewing your own beer (has pictures of his brewery), and has a keen interest in unit tests (just ask him!).




Special attention has been given this week to more JBoss DevNation with reports:


Lucas Holmquist is talking at MobileWeek in NYC April 14th, if you are interested he might be able to get you in but need find him and ask nicely.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:


We have a new project to announce this week, welcome to the Simone Project, a Java library for system monitoring.


More tips and tricks with JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite, this time with permissions and BAM component and changing default LDAP configurations. There was another release in the online lab series, Building the Cool Store, this week building your domain model.


We  have some OpenShift fun with JBoss Fuse in the Cloud, get your Twitter on with Claus Ibsen.


Wildfly had a live to follow session on the 25th of March at PTJUG (Portugal), you can pick up the slides here.


WildFly tech tip #16 is out this week, covering clustering and failover. Also a good look at using WildFly 8, JDK 8, NetBeans 8, and JEE 7 in the enterprise.


J. Mazz takes you through a remote install of JON Agent.


Teiid shows you how to read a MS Excel spreadsheet document as a relational table.


CapeDwarf has a new website, check it out.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

Last week was a miss, so this week, the JBoss Weekly Editorial comes back with a packed edition - to be sure that you miss nothing of what has happen since the 6th of march ! Hope you enjoy this one even more !


Wildfly on JBoss Asylum


If, like me, you have little time to read but spend a lot of time standing in line, in the plane or in the train, you'll be quite happy to hear that the JBoss Asylum team has just released a new podcast on Wildfly. Probably the simplest way to learn about it and all the current works and enhancements in Wildfly, don't miss it !

The podcast covers many topics from the management, security, handling of datasources, using the CLI, or the brand new web server, Undertow - which is focused on high performance and stability.


Last nice item on Wildfly, and following the discontinuation of Glassfish, Arun Gupta has write up a nice blog entry on migrating from Glassfish to Wildfly...

Infinispan, to boldly go where no one has gone before



The infinispan project and community keep reaching new horizons and cross new frontiers. The first one being the frontier of C# ! Indeed, a brand new Hot Rod C# client for Infinispan has been released. You can now scale your C# applications using the Infinispan as in-memory cache or a data grid.


Along those line, it's also quite exciting to learn that Hot Rod is also now available in OSGI ! With all of that, there is less and less reason to NOT used Infinispan ...


Also, this week have seen the first release - at least, after 13 years ! - of the JCache API (JSR 107). Within the JBoss universe, Infinispan is the implementation of this specification, but most importantly, the specification allow you to leverage infinispan within your Java app - or even JEE application, in a standard, portable fashion.

At last, to be sure, no one can stop (for legal) reason, the "USS Infinispan" to cross its final frontier, the release 6.0.2, includes  ASL2-licensed JBoss Marshalling.


BRMS & BPM : no rest for the wicked


Eric Schabell does not know how to stop, and has again released some pretty cool materials on BRMS, including an online workshop, a blog entry on BPM support for matrix Control Workflow Patterns, and a very cool preview of a Process Designer (on Openshift !). All those material are up to date with the latest of the release of JBoss  BPM 6 (based on jBPM 6).


If you want to learn more about this later release, a JBoss BPM 6 webinar has also been released.

Teid, real life use cases


As mentioned by Ramesh on his blog, here are two very interesting articles describing how to use Teid :


... and some more items





If there is something that Java people has sometimes to face with RHEL is tuning the OS layer to increase their app performances, in order to ensure that the system "does the right thing". A while back, I've blogged about tuned-adm, which is a nice way for "a non Linux expert" to configure the kernel accordingly to one's usage.


Along those lines, but in more in depth, there was a couple of interesting articles recently published on the Red Hat developer blog on performances tuning for caches and huge pages:



Worth mentioning also is this blog entry on COPRs, a system designed to help people make theirs RPMs easily available over the internet. Even more importantly, COPRs can build for all the system one wishes for (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and so on...). This is quite handy because if you package a Java app as an RPM, having it build for all those targets is a no-brainer, but still a time consuming (and boring) task. In this case, COPRs will take care of that for you - so certainly worth a look !


That's all the news we have for you this week, join us next week for the next installment from JBoss...

It can't have gone unnoticed that Summit and DevNation are getting closer.

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If you haven't registered yet then there's still time! Check out the agendas and you'll see that we've got some great sessions, and Arun outlines a few. And some of those sessions are influenced by, or directly related to, the things going on this week in JBoss. For instance, the HornetQ team has announced integration with Vert.x; you can read up on the latest around JDG, comparing it with Coherence; and Geoffrey has some interesting things to say about MapReduce and OptaPlanner. But one of the most important topics next month is around the new BPMS Platform, which is reflected in the video that Kris and Prakash gave, and Eric also has a nice writeup and demo video. And of course it'll be in a Cloud near you soon!


Elsewhere we've had a couple of Hibernate releases (4.3.4.Final and 4.2.10.Final) and Validator, Arquillian Jacoco 1.0.0 Alpha 6 and Drone 1.2.4.Final, and other projects you should check out. Christian has also written a nice article on Errai Data Sync.


As well as releasing BPMS Platform, Kris has also got some GSoC projects, which he's written about.



And finally, Arun has done something everyone should be interested in (at least if you believe my 11 year old son!) Minecraft on OpenShift!



OK that's it for this week. A lot going on and I'm sure much more to come next week!

JBoss in the Wild


If you are interested in meeting with, and talking to, some of the JBoss developers then you have two fantastic opportunities coming up over the next couple of months.


The first opportunity will be during EclipseCon 2014, being held in San Francisco from March 17th to 20th.  This event sees a number of sessions being given by Red Hat employees such as Fred Bricon, Gorken Ercan, Bob Brodt and David Bosschaert.  In addition to these session there is also an opportunity to spend a full day learning about Vert.x with presentations being given by many of the leading experts, including Tim Fox.  If you are interested in any of these technologies then book your place for what promises to be a very informative  and worthwhile event.


The second opportunity will be during DevNation and Red Hat Summit, taking place in San Francisco from April 13th to 17th.  DevNation consists of numerous developer focussed presentations covering technologies such as Camel, OpenShift, AeroGear, SwitchYard, jBPM, Drools and many more.  With most of the presentations being given by the leading experts in these technologies this event provides another informative, developer focussed opportunity for learning, meeting the experts and debating any topic that may interest you.  There may even be a few beers to be had


Examining Mobile Development with Cordova


Mobile development is something that is on the radar of most developers, whether this be the development of native applications or those created using hybrid technologies such as Apache Cordova.  Another choice that we often make is whether to develop from the command line or through integrated support within an IDE; luckily we have both avenues covered.  Arun Gupta has taken some time to show how easy it is to create a Cordova application from the command line with Gorkem Ercan demonstrating similar capabilities within JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Beta 1.


Infinispan and Parallel Execution of Map/Reduce Tasks


Infinispan has long supported the fully distributed execution of both Map and Reduce phases of the tasks however the downside was that each node executed these tasks within a single thread.  With the community release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1 this has now changed as this release introduces the ability to execute these tasks in parallel.


REST versus WebSockets


Arun Gupta, while travelling the world to give his Java EE7 presentations, has many conversations with those who turn up to learn.  One of the most common questions asked during these conversations is on how REST compares to WebSockets.  Arun has recently tackled this question in a post that discusses the pros and cons of each approach, including examining the performance of each through a micro benchmark, all with the intention of providing you with sufficient information to spur discussions.


RHQ source moves to GitHub


If you are interested in, or indeed already following, the work of the RHQ team then you should be aware that they have recently moved their source code repository over to GitHub.  This move should make it easier for everyone to obtain the source and contribute changes through pull requests.




Kris Verlaenen and Prakash Aradhya will be presenting a webinar demonstrating how quickly you can get started building powerful workflow automation solutions.  The webinar takes place on Wednesday March 12th.


The end of March brings three opportunities to join an interesting webinar discussing rules execution with a focus on how decision tables.  If you are interested in these technologies, and are available on Thursday March 27th or Friday March 28th, then register and learn.


New Releases


Brett has announced two releases from the Hibernate ORM team, Hibernate ORM 4.2.9.Final and Hibernate ORM 4.3.2.Final.  Both releases contain numerous bug fixes and have been heavily focussed on improving performance.


Thomas has announced the release of the Arquillian OSGi 2.1.0.CR12 component


Barry has announced the release of Teiid Designer 8.4 Beta1, focussing primarily on upgrading the Teiid client compatibility to include support for Teiid 8.6.


Max has announced the release of JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Alpha2, the first working alpha release that focusses on integration with Eclipse Luna.  This release comes with a host of new features including improvements for Cordova, Arquillian, BrowserSim, OpenShift and many more.


Dan has announced the release of Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1.  This release includes support for several new features including support for clustered listeners, the ability to execute Map/Reduce tasks on multiple threads, the building blocks of cache security and improved support for OSGi in the HotRod java client.


The Forge team have announced the release of JBoss Forge 2.1.1.Final, following quickly on the heels of their 2.1.0.Final release.  This release addresses 51 issues making this the fastest and most reliable release of all.


That's all for this week, join us again next week to discover more from the world of JBoss


This is one of the busiest times in the JBoss Community, when products that are being churned out that leverage their projects and it is often much heads down coding and very little time for taking a break to read the latest news.  Luckily for you, there is the wonderful JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Central that embeds all this great JBoss news right in front of your nose. Instead of bailing out into a browser and context switching your code-focused brain, you can stay within the caffeine cozy world of the IDE.

Nothing quite like a bit of Java (be that code or coffee) and the latest news we post here fully embedded in your world:


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With that tip out of the way we can now move on and bring you this weeks news from the wonderful world of JBoss, short and sweet style.



This coming April there is the brand new DevNation conference coming, aligning all the JUDCon / CamelOne goodness you were used to and bringing them under one umbrella in San Francisco. Expect the speak invites to be sent out any second now, so watch your inbox.


The Red Hat Summit 2014 is coming in April to San Francisco and the agenda was made available today so you can browse the talks.


This week there will be a JBoss BPM Suite webinar covering as much of the fantastic UI web based designer and modeling components that the new version 6 ties together in the products dashboard. Hard to imagine, but we can pretty much support non-developers with their rules, events, and processes. See the slides here and the recording is available online already.


Tim will be on tour with Vert.x soon at EclipseCon Vert.x Day and QCon London in March, then at Philly Emerging Tech in April.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:


Kenny put together three amazing get started articles that put you on the road to working with JBoss Fuse, Data Virtualization, and Fuse Service Works:


Check out the new web server Undertow used in WildFly 8 as Arun walks you through the performance numbers.


Gavin stands up for why OO is not imperative, speaking out to the function programming community in response to their "...continued conflation of object oriented with imperative programming." You don't want to miss this read or a chance to post a comment.


Shane put up a very detailed article to get you started in add-on development with Forge 2.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

Much to the enjoyment of the entire JBoss community, we're happy to make this week's headline hint to the first final release of WildFly, the premier open source Java EE7 application server (and the foundation of the future releases of JBoss EAP). The importance of this release can't be overstated, for multiple reasons: it is the first release since the JBoss AS project has been renamed (and it is a good time to remember and thank again the JBoss community for their tremendous involvement in the effort), it is state-of-the-art Java EE 7-compliant (both in the Web and Full profile), it makes use of a modern, cutting edge, highly performant, web server (Undertow), and, last but not least, it is massively cool! And you can surely learn so much more from the announcement made by the project lead, Jason Greene.

In addition to the official announcement, we strongly recommend a few other articles published this week on about WildFly 8:


JUDCon India 2014 wrap-up

Arun Gupta has also published a comprehensive wrap-up of JUDCon India 2014 along with the feedback gathered from the participants. It was an engaging and successful conference, and if you didn't have the chance to attend, at least you can get a taste of it.


Tips and tricks for JBoss BPM

Eric Schabell has written a series of blogs posts, introducing a number of useful features of the JBoss BPM suite

Maciej Swiderski has published an article about developing reusable business assets as knowledge archives, a feature of the jBPM 6 deployment module.

In Brief

  • Hibernate Search is migrating to Apache Lucene 4.6, as announced by Sanne Grinovero's post
  • Heiko Rupp shows in this post how to run the RHQ agent on a Raspberry Pi
  • Mark Proctor provides some early performance results of Drools 6 with the PHREAK algorithm

New releases



We begin this week's Editorial by asking for help from everyone who is using Presentation Tier Technologies in their applications.  Brian has prepared a simple, three question survey to help us to get a better understanding of the direction in which your applications are headed, ensuring that we can continue to provide you with the best tools and capabilities to support you in your development efforts.  Please take a minute to look at the survey and help shape the direction we will take going forward and remember, the lists are not exhaustive so please use the 'Other' box to let us know of additional combinations that you are using.


Bayesian Belief Network in Drools

Mark has been very busy developing and integrating a bayesian network subsystem for the Drools pluggable belief system.  In his post he describes the initial work that has been done, references the papers that have been driving the development and briefly discusses the next steps in the development.


Deploying processes in jBPM 6

If you have been trying the recent jBPM 6.0 release then you will already realise that the mechanism for deploying processes has changed, with the packaging moving from a proprietary packaging model to using an extension of a jar file.  Maciej has written a great post explaining the changes that have occurred, highlighting the specific additions that need to be made and walking you through the choices for deploying the new artifacts into your system.


Integration Tooling for JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools

Tooling plays a major part in all projects that contribute to the integration platforms and this week's release of the integration platforms is accompanied by an update to the tooling available through JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools.  For those of you wishing to try out the new tooling, Paul walks you through what is included, provides a step-by-step guide to installation and describes the new components that are now included.


JBoss out and About

As part of the Developer Conference taking place in Brno this weekend, JHackFest will be providing an opportunity for anyone interested in Open Source to join with others and hack on any ideas that may be of interest.  JHackFest takes place on Saturday, February 8th in Masaryk University in Brno.


The Ceylon team have recently held their annual face-to-face meeting in Paris and, with everyone in the same location, took the opportunity to hold their first Ceylon Tour conference.  There were numerous presentation during the day covering topics such as the SDK, Ceylon Idioms, Vert.x, testing, module repositories and Java interoperability.  Stéphane has provided his thoughts on the face-to-face and conference, including slide decks from all the presentations.


If you were at the recent Boston JUG meeting then you would have seen Eric Schabell give a presentation entitled "Zero to Hero with JBoss Business Rules".  Eric has now made his slide deck available for those who are interested in seeing what was covered.


New Releases

The Hibernate Search team have released Hibernate Search 4.5.0.Final, focussing primarily on compatibility with Hibernate ORM 4.3 and WildFly 8.  This version of Hibernate Search will also now be included in the WildFly 8 distribution making it even easier to get started.


The Arquillian team have released 2.0.1.Final of their Graphene component, focussing primarily on browser interoperability and addressing bugs.


That's all the news we have for you this week, join us next week for the next installment from JBoss.

With winter finally spreading from the US to Europe, all appears to be frozen... but in the JBoss universe, those freezes are only there allow more releases and announcements ! So toss one more log in the fireplace and enjoy this new JBoss Weekly, as we walk you through them. going social !


Probably the most important announcement of the week, your JBoss account on this website can now be linked to social website such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and so on. More information on this in the official Social log in announcement.

Forge 2.0.0 (Furnace)


With this brand new version, Forge will help you fire up quickly your JEE project, set up your software stack, and removing the pain and hassle of searching Google for every bits of configuration... But, don't take our word for it, go and test this Forge brand new release !

Ruby in the snow


With this dreadful, and cold, weather, you probably want to stay home and maybe play around with something new. Well, if you have not tried yet, TorqueBox just released it's last minor release, 3.0.2, before the 3.1 series. This stable released is the perfect opportunity, to download it and try to see if this mild blend of JEE and JRuby may be your new favorite flavor of "cup of Joe"...

JGroups under the sun...


The JGroups framework, which is the keystone of both JBoss AS's clustering feature and the Infinispan replication and distribution mechanisms. A large meeting in Mallorca, regrouping many members of those projects, happened two weeks ago, and JGroups's project leader, Bela Ban, took the time to share the outputs of the numerous discussions that took place there...

Keycloak first released !


Bill Burke just announced the very first release of Keycloak, an SSO authentication server and appliance for securing web applications and RESTful web services. Along with this announcement, the team produced a set of screencasts to help you understand quickly how to set up and use this server in your project.


Keycloak already supports OAuth and CORS, but also integration with social broker, such as Facebook or Google. It comes with the admin console, but also with an integration with OpenShift, to easily deploy the server in the cloud... Go test it !

Talks, talks, talks ... and books


  • From JEE to mobile: Mobile is certainly everywhere now days, and it may be time to consider bringing your JEE apps into this new realm. It may sounds complex, difficult or maybe even impossible, but once you will have seen Serge and Burr's talk on the topic, all will become clear... So don't forget to register for the Red Hat Summit 2014 in San Francisco !
  • Camel Workshop: Last week, Claus Ibsen did a talk and a workshop on Camel - featuring also Fabric8, at the Barcelona's JUG. More information on his blog...
  • JBoss EAP 6 High Availability by Packtpub: Arun Gupta just released a brief review of the recently published JBoss EAP 6 High Availability by PacktPub Book Review.

That's all folk !


As always, the JBoss ecosystem continues to thrive and grow - making for many, many exciting events, announcements and releases.  It is a lot to keep up with so follow our This Week in JBoss blog for your weekly summaries.


It has been some time since we have had a chance to chat and update you on all the JBoss goodness that has been cooking up behind the scenes here since the New Year started.


Time we fixed that, so without further delay, we bring you several weeks of news from the JBoss communities.



Call for papers is open until the end of Jan for OSCON 2014 and in the JBoss communities there are things brewing, time to get your ideas in there too so we can meet up in July in Portland, Oregon.


This coming April there is the brand new DevNation conference coming, aligning all the JUDCon / CamelOne goodness you were used to and bringing them under one umbrella in San Francisco. The call for papers is ongoing, so hurry up and get your talks submitted!


The Red Hat Summit 2014 is coming in April to San Francisco and the agenda was made available today, you can browse the talks and enjoy a preview from some of the JBoss speakers in our community.


Next week, Jan 30th, there will be a JBoss BPM migration webinar covering the aspects you might be interested in when moving from the old version 5 to the new version 6.


There will be a Boston JUG meetup next week, Jan 30th in the evening that you can join to become a business rules hero. The following week all the JBoss Evangelist are going to descend on Chicago for a special workshop filled JBUG meetup.


There is a report following up on the workshops given in Singapore a few weeks ago training the locals up on JBoss technologies. The week after they were busy passing the gospel of JBoss to the Japanese in Tokyo at another workshop showcasing JBoss BPM Suite, JDV, and FSW. We also have a new translation contributor that is working on bringing various articles to the Japanese people.


You can follow up on the webinar around JBoss, Glassfish and Weblogic with links to the replay and Q&A lists from the webinar.


In March there will be an Atlanta JBUG meetup with speakers talking about the next generation integration with JBoss Fuse Service Works


There is a webinar coming up to get you started with JBoss A-MQ, don't miss it.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:


The RHQ project has pushed out their vision of the future in a State of the Union address.

A new demo is available for the JBoss Business Resource Optimizer, this time running on OpenShift, start planning resource usage in the Cloud. If you are interested in upgrading from the older 5.5 to the new version 6, check out the blog detailing the experience.

The latest Forge 2 tooling has been made available in JBossTools and you get a tour through the tooling from installation to producing project code.

We welcome the brand new project, with an interview introducing the Narayana Transaction Analyser.


There was a series of WildFly tech tips published the last few weeks, you can catch up on them here; deploying multiple instances in the 8th tech tip, deploying applications and artifacts to Wildfly using the maven plugin in the 9th tech tip, deploying to WildFly using curl in the 10th tech tip, jboss-cli deployments in the 11th tech tip, and the 12th tech tip on using WildFly covers Role Based access control.

Take a tour of the new Drools core algorithm PHREAK stack based evaluations and backward chaining to sharpen your rules skills. Then you can watch them stress test the new algorithm with the OptaPlanner, find out which core engine is faster.


Take a closer look at using Spring with JBoss jBPM's newest release, this story will take you down the path to a warm Spring.

Interested in a new quick start guide for remote queries over Hot Rod by the Infinispan team?


There is a nice overview on how to integrate Apache Solr search results with your enterprise data using Teiid.


Catch up with the meetings in Brno last week by going through the slides to the WildFly EE Concurrency Utilities presentation.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

There's not a lot for me to say today other than Merry Christmas! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone within Red Hat/JBoss, our customers, our communities etc. for all of your support over the past year and for your continued support in 2014. I hope everyone reading this has a great festive season and if you don't celebrate Christmas then I still hope you manage to chill out, rest, or just enjoy yourself! If you do want to check out what's going on in the world of JBoss then look at the main blog feed, but normal service will be resumed here in the editorial in the new year!


With that I'll leave you with a festive image for this time of good cheer to everyone! Onward! (To 2014!!)


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This time of year affords many of us an opportunity to step away from work, enjoy time with our families, relax and even the chance of spending time on those projects that are on our todo list.  If you are still looking for some interesting projects then hopefully you may be enticed by some of this week's goodies.


WildFly and Java EE


Arun Gupta has been prolific this week, writing no less than four posts covering WildFly and/or Java EE!


In two of his posts he demonstrates how simple it is to run his Java EE samples on WildFly, all within two popular IDEs.  The first post walks us through the steps that are necessary to enable the integration within JBoss Tools, the second showing similar capabilities within NetBeans.

Arun has also taken time to go through the recently published Devoxx 2-13 Parleys Channel and compile a list of no fewer than twenty videos covering various Java EE topics, including the Java EE7 session he presented with Antonio Goncalves, an interview he gave during the conference and all the presentations that were given by the Red Hat projects.


If you are interested in finding out more information on WildFly and EAP, including how they compare with GlassFish and WebLogic, then register for Arun's webcast on January 8th 2014.


Drools and jBPM


The drools and jBPM teams recently held a workshop in the fabulous city of Barcelona.  Mauricio Salatino has written up a report of the event, including some photographs, details of the workshop and links to the accompanying slide deck.


Eric Schabell, having previously provided a set of demo projects to demonstrate the capabilities of the BPM platform, has now enhanced each of the projects so that they will create 1000 mock instances on deployment.  His reasons for doing so were simple, to provide an easy way of demonstrating the graphical capabilities of the Process and Task Dashboard.  Eric has also created some new demos to give you a taste of the upcoming Business Optimizer capabilities.


Design Time Governance with Overlord


Continuing his serious of articles covering Design Time Governance Kurt Stam, of the Overlord team, has added another article showing how easy it is to extend your Design Time Governance release workflow to include provisioning your application by deploying it into an application server's domain.


Testing with Ceylon


The 1.0 release of Ceylon introduced a completely rewritten test module, including support for annotations.  For more information check out Tomáš Hradec's article where he introduces the current test capabilities of the language.


Apache Camel Developer's cookbook


Jakub Korab and Scott Cranton have recently finished their upcoming book, the Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook.  Their book includes a wealth of information using over 100 how-to recipes to show you how to Get Stuff Done.  The book should be published by Packt later this month and is available for pre-order.


New Releases


If all the above goodness wasn't enough to keep you busy during the holiday period then here are some new releases that you can also play with


That's all for another week at JBoss, keep checking the feed for more updates over the coming weeks.  If you are lucky enough to be taking some time away from work then, from all of us at JBoss, have a great time over the coming weeks and into the New Year.

It's Friday 13th ! Beware ! It's not a time to commit, build or even code... Rather than endangering your business and software, just relax, sit down, and let us walk-through the JBoss related news of the week...

Comes and Play with EE 7


Java EE 7 is out, and it's time to learn about its new features and what to expect in Wildfly 8 ! Fortunately, Arun Gupta and Antonio Goncalves have though about that, and their presentation at Java One on this topic is now available online.

A week in the "merde"


You are wondering where to take the kids and the wife in January ? Paris, France, on the third week, might be an interesting deal for you ! Indeed, on top of the usual beauty of my birth city, Paris will host the JBoss Paris Conference that will be held on the Wednesday 22, and few days after that, on Friday, the first Ceylon Tour Paris... Voulez vous coder avec moi ? (well, I won't be there, but still...)

Discover the new features of Infinispan 6.0.0


Infinispan 6.0 has been out for a few weeks now, and if you were in London last week, you might have been part of the happy few, like me , to attend Mircea Markus talk on those new features. Luckily, the London JBUG  has just released it on YouTube.


It worth mentioning also that Infinispan 6.0 introduces the support for remote querying, allowing one to leverage its integration with Hibernate Search and Lucene, while running Infinispan in server mode. (note that this feature is also already available in JBoss Data Grid 6.2.Beta)


Byteman 2.1.4


A new minor release for Byteman, filled with bug fixes, but also an opportunity for anybody who has not yet used this fantastic tool for JVM instrumentation to give it a go... Certainly, you have some application, you would like to profile ?

Broken mirror


Your application's Web UI is not getting prettier by the minute, and it's time for a change ? It's then the perfect opportunity to checkout the newest release of both RichFaces and RichWidget !

Heroes of Continuous Delivery


The Arquillian project is certainly true to the core spirit of continuous delivery, as almost each week that passes contains, not only one, but several releases of its numerous components. Having a Friday 13Th in this week has not prevent them to do as usual, and three sub-projects have released new versions:

  • Rest Extension 1.0.0.alpha2, mostly add support for JAX-RS 2.0 Client APIs
  • Droidium 1.0.0.Alpha3 is also out, but has serious issues on Windows (so if you run on this system, hold it for a little while, a new release, is coming quite soon)
  • The final release of the Arquillian Drone extension is also out, and if you are interested in Web UI testing automation, you should definitely look this one up !


Hibernate Search and Hibernate ORM are friends again


If last week saw the release of Hibernate ORM 4.2.8 Final, featuring many performances improvement, it also sadly broke its compatibility with Hibernate Search. This was spotted right on, and it is now fixed with the release of Hibernate Search 4.4.1.Final !



... And let's take a little peak outside the Java and JBoss universe, where things also moving along quite nicely:


  • The release of Red Hat Enterprise Server 7 Beta is quite a milestone, and as RHEL remains, for many people, the choice of excellence to run   JBoss Middleware software on, it is bound to interest a few readers of this post...
  • Last week, was also announced Openshift Enterprise 2.0 - if you do not know yet this "next generation application hosting platform developed by Red Hat", it is definitely worth taking a look !


As always, the JBoss ecosystem continues to thrive and grow - making for many, many exciting events, announcements and releases.  It is a lot to keep up with so follow our This Week in JBoss blog for your weekly summaries.

Perhaps the biggest news of the week is Hibernate's new website. Hibernate continues to be one JBoss' all-time favorite OSS projects, while many of you know it for its ORM capabilities, perhaps you did not know about Search, Validator or OGM.   The new website organizes the content in a way that allows newbies to more easily get started while also allowing experts to more quickly navigate to their area of interest.



And Hibernate ORM 4.2.8.Final has arrived and 4.3.0.CR2 has as well.



* Salaboy will be giving a Drools & jBPM Workshop in Barcelona on the 10th of Dec

Perhaps you can convince the boss to pay for the trip - to improve your Spanish and BPMN2 skills

* Mark Little's recent visit to Lyon

I love the Richard Hamming quote - go check it out

* Arun Gupta will be heading off to JavaLand in Bruhl Germany, I wonder if a German-based themepark/programmer conference will include all sorts of fun references to Grimm's Fairy Tales characters? That could add some fun to the average coder presentation.

* Aerogear 0.9.0 of the UnifiedPush Server is now available

If you need to integrate APNS or GCM into your iPhone/iOS, Android Java, HTML5, Apache Cordova/Phonegap apps or simply your web apps you should check out Aerogear

I created a little video a couple of weeks ago of the Aerogear AeroDoc sample application showing cross-platform push notifications

* JBDS 7.1.0 and JBoss Tools 4.1.1 is almost here - check out the Candidate Release

* By the time you read this, Eric Schabell's session entitled What's New in the JBoss Integration & BPM World at the Open Source Conference Amsterdam 2013 will be likely be completed.

Make sure to hit up Eric on Twitter for a look at his slides and he does have numerous video recordings of many of his demos.

* Plugin Plugin? - Announcing RHQ Agent Plugin Plugin

A Maven plugin to help you create RHQ Agent plugins - if you wish to extend the RHQ real-time monitoring and management capabilities, well, you need a plugin and now plugins are even easier to create.

* TorqueBox 3 == TorqBox gets leaner and meaner - while the JBoss AS/Wildfly core is already damn skinny, this is going even thinner - and "TorqBox should outperform every other Ruby web server"!

* JBoss EAP 6.2 is here, check out Arun's blog describing the key enhancements

* Teiid 8.6 CR1 is now available for download

* IntelliJ 13 for Java EE 7 with Wildfly 8 - for those of you who love IntelliJ, please try out Java EE 7 and Wildfly and send us your feedback.


As always, the JBoss ecosystem continues to thrive and grow - making for many, many exciting events, announcements and releases.  It is a lot to keep up with so follow our This Week in JBoss blog for your weekly summaries.

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