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Weekly Editorial

359 posts

Let's start with Happy Thanksgiving to our American audience (unless you're a turkey, of course, where it's probably not such a good day - hey, wait until Christmas!)


This week has been hectic, even without all of the Thanksgiving preparations I'm sure many people have been caught up by. What with the obligatory Devoxx catch up from Dimitris and then one of our newest hires (Arun Gupta, ex Oracle) posting about the death of commercial GlassFish, I'm not sure where to begin! Let's start by looking Ceylon. The team have a few things to say this week after the 1.0 release at Devoxx, including a discussion about typesafety and expressiveness, and the CLI. If you haven't checked out Ceylon yet then this is a good opportunity, especially if you're looking for something to do while the turkey cooks or gets digested!


Maciej has essentially written up a Getting Started tutorial for jBPM 6, complete with videos. His colleagues have also been busy. Edson, for instance, has written about the new Drools Developers' Guide, whilst Geoffrey has been making OptaPlanner work in Camel. As usual, the EAP/WildFly team has found time (how?) to write about cool features such as WebSockets, the clustering reference architecture, and WildFly meets Docker.


Before moving on to the usual list of new releases, it's worth calling out Kurt's article on SOA Governance for special mention. Kurt and the team have been working actively on this for a long time and the results are spectacular. Check out his article and give feedback!


OK, so to finish off we've had a lot of releases again this week, including TorqueBox 3.0.1, Arquillian OSGi support 2.1.0CR2, a new version of Arquillian's JRebel extension, and the 1.1.0 Final release of SwitchYard! Congratulations to all of the teams and communities involved! Let's see what happens next week!


Welcome to this weeks JBoss Editorial, where we bring you up to speed on the latest, greatest in JBoss open source.


This week we will put a bit of a spotlight on the task of optimizing your resource usage, with a closer look at the release of JBoss OptaPlanner 6.0.0.Final.

OptaPlanner is a lightweight, embeddable planning engine written in Java to solve constraint satisfaction problems efficiently. Together with the Drools rule engine and the jBPM workflow engine, it is a strong and flexible foundation for knowledge management.


This release comes well documented with a series of demo videos that get you started and details a specific feature:



Now you have no reason to not get started with solving your resource optimization problems.



This week the news was around the Devoxx event that took place a few weeks ago. We get another recap of the Devoxx conference is provided this week by Dimitris Andreadis centered around the WildFly BOF. Then Geoffrey de Smet talks us through how he came up with the Tennis club scheduling solution (video mentioned above) during a Devoxx lunch session last week.


Blogs / Articles

The following articles were collected for your enjoyment:

Kurt Stam is the tour guide today if you want to see how to get started with DTGov for managing your deployments.


Marek Goldmann takes us through developing with WildFly, JBoss Dev Studio, and Docker.


Mark Proctor put out a very nice video tour (six in all) of the loveliness that is coming down the road in the Drools / jBPM community releases soon, very soon. Stay tuned...


Over on the Arquillian blog they highlight the fact that Jakub Narloch was recognized AWS re:invent. Jakub and the other winners were present at AWS re:Invent to receive their award, a custom-made Cloud Monkey trophy, $10,000 in prize money from Netflix, $5,000 in AWS credits from Amazon and the cost of the trip to Las Vegas and admission to the conference. Well done!


You can automate your lending services with a new demo project based on JBoss BRMS / BPM Suite Beta releases, check it out, up an running in minutes by Eric D. Schabell!


Gavin King schools us (quiz included) in this article on Intersections & Variance based on progress made within the Ceylon project.


Anil Saldhana helps us choose between SAML and OAuth over in the Architect Zone on DZone.



This weeks list of new project releases, enjoy!

eventsite_banner_1180px.pngWhile we have, unfortunately, missed our edition last week, we did our best to capture all the most important developments in the time that has passed since our last update. The most important event took place this week, and we're talking about Devoxx 2013, in Antwerp, Belgium.


A well-established fixture on the Java conference circuit, Devoxx has attracted a lot of interest this year too, but, most importantly, had a solid JBoss presence, with numerous  speakers and well-attended sessions. Eric Schabell has already published his impressions. At the time of this editorial, the conference has just ended, so expect more impressions to follow, perhaps early next week. We will keep up informing you.


In Brief

  • Mark Proctor introduces a new algorithm employed by Drools 6, which aims to improve the framework's rule processing capabilities. So, PHREAK but don freak out. Things are going to get better.
  • For those projects where you need a stricter governance of your systems and resources, there is Overlord. Kurt Stam has published a brief introduction to get you up to speed.
  • Heiko Rupp has published his impressions from One Day Talk, which took place in October in Munich.
  • Eduardo Martins has published an introduction to JSR-236 support in Wildfly 8. JSR-236 is a long-time expected specification, which brings Java EE at par with Java SE in what concerns concurrency and scheduling capabilities. While such capabilities have been implemented independently by various vendors and frameworks, having them at the core of the specification closes an important gap. Moreover, I'm quite excited to see them supported by Wildfly!
  • Eric Schabell has published a series of article, in the first showcasing the enterprise integration capabilities of BRMS, and the next shows another enhancement to the Cool Store Demo, this time with a fully automated setup
  • Ken Finnigan is introducing the Arquillian Warp capabilities for JSF Portlet testing, new in Arquillian Portal Extension 1.1.0.Alpha1
  • Mark Little has shared his thoughts about Oracle's decision of discontinuing Glassfish's commercial versions
  • DevZone has published an interview with Claus Ibsen, from the Apache Camel and Active MQ teams
  • Christian Sadilek has written a blog, providing a detailed overview of the latest developments in Errai
  • If you are following the JBoss Asylum podcasts, last week's edition featuring Dan Allen and Asciidoctor is definitely one to listen to
  • The ModeShape team has an ongoing discussion about relicensing the project under Apache 2.0
  • Geoffrey DeSmet has published an OptaPlanner demo video
  • Games must be played by the rules, and building a game on top of a rule engine is a fun way to learn. So, read Mark Proctor's blog about his Space Invaders implementation on top of Drools.
  • Shane Bryzak has started a series of articles providing an in-depth look at PicketLink;
  • One of the biggest challenges when developing for a cloud platform is ensuring that it can be ported to another environment. CapeDwarf reduces the effort of running applications written for the Google App Engine on the JBoss family of application servers (including Wildfly) by providing compatibility with GAE APIs inside the application server. But there's still the matter of authenticating and authorizing your original users, which is taken care of by PicketLink Social OpenID support as shown by Marko Lukša's blog entry.
  • If you want to learn how to quickly implement a static file server,  Lincoln Baxter's article can help you, showing you how to do it using Rewrite and a servlet container (for example Wildfly).

New Releases

Upcoming sightings

  • A significant JBoss (and all around Red Hat) contingent will be present at Open Source Conference Amsterdam 2013 (December 6) - read Eric Schabell's blog for more details

geek-pumpkins.jpgFor starter, let us wish you all a Happy Halloween ! This Halloween fell like heaven for us, because we just learned that Red Hat has been reelected to JCP-EC, which is both a fantastic news and a recognition of our contribution to the Java Community.


Indeed, even before its acquisition by Red Hat, JBoss has been an active member of the Java Community Process for around ten years. The numerous votes on our favor is a testimony to the value of this collaboration. Let us paraphrase here, what Mark Little wrote in his blog entry: "thanks to all the voters (whether you voted for us or not ), to whom we promise to keep up the good work"...


Back from the dead !


The JCache specification has released the final version of its 1.0. While not really dead, the specs was almost dormant for years, and it is really nice to see it finally going forward. InfiniSpan already supports the version 0.7 of the API, and should be updated to support this latest version of the specification in the coming weeks...


Still biting


While the years of the raging wars around dependency injection - then called inversion of control, are long gone, the community around Weld has certainly not stop its work. Indeed, the project has just released its version 2.1.0-Final, which contains, on top of the usual (but still appreciated) performance enhancement and bug fixes, the support for OSGI, using the PAX-CDI (reference implementation for RFC-193).


Apocalypse survivor


Both the JAX London and the Open Shift workshop done there by Eric D. Schabel survived the mega storm that hit great Britain capital ! However, if despite this good omen you were not among the happy few (like me) to participate to this event, Andrew Miller just released a book on "Implementing OpenShift".


Mort(gage) demo


On top the previous workshop, Eric D. Schabell found the time to release a pretty awesome demo for the JBoss BPM suite. If you want to have a first look at the coming version 6 of the product, you should definitely check it ! You can go even one step further, and learn how to install the demo itself.


Something old this way comes


The IT Business used to be focused on batch processing applications, and many technologies that predates Java and JEE, were quite good at it. With the rise of the web, and the coming of JEE application server, the need for batch applications did not really went away, but strangely enough, had never been a focus for the JCP. Finally, this gap has been filled by the creation of the JSR 352,Batch Applications for the Java Platform.


The release of this new specification, inspired by the success of Spring Batch, triggered the creation of a new JBoss project, called, JBeret. It's still a beta, but it's is still worth mentioning the project have released its first version.


Note: JBeret is awesome name that was proposed for the rename of JBoss AS. Sadly, people, at the time, failed to recognized the value and high quality of it, and went for Wildfly (also awesome). Fortunately, it was not lost to everybody


"Sallah, I said no camels!"


As he is surprisingly often for such an heroic character, Indiana Jones was quite wrong about that - we certainly need Camel . Especially with the recent release of Red Hat JBoss Fuse. So, it's definitely time to brush up on it, and, with a great sense of timing, a new book on the topic, Instant Apache Camel Messaging System, has just been released !


Test driven infected


If you are "test driven infected" as any good Java/JEE person should be, you'll be happy to hear that the Arquillian project has just released not one, but two new extensions with the version 1.0.0,  Arquillian REST Extension and  Arquillian Transaction Extension.




After five espresso and a latte, it's probably a good idea to have a decaf... The same logic applies to Java and JBoss - sometimes, it's good to take a look at what is happening elsewhere. Especially when it comes to tools that some many Java developers uses, like SVN. So, if you are still using SVN, and you are getting tired of being laught at by all those "cool kids" using git, take a look at this article and learn how to use git as a SVN client... (yeah, I know, this is obvious self promoting, but people stuck on SVN will thanks me...)


Photo by Lotzman Katzman.

We missed a week but I tried to capture a full two weeks worth of interesting news and announcements (double the pleasure, double the fun).  JBoss folks have both amazing energy and a great variety of interests and in this blog I hope to capture some of the highlights and point you at some very interesting new content.



The Narayana project visualized by Gource

3 years of WildFly Gource Animation

  • Eclipse SWTBot gets a logo - The face of SWTBot
  • Andrew Rubinger comes clean on his recent transition to becoming a "marketer" ;-)

Joining the Dark Side | Developer Advocate and Program Manager


New Releases:

* Arquillian TestRunner Spock 1.0.0.Beta2 Released

* Integration Stack for JBoss Tools and Developer Studio

* JBoss Tools 4.1.1 Alpha2

* Hibernate Search: 4.4.0.Final released, with 4.5.0.Alpha1 released too

* Arquillian Droidium 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released

* Forge 1.4.2.Final Released

* AeroGear UnifiedPush Server 0.8.1 released

* Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Beta2 released

* Teiid Designer 8.3 Beta2 available

* Teiid 8.6 Alpha2 Posted

* Arquillian Graphene 2.0 - Functional Testing with Elegance

* JBossWS 4.2.2.Final - Controlling Apache CXF Bus creation for JAXWS clients

* Hibernate ORM 4.2.7.Final Released

* Wait, Hibernate ORM 4.2.7.SP1 Released (yes, back to back releases)

* ModeShape 3.6.0.Final is available


Upcoming Events:

* OpenShift Primer - a JBoss workshop coming soon to JAX London 2013

* DecisionCamp 2013 : Nov 4-6 : San Jose


Welcome to this weeks JBoss Editorial, where we bring you up to speed on the latest, greatest in JBoss open source goodness. There have been a ton of project releases, some interesting blogs posted, and we start with an events update.


We kick it off with a few links to the amazing Nobel Prize for Higgs boson, thanks to running on JBoss software. There was a session on it at Camel One and the news broke this week. It did not go unnoticed by Mark Little our big JBoss chief who Tweeted this:




It seems like the Arquillian project team has had an explosion of releases this week, with Drone Extensions, new containers, new QUnit extensions, and we are left wondering if they were left exhausted on the floor next to their desks after this activity? See below for all the latest news from this team.

This month there will be jBPM workshops in Poland and the UK, check them out if you are in the area.

You can meet some of your favorite JBossians in Munich this month at the JBoss One Day Talks.

There have been some security changes to, please take the time to look at them.

Blogs / Articles

Shane has been talking about the Fall of Server Side Web Frameworks this week, so take a look and let him know what your take is on this.


Mad Max and his team have pushed a fix for a Java regression bug that was introduced, so check out the JBoss Tools post and update your Developer Studio 7.0.


Community Teiid project member has contributed a fantastic article on his semantic web project involving a Web Scraping Teiid Translator. Furthermore, the Teiid team is excited by the JBoss Data Virtualization 6 Beta release. Kenny also launched a great demo around this release, check it out over at OSSMentor.


Mr. Barkely has posted More Errai Basics that will take you on a magic bus ride, you don't want to miss this bus!


Ray talks us through CDI in Standard Portlets as made available in the latest JBoss Portal 6.1 release, a howto that will guide your CDI efforts.


Marek is rocking the Wildfly on Fedora by putting together this story around clustering Wildfly using Docker on Fedora.


Ceylon has published a roadmap walking us all the way through their 1.2 release.



A list of new project releases, enjoy!

Record JGroups Cluster Size


Bela has recently announced a large jump in the size of the biggest JGroups cluster known to have been created.  The previous record stood at an astounding 536 nodes but this has now been surpassed in style, raising the record to an incredible 1538 nodes.


Transactions Returning to Big Data


Mark Little recently attended the HPTS 2013 Workshop where he presented a paper on Transactions Returning to Big Data.  In his paper he covers a number of the issues that have lead many organisations to reconsider the use of transactions in NoSQL/Big Data deployments.


Project Job Scheduling the OptoPlanner way


Geoffrey has followed up on last week's OptaPlanner video with a new video that demonstrates how OptaPlanner can be used to schedule project related tasks, making use of the available resources in an efficient manner.


Scala Interceptors


Adam Warski has recently written a post describing how easy it is to add interceptors into a Scala application.  While this may sound like a daunting task, Adam introduces us to the MacWire ProxyingInterceptor class which can be used as the foundation for this functionality.


GOTO Aarhus 2013


Eric Schabell was fortunate enough to have attended GOTO 2013, being given an opportunity to present a session on his OpenShift Primer Book.  Eric has now posted the slides of his session online, entitled "OpenShift Primer: Cloud development has never been easier".


jBPM in Magnolia CMS


Kris recently attended the Magnolia conference in Basel, Switzerland, where he co-presented a session with Espen from the Magnolia team.  Their session covered jBPM, versions 5 and 6, and provided details of how Magnolia uses jBPM to drive Magnolia Workflow.


New Releases


That is all for this week, please check back next week for more updates from the JBoss Communities.

Introducing xPaaS


For a number of years we, at JBoss, have been discussing PaaS in various forms including Enterprise PaaS, Integration PaaS and BPM as a Service.  We have been discussing each of these as independent components although each has obvious relationships with the others.  As a result we have recently announced an update to our PaaS strategy, a unified offering that we are calling xPaas.  Following the announcement, Mark Little has taken some time to present his thoughts on the topic and what can be expected over the coming weeks and months.


Embedded and Remote queries in Infinispan


The Infinispan team have recently introduced a new querying capability within their 6.0.0 codebase, intended to provide a way of running queries against cached entities using a simple filtering DSL and allowing the possibility of alternative query engines to be used while using the same query language/API.


Dynamic Index Sharding in Hibernate Search


Index Sharding has been a core capability of Hibernate Search for years however, until now, it has been necessary for the number of shards to be specified explicitly within the Hibernate Search configuration.  The 4.4.0.Beta1 release of HIbernate Search changes this by introducing a new feature, Dynamic Sharding, an introduction to which can be found in Sanne's post.


SwitchYard on OpenShift


Have you ever wanted to deploy SwitchYard applications in the cloud?  If so then Keith Babo has the answer for you.  In his latest video recording within the SwitchYard Video Series Keith shows how simple it is to create a new SwitchYard on OpenShift, how quickly an Application can be developed and how easy this application can be deployed into the OpenShift environment.


OptaPlanner and Vehicle Routing problems


Geoffrey has created a new video demonstrating how OptaPlanner can be used to optimise the planning of Vehicle Routes while delivery times are being constrained by specific time windows.


Presentations in the Cloud


Eric Schabell is well known for his presentations, many of which cover how best to use OpenShift.  In his latest post, Eric has decided to marry the two topics and demonstrate how easy it is to use OpenShift to publish presentations in the cloud, describing each of the steps that are necessary for deploying an example Awestruct presentation.


New Releases



That is all for this week, please check back next week for more updates from the JBoss Communities.

WildFly is approaching Fedora

A few days ago Marek finished upgrading all required components and finally packaged Alpha3 version of WildFly. It's already available in Rawhide and in Fedora 20 updates-testing repository.

New persistence API in Infinispan 6.0.0.Alpha4

The existing CacheLoader/CacheStore API has been around since Infinispan 4.0. In this release of Infinispan we've taken a major step forward in both simplifying the integration with persistence and opening the door for some pretty significant performance improvements.


Using Social Media Integration in Red Hat JBoss Portal Platform 6.1 Beta

JBoss Portal Platform 6.1 was designed with social media integration in mind to tailor use cases that are relevant in today’s web-based applications.  For example, when configured, JBoss Portal Platform can let new users to sign up and register by using Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.


Teiid 8.5 Released

We are pleased to announce the next iteration of Teiid is available.


Narayana is now JTA 1.2 Compliant

I'm very proud to announce that with Narayana 5.0.0.M3 we are now JTA 1.2 compliant! What's more, with the release of JCA 1.7 in WildFly 8.0.0.Beta1 (WFLY-510 ), the new application server features are now available.


Arquillian Seam 2 Extension 1.0.0.Beta1 Released

Some of the highlights in this release:

  • Injection of Identity is now supported in the Arquillian powered tests.
  • Your tests can now exercise conversation scoped components!
  • Seam 2.3 and JBoss AS 7 are now covered by our test suite thanks to Thiago Veronese
  • Seam 2 autopacking based on Maven can now use arbitraty settings.xml when specified through mvn.alternate.settings system property.


Need to meet business priorities? Accelerate development

The business priorities may include increasing enterprise growth, delivering operational results, accelerating innovation, and increasing satisfaction. How can the right middleware help meet these priorities?


Learning SwitchYard : Labs from Red Hat Summit Available

The SwitchYard team helped put together a set of labs for Red Hat Summit this year focused on getting started with SwitchYard.  The objective of these labs was to take attendees with no experience with SwitchYard and help them become productive users of the project.  The labs set the stage by walking through an example application and explaining what you need to know followed by hands on development and configuration of common integration application scenarios.  We received some great feedback from attendees and the lab was one of the top-ranked sessions at Summit this year


Heterogenous clusters with Infinispan 6.0.0.Beta1

One of the basic rules of participating in an Infinispan cluster was that everyone must pay their fair share. Sure, each node was able to run a diferent set of caches (i.e. the cluster didn't have to be symmetric). But when a node started up a distributed cache, it automatically took ownership of a share of the keys equal to all the other members of the cache.


Pluggable Belief Systems in Drools 6.0

Drools has supported simple truth maintenance for a long time, and followed a similar approach as that in Jess and Clips. In 6.0 we abstracted the TMS system to allow for pluggable belief systems. This allows a sub system to control what the main working memory can see; i.e. what is inserted for the user to write rules to join against.

Lots of interesting news from the JBoss world this week, especially as the preparations for Java One ramp up, but, more than usual, a significant number of news come from an area (management and monitoring) and a project (RHQ) which don't get a lot of talk, although they deserve it plenty. So this edition we will focus of them. The reason? Simple. We often focus on JBoss projects that, by their nature, target the development phase: frameworks, testing and development tools, and of course, the Wildfly application server (and JBoss EAP). It is to be expected - development is challenging, developing is fun, development is creative. But applications spend most of their time in production, where getting operational data is critical for understanding the health of the deployment, its behaviour in real usage scenarios and potential areas of improvement. So this week's editorial is dedicated to ...


What is RHQ and what is new?


RHQ is an enterprise management solutions for JBoss middleware projects - and beyond that, for Tomcat, Apache Web Server and numerous other server-side applications. It deals with critical aspects of the application while in production - such as: administration (changing parameters at runtime wherever that is desirable), monitoring (measuring the performance and understanding when it is satisfactory or not, but also helping pinpoint the specific areas that require improvement), and of course, sending alerts when things are out of control - a critical aspect of administering a live system. Besides the fact that it's useful, it can also produce cool charts like the one below. And now that you got your attention, we're going to point you to this link where you can check for yourself what an amazing project it is. Not before you read our editorial to the end.


So, onwards to our news: the first one is that RHQ has just released version 4.9 - with details being available here. It should come to reason that the release is accompanied by a rundown of the new features, and so it is:

  • John Mazzitelli provides an overview of the new fine-grained security permissions in bundle provisioning, and a demo of the new GUI for availability updates for resources
  • Jay Shaughnessy blogs about the RHQ group definitions enhancements,
  • John Sanda provides a guide for upgrading RHQ from 4.8 to 4.9


And of course if we got you interested in the project, you may want to contribute to its development, by providing feedback or providing your opinion about certain features or directions that you'd like to see the project heading towards - for example, you can answer Heiko Rupp's question on improving RHQ's build process.


And if you missed the webinar this week on Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (which is the product offering based on RHQ), make sure you stay tuned for the video recording.


In brief


  • The ModeShape team has provided a preview of their upcoming support for manually invoking sequencers, which will be part of the upcoming 3.6 release
  • Lincoln Baxter III shows you how to view an aggregate log of all your OpenShift gears at once
  • Tom Jenkinson, on behalf of the Narayana team, invites contributors to the project and provides a few guidelines on getting started on that
  • Eric Shabell provides an overview of his upcoming Devoxx talk, an hour-long practical introduction to OpenShift
  • Shane Johnson shares the results on his earlier poll, asking respondents whether they use (or need a data grid), musing on the results - in what concerns JBoss Data Grid and the future of in-memory data grids in general.
  • Bryan Che introduces Red Hat Storage, explaining how open hybrid storage is one of the underpinnings of open hybrid cloud
  • Kenny Peeples provides a practical introduction to Teiid and Business Intelligence, as well as on using JBoss Fuse and MQTT for communicating between Fuse and Android, in his Bitmoney demo
  • Navin Surtani provides an account of the latest talk at the Singapore JBUG, where Ramkumar K.B. from the SCB bank of Singapore has presented the way in which they use Fuse for developing mobile applications
  • Rob Davies provide an introduction to embedding Camel into ActiveMQ
  • Eric Schabell shows the updates to a few of the demos for BRMS: the Cool Store, Rewards and Customer Evaluation



Welcome back! And it's the time of year again when we continue to get ready for JavaOne. This year as in the past, we've got a lot of presentations so watch the website for details. And of course if you are around, come to the JBoss party!


OK, with that said let's venture forth into what else has been happening over the past few days. For a start there's been a lot of activity around data virtualisation from Kenny Peeples, who's been integrating Teiid and Business Intelligence. There are some slides as well as code! In related news, Randall announced that planning for ModeShape 4 has started, so get your requests in now. And of course ModeShape 3.5 was out only a few days ago.


The past week or so has definitely had a JBoss BRMS and jBPM related theme. First Eric Schabell produced a BRMS Primer (which he'll be presenting at the JBoss Business Day at FC Dortmund Stadium) and discussed the BRMS Cool Store, then he blogged about his presentation at the JBoss Forum in Hamburg. Then Kris, the jBPM lead, produced a flurry of activity including the release of CR2 for 6.0.0, a showcase on the installer/getting started and another showcase on the web console. Busy busy!! Related, Bob Brodt announced a bug hunt contest for the BPMN2 Eclipse modeler tool.


Finally we've had our usual range of other project release announcements, including TorqueBox 3.0.0, Alpha 5 for Arquillian Graphene 2.0.0, Beta 1 for Arquillian Drone 1.2.0, and Narayana/JBoss Transactions releases. Congratulations to all of the people involved!


OK, that's it for this week.


Welcome to this weeks JBoss Editorial, where you will find this last weeks activities and events around the JBoss Community. This week has produced a few project releases, but more interesting is the trend of introducing us to new topics, projects, and products that came out this week.



Shane Johnson over on is on a webinar today covering The Art of JBoss EAP Deployments, don't worry, you can catch a recording on the same link if you miss the live event. He also put together a recording to show you how fast JBoss EAP is, why, and how. It gives you all the details in the recording, slideshow, and accompanying article.

Blogs / Articles

Brian Che continues his tour of the Tenet of Hybrid Clouds with the fourth in the series.


We get introduced to Mobile Design with Errai by Erik-Jan de Wit.


Salaboy from the Drools team introduces us to Knowledge Is Everything (KIE).


Shane Johnson introduces us to Faster Big Data and Distributed Stream Processing over on


Finally, if you are ready to get started with business rules, processes, and/or event processing, there is a new JBoss BRMS Primer article in the series, Getting Started with JBoss BRMS that puts you right in the drivers seat to spin up demos, investigate capabilities, and kick start proofs-of-concepts in nothing flat.



A list of new project releases, enjoy!

Push It with Aerogear

"Push it real good", Aerogear is here with its new UnifiedPush Server and SimplePush Server.  Mobile application developers have historically had to rely on relatively expensive hosted solutions for sending push notifications to APNs (Apple Push Notification service) and GCM (Google Cloud Messaging).  Now there is a open source Java solution for sending native push notifications from your server to iOS and Android devices.




The Aerogear team has not only created the server engine but also the client SDKs for iOS, Android and JavaScript as well as an Administration Console to help you get up and running quickly. the server, read through the documentation, check out the sources on github and visit the Aerogear team on IRC at #aerogear


Hijack JGroups - Bela Ban is back with a great blog on getting into the weeds with the JGroups in Infinispan and Wildfly. 


OpenStack - Shane Johnson explores OpenStack - a middleware developer's view of the IaaS world.


Releases (Early and Often)

Jave EE in the Cloud


Over the next two months Shane Johnson will be writing a series of articles describing how Java EE applications can be developed and deployed into the Cloud.  In his first article Shane focusses on the OpenShift architecture, discusses the different communication requirements of application servers in the OpenShift environment compared to those within a traditional middleware configuration, introduces the concept of Gears and how they relate to the virtualisation employed by OpenShift and finally lists some of the components and topologies that can be used within OpenShift deployments.


Audit Logging with WildFly


Kabir Khan has written two very interesting articles describing how to configure audit logging for WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha4.


In his first article, Kabir describes how to set up secure Audit Logging to a remote rsyslog daemon.  While this is an advanced configuration for the WildFly audit logging, Kabir takes us through the process step by step and covers the creation of the Certificate Authority which is used to self sign the certificates for TLS, how to configure the WildFly Audit Logging to use TLS as its transport and finally how to configure rsyslogd to recognise the client certificates issued by your new Certificate Authority.  If this article sounds too daunting then you may also want to check out his second article where he describes a simpler example, showing how to enable the WildFly Audit Logging to log entries into a file before going on to show how to add the syslog handler to enable logging to a local syslog daemon.


Upcoming Events


On Wednesday 28th August there will be two BRMS events taking place in Dublin, one in the morning and the second in the evening.  These events are free however spaces are limited.  If you are interested in attending either event then make sure to check Mark's post for details of how to register.


Eric Schabell will be presenting once again at this year's GOTO Aarhus conference.  His session will be taking place on Monday 30th September, from 13:20 to 14:10, and is entitled OpenShift Primer - Cloud development has never been easier.


New Releases



That is all for this week, please check back next week for more updates from the JBoss Communities.

JBoss Governance

Project Overlord 1.0.0.Final

The Overlord team is proud to announce the release of version 1.0.0.Final


Any computer system, whether it is centralized or distributed, needs some form of governance, i.e., the act of monitoring and managing the system. Such governance may be as simple as ensuring only authorized users have access to capabilities (e.g. services), or as complex as guaranteeing the system and its components maintain a level of availability or reliability in the presence of failures or increased system load. Managing distributed systems has always been a critical aspect for users, developers and administrators. As those distributed systems grew in scope and scalability, spanning multiple organizations with different infrastructures and trust boundaries, governance became more difficult but even more important. Governance deals with the processes by which a system operates. In order to have successful governance, some form of management, monitoring and administration is required for these processes


Cloud Computing

Red Hat has joined the Google Cloud Platform

We've been pretty busy lately so this is slightly delayed. However, I do want to announce that Red Hat has joined the Google Cloud Platform Partner Program as a Technology Partner. Through this program, Red Hat and Google will collaborate on an open source community project known as JBoss CapeDwarf that increases the portability of Java-based Google App Engine applications and expands the deployment choices beyond Google’s cloud.



Portal & CMS

JBoss Portal Integration with FirstSpirit CMS

e-Spirit, developer of the Java-based FirstSpirit content management system and a Red Hat partner, is in the process of rolling out an integration of FirstSpirit with JBoss Portal Platform 6. This integration offers functionality similar to existing e-Spirit offerings for SAP NetWeaver Portal, IBM WebSphere Portal, SharePoint and Liferay.




Red Hat JBoss BRMS - a new Cool Store Demo version 1.2 released

We are back with a newer version 1.2 that has some improvements made by Rafael Benevides, such as running on JBoss EAP 6.1 and leveraging the central JBoss Maven repository.



Hands On Guides

Block Drop -- A fun demo and tool for learning the fundamentals of Errai

Three months ago I became the Red Hat intern for Errai. Shortly afterwards I embarked on a modest task: to make a demo showing the world how awesome Errai is. I am now happy to present Block Drop, a simple multi-player, Tetris-like web game for the desktop or touch screen browsers.


Bean Validation 1.1 Feature Spotlight - Method validation

With the release of Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.Alpha1 just out, it is time to pick up on the Bean Validation 1.1 spotlight series and cast a light onto method validation. Long time Hibernate Validator users know that method validation is part of Validator since version 4.2, however only as a provider specific featue. Bean Validation 1.1 makes method validation now part of the specification.


New Releases

Hibernate Metamodel Generator 1.3.0.Final

Guillaume pointed out recently on the hibernate-dev mailing list that is has been a very long time since the last release of Hibernate JPA Metamodel Generator release and that it is time to do another one. And we listened. We just released 1.3.0.Final. As usual, you can get the artefacts from the JBoss Maven repo or from SourceForge.


Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.Alpha1 Released

It's my pleasure to announce the first alpha release of Hibernate Validator 5.1. This release brings you several new features based on top of the Bean Validation 1.1 APIs, substantial performance improvements as well as some bug fixes.


ModeShape 3.4.0.Final is available

We’re happy to announce that ModeShape 3.4.0.Final is now available. This release contains lots of bug fixes and several new features


Hibernate ORM 4.2.4.Final Released

Hibernate ORM 4.2.4.Final was just released, containing multiple bug fixes.


TorqueBox 3.0.0.beta2 Released

e received some great community feedback on the first TorqueBox 3 beta release and decided to spin a second beta to make sure all the kinks are worked out. If everything goes well we hope to jump from 3.0.0.beta2 straight to 3.0.0 before the end of August.


Infinispan: Infinispan 6.0.0.Alpha2 is out!

We're proud to announce the second Alpha release of Infinispan 6.0.0, and also the second release using the Apache Software Licence.


Arquillian Core 1.1.1.Final Released

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.1.1.Final release of the Arquillian Core component!


Hibernate Search 4.4.0.Alpah1

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