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Weekly Editorial

359 posts


Welcome to another week of JBoss activities and news which kicks off this week with the newest project in the JBoss family, Opta Planner. Check it out over on their new site and give them a helping hand. Opta Planner optimizes business resource usage and is a fascinating project.




In April there will be a two part webinar series called Zero to Hero with JBoss BRMS Primer.


JBossTools will be in Boston this week at EclipseCon and Devoxx London.


Infinispan will be at CodeMotion in Rome this week.


Blogs / Articles


Marek tells us about scheduling jobs within Torquebox at runtime in this article.


RHQ team presents a nice practice on how to store your Agent preferences in a file, nice write-up by Jay.


Michal details his adventures migrating a RichFaces 3.x application to RichFaces 4.x.


Eric shares a project on performance testing framework around BPM processes using JBoss BRMS.


JBoss TS's Paul explains some of the API changes taking place inside the WS-AT and REST-AT.


An overview is given of Java EE 7 & EJB 3.2 support in JBoss AS 8.




A list of new project releases, enjoy!


Business Rules & BPM


Red Hat JBoss BRMS - adding a declarative data model to the Customer Evaluation demo

Previously Eric posted a demo of Business Process Management (BPM) integration with rules, using the JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) product. This demo provided a look at both the developers JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) IDE project and then the business user side with the project also in the Business Rules Manager (BRM) web tooling.



TorqueBox: STOMP Improvements

After Bob's last post about bringing TLS/SSL to TorqueBox's STOMP subsystem, we decided to take it a step further. A commenter asked about other technologies, mostly to support fallback for when WebSockets either were not available in the browser, or in the case of proxies between the client and server preventing their effective use.



OSGi thoughts: OSGi Cloud Ecosystems RFC 183 in public draft

Recently the OSGi Alliance has made an Early Access Draft available of many of the RFCs that are currently being worked on in the Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) and the Core Platform Expert Group (CPEG).



Maven Cordova Plugin

As you may already know, we are also focusing on making mobile applications with Errai. We have something that will make your life really easy. Inspired by the Cordova CLI, we have created something similar that is Maven based.


Project Updates

Hibernate ORM 4.2.0.Final and 4.1.11.Final Released
Portlet Bridge 3.2.0.CR1 Released

The Overloard has awakened - Kurt has been cranking on S-RAMP and created this awesome video - while I love a good blog post, I really love a good blog post with a great accompanying video!  If you are interested in BPMN2 and workflow governance then you really need to see what is going on in Project Overlord


Not only have we delivered the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1.0 Alpha last week (FAQ), but we have now released the JBoss Developer Studio 7 Alpha 1 based on Eclipse Kepler as well the Fuse technology based on Apache Active-MQ and Apache Camel.  That is an amazing amount of enterprise-class middleware hitting the community!


Integration - JBoss Fuse Beta - you can download the new beta version, watch several videos and explore the demo source code.  


Tools - JBDS 7 Alpha - Updated to support JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 Alpha 1 - please download both and give it a try.  You can simply unzip the application server into the "runtimes" directory of JBDS and upon restart, it will automatically detect that you have a new app server and ask if you wish to configure it.


JSF Components - RichFaces ready for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1


JBoss Forge 1.2.2 has arrived - our command line tools that aid in rapid application development have a new blog and video.  

Forge is integrated into JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio - use the Window - Show View - Other - Forge Console or simply Command/Control-4 on the keyboard.  (note: JBDS version of Forge is still 1.1.2 with 1.2.2 coming soon). 


Alien Adventure - The Arquillian (Created to defend the software galaxy from bugs) community cranks out their Weld Container 1.0.0.CR6


NoSQL at - Shane Johnson takes on the theoritical computer scientists with his posting related to Partition Tolerance. And if you have not heard, is a fantastic place to learn more about JBoss in enterprise. infrastructure - our team has the thankless job of maintaining a MASSIVE developer-focused community site but they keep bringing the enhancements - check out this post by Vlastimil on Atlassian GreenHopper upgrade - get your agile on.   In addition, Vlastimil also posted about to show GitHub (or Bitbucket) commits in our Jira!


Hibernate and Bean Validation - Did you know Bean Validation is not standing still?  Enhancements to the specification lead to enhancements in the TCK and of course Hibernate Validator.  Check out this posting by Hardy.


New Book on Drools - Drools Starter


Beta 3 of CapeDwarf is available - bringing portability those Google AppEngine Apps


The Errai team has uploaded a series of videos from JavaOne 2012 - check 'em out.


RHQ and D3.js is pretty awesome stuff - and our RHQ project has been integrating it - check out Heiko's blog


Secret Agent Tricks, also in the RHQ world, Mazz talks up a recent enhancement to RHQ to deal with those sneaky agents.


Ceylon M5 "Nesa Pong" is now available for download


Do you have gnarly schema problems?  Then virtualize your data with Teiid 8.3.0.Final with OData and JSON support









Breaking down barriers

A great step in the evolution of JBoss/Red Hat and enterprise open source in general: Red Hat does make the EAP binaries available for all developers. Mark Little gives some insights on the motivation behind this move and the benefits for our community.



Boost performance with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid and Intel

To handle the explosion of big data, you will need an innovative platform as the basis for your big data solution. While there are a number of platforms that address big data, they are often constrained by the I/O performance of the local file system. This can be a show-stopper for applications that require extreme performance and real-time access to data.



JBoss A-MQ – getting started

This introduction has been setup to get you started as quickly as possible with the newest member of the JBoss Integration portfolio, JBoss A-MQ which will be available very soon. We have put together a three part video tour of the product, an example quick setup of the product and the installation of an existing project that is then deployed on JBoss A-MQ.



Adminstration & Management

Application Performance Management with JON & RTI

RTI (RootCause Transaction Instrumentation) is an APM (Application Performance Management) solution for Red Hat’s JBoss Middleware stack. RTI handles profiling, alerting & deep dive diagnostics and can be used across the software lifecycle. RTI is a fully integrated plug in to JBoss Operations Network. JON tells you when a problem occurs, RTI will tell you more – like where, how long and why.

Cross origin server management

Retrieving the AS7 management console through an app store? Great idea, but what does it imply? Harald has written up a pretty good blog post, where he describes the challenges with this approach:



Developer Productivity

Writing a SOAP message preview tool

Previous post introduced a new tree view of request parameters for invoking an endpoint. Here we'd like to show an example of a practical usage of such addition to Wise core: a customized SOAP message preview tool.

Webservice contract browsing and endpoint invocation

In response to some good feedback received from the community after the recent 2.0 release, we've been enriching the API of Wise Core to further simplify ws testing using it.

Sorry Miss Jackson

How I loved to do custom JSON serialization in AS7 with RestEasy


Project Updates

Merging BlackTie and Narayana

We would like to merge the BlackTie and Narayana projects together. As you will know, BlackTie is a C++ API onto the Narayana transaction manager and as such features are being developed which require changes in both components. Furthermore, Narayana already provides support for several other APIs within the main Narayana project so collecting them all together seems to make the most sense.

RHQ Net Services plugin enhancements

The RHQ Net Services plugin has just been updated with new features. It now defines three types of services: HTTP service, Ping service, Port service

Hibernate ORM 4.2.0.CR2 Released

Hibernate ORM 4.2.0.CR2 was just released. The full changelog can be viewed here:

RichFaces 4.3.1.CR1

This micro release addresses some bugs present in the RichFaces 4.3.0.Final release, and offers some improvements on the new features introduced in that same release.

PicketLink 3.0 Alpha1 Released

For those who don't know, PicketLink is a CDI-based application security framework for Java EE, much in the same spirit of Seam Security. In fact, PicketLink 3.0 can be considered to be the spiritual successor to Seam Security, as it is more or less based on a similar core design albeit with a much more powerful and flexible identity model and feature set.

Ceylon in the browser

Last week, we met the Ceylon HTTP server, which we can use to serve dynamic (or even static) content over HTTP. But what about the client side? Well, today we're going to write a little HTTP client that runs in the browser, mainly as a way of showing off Ceylon's new dynamic blocks.

The Attack of Oracle Guest

Last October Shane published a post that identified the features that both JBoss Data Grid and Oracle Coherence provide (link). His goal was to establish a baseline for the features that a data grid should provide. It was not to state that one data grid was better than the other. Little did he know an Oracle employee would respond by attacking Red Hat, its engineers, and himself. - See more at:

Arquillian GWT Testing extension 1.0.0.Alpha1 Released · Arquillian Blog

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.0.0.Alpha1 release of the Arquillian GWT Testing extension component!. This means that GWT integration tests can break free and execute in the actual runtime container instead of being tied to GWT’s embedded Jetty server.

Setting up OAuth 2 with Google Java APIs

For all of you who are trying to figure out how to integrate with Google’s single sign-on functionality, this article might be for you.

Integrate OData Source Using Teiid

Teiid 8.3.x release has a new translator "odata", that supports consuming of OData sources. Using this translator a user can integrate data from a OData source with other sources in Teiid.  If you like to know what OData is and Teiid support for it, please read this previous post

RHQ 4.6 released

  • The internal app server is now JBossAS 7.1.1
  • GWT has been upgraded to version 2.5
  • There is a new installer (this has also changed since the 4.6 alpha release)
  • The REST-Api has been enhanced Korean translations have been added
  • Webservices have been removed
  • Building RHQ now requires Java7, but it will still run on Java6

ModeShape 3.1.3.Final is available

3.1.3.Final provides a fast, elastic, distributed hierarchical database that clients work with via the standard JCR 2.0 (JSR-283) API. ModeShape 3 is a major upgrade over 2.x and offers significant improvements in performance and scalability, while retaining all of ModeShape 2's JCR-related features. ModeShape 3 has complete integration with JBoss AS 7.1, allowing deployed components to simply lookup and use repositories managed by ModeShape's service

Bean Validation TCK 1.1.0.CR1 and Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.CR1 Released

It's a pleasure to announce the availability of Bean Validation TCK 1.1.0.CR1 and Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.CR1.


Welcome to another week of JBoss activities and news! There is a lot of organizing going on behind the scenes to bring you great content at the JUDCon events coming your way, so hold on to your hats, here we go!




JUDCon Boston from 9-11 June was announced, so get over to the Call for Papers and submit your sessions.


The agenda is live now for JUDCon Brazil from 19-20 April so get on over there and register.


DevCon 2013 will be taking place in Brno with a much touted Arquillian Hackfest, join them from 23-25 Feb.


Blogs / Articles


Shane takes us on a walk through how to abstract the framework of Apache Hadoop to provide Big Data services.


Gavin shows off a new feature in Ceylon in his post covering Reification, got to check that out to find out what it means!


The JavaOne Errai talk has been posted on YouTube, so no reason not to go take a look at what Christian says is 'Taming the Spaghetti' of rich web application development.


Ramesh shares his views on accessing Teiid VDB's from node.js in his latest article.


Heiko teaches us about the best practices when paging in RestFUL API's, always good to slow down and learn from the masters.


This week Emannuel and his team turned over the Bean Validation 1.1 CR1 Proposed Draft Final to the JCP, check it out as he takes you on a tour in his article.


Finally, Bryan Che laminates on the value of running your Big Data on an Open Hybrid Cloud infrastructure. This is a bit off topic for the Java / JBoss developer, but I think you will enjoy broadening your coverage of topic when you are hanging at the coffee machine next time. This article will put you in the center of the next IaaS discussion involving cloud technologies, so give it a spin.



A list of new project releases, enjoy!



Thinking of getting involved in a JBoss User Group (JBUG)?

Setting up or running a JBoss User Group? Follow @JBossNews on twitter and catch the next event online especially for you and your group.


JBoss AS project renaming vote closed!

Are you as curious as I am? The word on the street is that they will be announcing it real soon...


Until next time... keep it real, open and in the code.

Modularity is a hot topic today and, while Java EE modularity isn't something that we focus on this week (except for a bit of news about Enterprise OSGi JPA), our editorial will be modular too : a collection of small stories about the latest developments in the JBoss eco-system. And what's the unifying thread? Focus on innovation and dedicated community work.


Can you guess my data structure if I tell you my storage medium?


Shane Johnson provides a comparative overview of various storage media, mirrored with data structure types. As it turns out, each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your use case, something that you need to remember in order to get your Big Data right. Moreover, certain media types are suited better than others when it comes to storing specific data structures, something that Shane does a great job highlighting.


What is Testable Architecture and how can Savara help?


Every now and then, it is good to learn about projects, that, while active, do not always get a lot of exposure. So, this week, I had the chance to learn more about Savara, a project that develops a set of tools around the concept of Testable Architecture - a methodology for developing software that posits that any artifacts defined during the development lifecycle should be developed in such a way that they can be validated against other artifacts in preceding and subsequent phases. This is especially useful for design-intensive projects, especially for SOA, EAI and BPM. So, if you're developing a project in one of these areas, try Savara! Gary Brown has published two articles, a very interesting use case that shows Savara at work for implementing the ZDLC and one describing the new features of Savara 2.1.0.Final, especially BPMN2 support and SwitchYard integration.


Complex example of SOA and BRMS with JBoss technologies


Staying on the topic of SOA and BRMS, Eric Schabell has blogged about the Home Mortgage Demo project that uses JBoss SOA-P and JBoss BRMS to integrate rules, services, ESB, and BPEL orchestration to pre-qualify home loan requests.


Additonally, Eric has provided an update on creating Maven artifacts from JBoss BRMS.


What is new in Drools?


Geoffrey De Smet has provided an overview of the automatic solution cloning feature provided by Drools 6.0.0.Beta1 (to be available in the final release). Mark Proctor has announced the intent of dropping JSR94 and the reasons for it, inviting the community to provide feedback.


What is OData and how does Teiid support it?


OData is a web protocol for querying and updating data, that provides a standard way for describing CRUD operations (such as RESTful) web services and modeling your data. It prevents application developers from spending unneeded time designing their web services and data model, with the added benefit that adopting the standard improves interoperability out of the box.

In his post, Rajesh Reddy makes a good case for adopting the OData standard, but more than that, describes how Teiid supports it and integrates with it, which is a natural fit, given it's mission statement around data integration.


Will you be in Brno at the JHackFest?


Developer Conference, held in Brno is an annual conference for Linux and JBoss developers, organized by Red Hat Czech Republic, Fedora and the JBoss community, on February 23rd & 24th, 2013. Part of the conference - and you'll love this - a hackfest! Read Lukas Fryc's post for more details about the event, as well as a very detailed account of Arquillian's team plans.


What does Errai 3 bring new?


Errai team members have published a couple of new articles, focusing on the new additions in version 3.0 of the framework.

  • Mike Brock describes the new style bindings annotations that allows to address style changes in a cross-cutting, declarative style;
  • Christian Sadilek introduces RPC batching,  a features that allows to execute RPC server calls in a batch from Errai client code, thus greatly increasing the efficiency of the client-server communication.


What is new in Ceylon since M4?


Gavin King has published an extensive article about the current state of Ceylon M5, the new features that have been implemented so far, the ones that have been considered since M4 but haven't made it, for various reasons, and of course, the ones that remain to be implemented. Additionally, Gavin discusses the notion of expressiveness in programming languages, focusing on the tradeoff of extensibility vs. understandabilty. So, if you take an interest in Ceylon, both will surely be an interesting read.


Nested transactions and timeouts


John Mazzitelli tries to answer an important question that arises with nested transactions: if a transaction is started within a thread that already has one, will the parent time out without taking the consideration the time while it was suspended, or will the transaction manager count the effective time while the transaction was active? Read the article and you'll understand what happens and why.


Advanced tooling for Web Services


Alessio Soldano has announced a new release of the JBossWS Maven plugin, as well as a new release of Wise, a tool for quick testing of Web Service endpoints, including a graphic UI.


A new Bean Validation Beta


If you are following the progress of the Bean Validation specification, Emmanuel Bernard has announced the release of the Bean Validation 1.1 Beta 4 proposed draft, that includes a number of very relevant enhancements.


Enterprise OSGi JPA support


Brett Meyer has published a blog entry showcasing a container-managed Enterprise OSGi JPA example based on Apache Karaf and Hibernate. 



A new JavaChampion

Charles Nutter has been given the title of Java Champion. Congrats!


Work those cores!

A brand new feature to find it into the 3.0 branch these past few days is our new generator parallelization system. That's right; all the code generating magic of Errai can now be split across those idle cores of your computer to greatly increase compile and development mode speed.


Rule Design Patterns in Production Systems

Many thanks to Wolfgang Laun for making his extensive work available for all of us to benefit from.


Supercharge Your Web Applications Using JBoss Data Grid

A few weeks ago, on January 16, Divya Mehra and I have delivered a webinar on using the JBoss Data Grid for improving the scalability and performance of web applications. As expected, the webinar has elicited a lot of questions, not all of which could be answered in the allotted time. As they were really interesting though we are trying to answer them here, also for the benefit of a larger audience.


JavaScript with JBoss Portal Platform 6 – Avoid Conflicts, Promote Re-usability

One of the first issues and most difficult issue we face in any portal implementation is – what are the best practices to use JavaScripts in a portal platform?


ModeShape Tools for Eclipse

ModeShape Tools is a set of Eclipse plugins for working with ModeShape and JCR repositories. The plugins have been available for a little while, but we wanted to make sure you knew about them.


Bean Validation: Java Spotlight Podcast on Bean Validation 1.1

Roger Brinkle from Java Spotlight Podcast has interviewed Emanuel on the status of Bean Validation 1.1

We are now a month into the New Year and it is amazing to see the amount of development that is occurring within the JBoss Community.  It would be fair to say that we are no longer ramping back up from a long vacation but are now going full steam ahead.  Sit back and let us take you through all the developments of the last week.


AeroGear Next Steps


The AeroGear team have been very busy preparing for the next milestone release of the AeroGear project by releasing milestones of their JavaScript, Android and iOS libraries.  Kris Borchers has recently written an article discussing the major changes that are coming in the JavaScript library, including how paged resources can be handled by the pipeline and how you can tailor the version of AeroGear.js being used by your application.  Summers Pittman has written an article on the changes coming to the Android lib, including an API on handling paged data from REST endpoints and the new persistent SQL Store.  Finally Christos Vasilakis has written an article covering the iOS lib changes, including support for pagination and property list based storage.


Bean Validation Specification reaches 1.1 Beta 3


With less than three weeks to go before the proposed final draft of the specification is released, the JSR 349 Expert Group have released the third beta of their specification.  If you have any interest in this specification then now is the ideal time to provide feedback to the group.  You can find details of the specification, reference implementation, API and TCK on the beanvalidation site.

Thoughts on Big Data


Shane Johnson has recently written a couple of articles describing his thoughts on Big Data.  In his first article, Big Data and the Flying V, Shane discusses Doug Laney's "3V's" framework for understanding Big Data and how this is reflected in practice.  In his second article, The Structure of Big Data, Shane discusses how the structure of data can be classified, a topic which prompted a response from the ModeShape team, Structured, unstructured and everything between.

Message Batching in JGroups


Bela Ban has been doing some very interesting work to enable message batching within JGroups 3.3.  In his article, Buy one, get many for free, Bela covers the changes that have been introduced, how they will change the behaviour and what can be enabled through this change.  It will be very interesting to see the impact this will have on performance.

WS-BA Participant Completion Race Condition


Paul Robinson has recently posted his second article discussing a race condition which exists within the WS-BA protocol.  His first article concentrated on a high level description of the events and how it affects an application and he now delves into the technical details to show that the outcome of the completion will always be consistent.  This is a must-read if you are using, or considering, WS-BA within an application.

OpenShift Enterprise Reference Architecture for High Availability


If you are interested in running OpenShift Enterprise on premise, or as part of a hybrid PaaS solution, then you should take a look at Eric Schabell's introduction for a high availability architecture.  If this whets your appetite then be sure to read through the complete reference architecture.

Enabling HTTPOnly in JAX-RS


Have you ever wanted to enable support for HTTPOnly in your JAX-RS application?  Do you need this behaviour before it is officially supported in the JAX-RS specification?  If so then Anil Saldhana has a solution to your problem.

Dynamic Panels and Custom Error Pages in JSF


Brian Leathem has a great article discussing how to dynamically create togglePanels, accordions and tabPanels using the RichFaces <a4j:repeat> tag.  While it has always been possible to handle this using JSTL, this addition allows these components to be created during the render phase of the JSF lifecycle.


Jaikiran Pai was recently following an interesting topic on the coderanch forums, involving JBoss, customer error pages, CDI and JSF.  Intrigued by this topic he began investigating the problem under discussion and came up with an elegant solution to the issue of creating a custom error page for expired conversations involving CDI and JSF.

JAX-WS tools and the Java Compiler API


Apache CXF has been, for the most part, well integrated into JBoss AS 7.  One integration problem that remained to be solved was the issue of executing the wsdl-to-java and java-to-wsdl tooling without having to use the endorsed feature of Java to override the version of the JAX-WS api.  Alessio Soldano recently tackled this issue head-on and, through collaboration with the Apache CXF community, has proposed a solution which will allow the JBossWS integration to rely on the modularity of JBoss Modules in order to specify the correct API version.

Annotation Processors Failing Silently


Have you ever had a problem whereby and annotation processor you have written has mysteriously stopped working?  Heiko Rupp recently came across that exact problem and, through some interesting detective work, managed to discover what was occurring and how it could be fixed.

Projects Requiring Help


The Hibernate team have started discussing requirements for using Hibernate ORM within an OSGi environment.  Do you use ORM?  Are you interested in having it work within an OSGi environment?  If so take a look at their proposal and make sure that your use cases are covered.


The Errai team are also asking for your help with the development of Errai 3.0.  Do you have any features that you would like to have considered for this release?  If so head over to their forum and let them know the details.


News from Recent Events


Heiko Rupp recently attended the London Java Community's first "Meet a project" event.  The event involved representatives from six projects, each of which were given 15 minutes to introduce their project to the attendees, explain about open source and discuss how the attendees could get involved and help out.  It sounds like a very interesting format.


Sanne Grinovero was recently in India giving five presentations during JUDCon India 2013.  Read his thoughts on the conference and his amusing description of an unlikely conversation he had with an expert Hibernate Search user.


New Releases for the Week


In keeping with the subject, Full Steam Ahead, we have lots of new releases to share with you this week.



Thanks very much for reading this far, I hope you have enjoyed this week's Editorial.  Drop back next week for more updates from the JBoss Community.

Time flies by - we're almost at the end of January, and hard work starts showing it's results! So what happened since last week? Bear with us and we'll fill you in.


Keeping tabs on the TicketMonster with RHQ


Heiko Rupp demonstrates how to monitor a running application with RHQ, with a practical example: no less than JBoss Developer Framework's TicketMonster. The example shows how to enhance an existing application by having it push data to the monitoring server.


Learn about SwitchYard by viewing


The SwitchYard team has put together a series of videos introducing the new features of SwitchYard 0.7 with no less than 6 introductory videos, showcasing various concepts or features in live recorded coding sessions. Watch here and learn.


BPM magic with BRMS and the Eclipse BPMN2 modeler


Eric Schabell has published a series of blogs covering the new features and best practices of BRMS. The first article discusses using the native Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler support in JBoss Developer Studio 5, illustrated with a JBPM showcase. In a second article, he demonstrates how to create Maven artifacts from your BRMS distribution. And finally, a nice presentation on BRMS and SOA, from the EMEA JBoss Forum.


Future plans for GateIn 4.0


Julien Viet discusses the plans for GateIn 4.0 - new features, architecture, the underlying Juzu framework in his blog entry here.


Timeline of Fuse projects


For SOA practitioners: have you ever wondered about the history of Apache ActiveMQ, Apache CXF, Apache ServiceMix and how they were incorporated in the various products of FuseSource (now part of Red Hat)? Rob Davies has put together a diagram that explains the relationship more clearly.


Distributed transactions and race conditions in WS-BA


For SOA practitioners again, especially for the ones that have to deal with distributed transactions, Paul Robinson has begun a series of blog entries concerning a particular race condition in WS-BA applications. Follow the blog for further updates.


Some tips for configuring your ModeShape repository


If you're intersted in setting up a JCR repository for your application, the ModeShape team has published an interesting article to help you decide on your CND file configuration, also introducing the CND editor in Eclipse.


Easier setup of Infinispan in JBoss AS7 with predefined modules


Tristan Tarrant has blogged about a new feature of Infinispan 5.2.0.CR2: predefined modules for JBoss AS7+. Now you don't have to include Infinispan libraries in each application, just use the shared ones.


More about the language features of Ceylon


Gavin King has published a couple of blogs, describing newly added featurs to Ceylon, in particular higher order functions operating over other functions, such as compose() and curry() - and how do they tie into other features such as tuples, as well as pitfalls to consider when designing a type system . Both, an interesting read!



Team JBoss continues to crank out more and more open source for your consumption pleasure - remember "everything in moderation"  :-)



  • The Alien Invasion continues with the Arquillian Team producing new releases of Graphene, Warp, Drone and Android.   Automating your testsuite has never been easier. 
  • Hibernate Search 4.2 Final brings us Spatial Queries - The "I know where you live" edition. You can combine fulltext searches (think 'google' my database) with distance from a particular lat/long.  Perhaps you can set up a real estate web app allowing users to find "all 3 bed, 2 bath houses with a basement within 10 km of current location". In addition, 4.2 introduces the indexing of MP3 and other binary document meta-data.  Make sure to check out Emmanuel's blog for more details!
  • This week I also wanted to highlight our RHQ project which recently hit its 4.6 Beta. RHQ is an extensible tool to monitor your infrastructure of machines and applications, alerts based on user defined conditions, configure resources and run operations on them from a central web-based UI. Other ways of using RHQ include a command line interface and a REST-api.  This goes well beyond simply starting & stopping your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform servers (aka app servers).




  • Eric Schabell - published several blogs related to his demo projects.  If you are interested in Drools or jBPM, you should definitely check out what Eric has done in his series of BRMS demos:
  • Mike Brock publishes a few blogs on Errai @Dependent and Timing Your Methods - if you have not seen this awesome video created by Jonathan Fuerth and Christian Sadilek, please stop everything and watch it now! It clearly demonstrates how Errai helps you build richer web applications faster.
  • Have you heard of the CapeDwarf - a framework that enables you to make your Google App Engine applications portable!  Ales Justin continues to roll, check out this blog on his latest endeavors.
  • Modeshape 3.1 is coming soon and will bring back Federated Data - Randal Hauch does a GREAT job explaining how this feature can impact your application architecture.
  • Geoffrey De Smet continues to blow our minds with the magic of Drools Planner - who needs humans to plan for and allocate resources when an AI can do it? :-)


Well that is all for this week!


Welcome to another year, yes we are in a new year, in the world of We must have been hung over from all the festivities as we let a week slip, but are back with a vengeance! This week we again catch you up with the news in our world of JBoss, but not just one week, a full two weeks you get for the price of one. Can't beat that with a big stick...


So hold on to your hats, here we go!




Red Hat Summit call for papers was extended to 11 Jan 2013, so get your papers, stories and session in there, last chance!


Blogs / Articles


Bela Ban knocked out a new Supervisor, it even fixes things automatically! It that is not enough to shake you up, he pushed out a new video on cross-site replication.


Mark Proctor killed Rete! Really! I think the police are searching for him... tips welcome, contact your local station.


Lincoln Baxter III swears JavaScript is the new Perl, what do you think?


Shane Johnson does some OpenJDK tuning tips for you when running a Data Grid, pretty fun and quirky things that even the most advanced Javan can glean something from. He also presents us with a migration cheat sheet from Java EE 5 to Java EE 6.


Mickael Istria gives us an update on the STWBot from the Eclipse world.


Erik-Jan de Wit from Errai discusses Mobile Errai. Also Mike Brock talks about how Errai clusters natively.


Steven Hawkins announces that Jaspersoft is using Teiid!


Heiko Rupp shares a blurb? Along with that he talks about Testing RestAPIs, interesting!


Finally we have a new Asylum Podcast, a long one with James Strachan & Rob Davies talking Fuse... awesome stuff, really don't want to miss this.



A list of new project releases, enjoy!



Thinking of getting involved in a JBoss User Group (JBUG)?

Setting up or running a JBoss User Group? Follow @JBossNews on twitter and catch the next event online especially for you and your group.


Vote closed!

Are you as curious as I am? The vote for your favorite new project name for JBoss AS closed and we are waiting for the results!!!


Until next time... keep it real, open and in the code.



Well, not yet. But we're just about to end a year full of accomplisments, and ramp up for one that shoud be as exciting and eventful, if not more. So in this time full of holiday cheer, when things are slowing down a notch, it's time for looking back, as well as looking forward.


How did we do in 2012?


Mark Little's Christmas blog provides a perfect overview of the major highlights of the year 2012 for JBoss. It's been a great year, in which we lauched a new version of JBoss EAP 6.0, an entirely new product focused on Big Data (JBoss Data Grid), began making Java EE accessible to mobile developers, and stood at the forefront of the polyglot revolution. All while rocking each major conference. In the same spirit, Eric Schabell has published a retrospective of his own.


Ramping up for 2013


The efforts of 2012 lay the groundwork for the expectedly amazing achievements of 2013. Lincoln Baxter, of Forge fame, provides an insight into the challenges of 2013, from the perspective of his own work on Rework and Errai UI here.


Raspberry Pi recipes for holidays


Just because it's holidays, it's time for interesting experiments - like pushing the limits of hardware and software and building cool gadgets.


So, if you think that constrained environments are not the right place for enterprise features such as transactions, you may want to check Mark Little's blog post on how to build and run Narayana on the device.


In turn, Mauricio Salatino shows us how to build a robot using Raspberry Pi and Drools. I haven't checked how the three laws of robotics look like in Drools, but if you fear that this is the beginning of the rise of the machines, fear not. The robot is just cute.



New tutorials from remote EJBs and GateIn


Francesco Marchioni of fame has published another tutorial, this time about creating remote EJBs and using a multimodular Maven project structure for dealing with code sharing across the server and client side.


Francesco has also published a GateIn tutorial, showing you how to create a JBoss-based portal application.




  • Portlet Bridge 3.2.0.Alpha1


... and finally, the New Year resolution!


Well, we can't really make one for you, but here's a couple of items I have on my list:

  • bring one new developer in the open source community (and help them contribute) ; and
  • submit a talk to the Red Hat Summit 2013 (the call for papers is open until January 4th, as a reminder!)

If you have been a regular reader of this Editorial then you will know that this has been another great year for the JBoss Community and, with so many active projects under the JBoss Community umbrella, there has never been a better time for those who wish to jump in and contribute.  Contributing is easy, just choose a project you are interested in (there must be one!), look at the outstanding tasks, talk with the team to see how you can help and next year you will see the fruits of your labour in the Editorial (and many other places!).


AeroGear from a Different "Angle"


The AeroGear team have been having a number of 'watercooler' discussions about Angular.js, a JavaScript application framework from Google.  As a result of these discussions Kris Borcher decided that he would spend time creating an application using both AeroGear.js and Angular.js, an experiment which has been very successful.  Kris chose to develop a mobile information site for the upcoming DevNexus conference and has now posted his thoughts on the experiment.


ModeShape and Concurrent Writes


The ModeShape team have written a great article explaining how concurrent access to your data will work within your application and what you can do to reduce any remaining contention within your data access patterns.  This is a must-read for anyone using ModeShape.


Invoking EJBs from a Remote AS7 Instance


Have you ever wondered what needs to be done to invoke EJBs from another JBoss AS7 instance?  Francesco Marchioni, of, has written a very nice tutorial demonstrating the necessary steps and showing just how easy it can be done.


AS7 Console - Future Direction


The AS7 team recently held a developer meeting to discuss the future direction of the app server, during which Heiko Braun gave an interesting talk on the ideas being considered for AS7 Console 2.0.  Heiko has now made his slidedeck available, some of the highlight of which are a focus on extensibility, task repository and a model based user interface.


Bean Validation in the press


The German journal Javamagazin has recently published an article on the work which has gone into the Bean Validation 1.1 specification.  If you are interested in this article, and can speak German, then check out Gunnar's article where you can find a PDF version of the article generously provided by the authors.


Drools 6.0 - Annotation Driven Development


The Drools team are getting ready to release the first Alpha of Drools & jBPM 6.0.  If you are a user of Drools then you may already realise that there are some major changing coming in 6.0, such as the move toward a convention based style of project and  support for annotation driven development.  If you are interested in seeing what the annotation style of development looks like then check out Mark Proctor's taster.


Score flexibility in Planner


Geoffrey De Smet has created a screencast showing how easy the scoring function can be changed when trying to optimise resource usage in Drools Planner, demonstrated with an example on routing vehicles.


jBPM Console NG


Mauricio has written a fantastic article describing the updates which have been happening within the next generation of the jBPM Console.  The article discusses a demonstration that he gave recently at JBUG London and provides more information on some of the topics which were covered.  Mauricio has also included a screencast of the demo and a video of his presentation to JBUG London, the slides for which are also available.


News from Recent Events


Jeff Yu recently gave a presentation at JUDCon China entitled "Building your own service in SwitchYard".  In this presentation Jeff introduced SwitchYard, showing how easy services can be created before moving on to a more esoteric topic, how to integrate your own component into the SwitchYard runtime using the Riftsaw project as his example. 


Eric Schabell recently had the privilege of giving the first talk at the newly formed JBugNL, discussing OpenShift and development in the cloud.  Eric has now posted the slidedeck for those who attended, or missed, this well received talk.


JBoss in Book Form


This week sees the release of the book "jBPM5 Developer Guide", written by Mauricio and Esteban.  If you are interested in getting hold of a copy of this book, in either printed or electronic formats, then please check Kris' article where he includes details of some discount codes that have been generously provided by Packt Publishing.


Packt Publishing have also teamed up with Piergiorgio Lucidi, one of the authors of the book "GateIn Cookbook", to give away copies of the book to four lucky winners.  The competition closes soon, on the 25th December, so be quick if you want to win a copy.


New Releases for the Week


This week sees a number of exciting releases from the JBoss Communities



That's all for this week, tune in next week for the last Editorial of 2012.

Ceylon: The Methodology Luddite Manifesto

The most useful methodology is the simplest, least prescriptive one. Gavin King on using methodologies when building software. Guess what, he doesn't like it.

RiftSaw Open Source BPEL: Building your own service in SwitchYard

Jeff did a presentation named "Building your own service In SwitchYard", it has two parts, first part is to give a very basic introduction to the SwitchYard project, and then have a live demo to build a simple sayHello service from scratch by using the SwitchYard editor in JBoss Dev studio. The other part is to introduce the steps on integrating a project as a component in the SwitchYard, this basically is the experience that we had on integrating the RiftSaw project as the BPEL component in SwitchYard, hopefully it will help some users/developers that want to integrate their in-house or other projects as components in SwitchYard.

Inside CapeDwarf: How we implemented the Datastore API

The single most important AppEngine API is probably the Datastore API, which (as evident from the name itself) provides an API for storing, retrieving and querying data. This was the first API we set out to implement in CapeDwarf. It basically served as proof-of-concept for the whole project.

Bean Validation: Should getters be validated when they are called?

The expert group is agonizing on a specific issue. We need your feedback. Should getters be considered regular methods and thus be validated when called?

Hibernate ORM 4.1.9.Final Released

We sincerely appreciate the large amount of community involvement on this release -- a large portion of the fixes were from contributor's pull requests.

Setting JSF ProjectStage with JNDI

One nice feature of JSF2 is the ProjectStage setting.  It lets the JSF implementation and the application developer optimize and customize behavior based on whether JSF is running in Development, Production, SystemTest, or UnitTest.

Teiid 8.3 Alpha1 Posted

Teiid get's some improvements around multi-source planning and JDBC support.

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