Well it's been another really busy week in the JBoss world! What with the usual flurry of project releases, including two Weld versions, JBossWS 4.1.0.Final, and three Arquillian releases, you could be forgiven for thinking that we wouldn't have time to do much else. Well you'd be wrong For a start, John Sanda gives a good discussion about CQL and Cassandra, and how they are relevant within RHQ. Then Shane has a great article on Data Grids and NoSQL: you should definitely check it out and there's a lot of nice diagrams to illustrate Although it's Shane's other post on "What can I use a data grid for?" has some of the best pictures I've seen in a JBoss post for a while!
Keith Babo had a couple of sessions at this year's JUDCon in Boston on Switchyard and SOA, and has written them up for his latest blog entry.
Finally there are several activities going on elsewhere that you should be interested in, especially if you want to meet the teams behind out projects. These include Devoxx where some of the Ceylon team will be giving a hands-on session, and Intellifest where you can learn more about Drools and jBPM5. OK, that's it for now!
In last week's entry we recapped that Red Hat had acquired yet another company. This time it was Polymita.
Mark Proctor shares his thoughts on the acquisition and I'm sure we'll be hearing a lot more from him and his team and the integration of the company begins. And whilst we're on the subject of the very prolific extended Drools team, it's worth pointing you at some other things they've been up to this week including Geoffrey on Drools Planner, a very interesting article on the UIs necessary for good human task interactions (time to get involved too if this is of interest to you), and also there's the IntelliFest Drools & jBPM Workshop in San Diego next month, where you can meet the entire team.
Moving on to some non-Drools related activities, we've got more activity in the Arquillian project with the release of an alpha version of their persistence extension, the first candidate release of Seam 2.3.0 is out (congrats to the team!!). Randall has written a nice article on a new feature in ModeShape 3, that of respository backup and restore. As he says in the introduction:
"There are several reasons why you might want to restore a repository to a previous state, and many are quite obvious. For example, the application or the process it’s running in might stop unexpectedly. Or perhaps the hardware on which the process is running might fail. Or perhaps the persistent store might have a catastrophic failure (although surely you’re also using the persistent store’s backup system, too). But there are also non-failure related reasons. Backups of a running repository can be used to transfer the content to a new repository that is perhaps hosted in a different location. It might be possible to manually transfer the persisted content (e.g., in a database or on the file system), but the process of doing so varies with different kinds of persistence options. Also, ModeShape can be configured to use a distributed in-memory data grid that already maintains its own copies for ensuring high availability, and therefore the data grid might not persist anything to disk. In such cases, the content is stored on the data grid’s virtual heap, and getting access to it without ModeShape may be quite difficult. Or, you may initially configure your repository to use a particular persistence approach that suitable given the current needs, but over time the repository grows and you want to move to a different, more scalable (but perhaps more complex) persistence approach. Finally, the backup and restore feature can be used to migrate to a new major version of ModeShape."
So take a look and provide feedback, because ModeShape 3 will be a significant advancement.
And finally for now, Eric has written something to help anyone who wants to try out the JBossWorld 2012 keynote demo for themselves at a JBUG or elsewhere!
Well hopefully you don't need this blog to tell you the major stories of the past week! EAP 6.0 and the JBoss Data Grid 6.0 are out! As I said in my announcement blog for EAP 6.0:
"The feedback we've received since the first community releases has been overwhelmingly positive, as has the early access feedback. And we've even managed to find time to put it on to OpenShift, where it has been successfull as well! I'm confident that we'll build on this success as we move forward with point releases for EAP 6, other products that will be based on EAP 6 and of course, slightly longer term, EAP 7 and beyond! After having seen how well we've worked as a unified team (engineers, QA, docs, support, product managers etc.) I don't think there's much we can't do if we set our minds to it!"
It really has been a monumental effort! And with JDG 6.0 we enter the supported NoSQL/Big Data space, which is another huge achievement! In fact this week could be called the "GA Week", because Max just announced the availability of JBoss Tools 3.3 and JBDS 5.0! There is way too much good stuff in JBDS 5.0 to summarise here, so you should go read the blog entry. And some nice pictures might encourage you to do so
And of course we've had our usual slew of project releases, including BoxGrinder 0.10.2, JBossOSGi 1.1.1 and IronJacamar 1.1.0.Beta1. Amongst this flurry of release activity the team has also had time to discuss a few things going on elsewhere. For instance, Jonathan Halliday talks about the problems with trying to fake transaction semantics, something which we see a fair bit in some NoSQL/Big Data solutions out there (fortunately not ours, of course!) Andy Miller is giving his regular performance slot at JBossWorld next week - I'm sure it'll be packaged as usual! And Hardy talks about Hibernate OGM and the kitchensink example - yet more on NoSQL! Finally congratulations to Mark Proctor and the team again, for another sell-out world tour!
OK so there you are. A whistle-stop tour of JBoss activity this week. Next week is JBossWorld/Red Hat Summit, so you can expect a lot more announcements and things going on. If you haven't registered then there's till time. And of course we've got JUDCon at the start of the week so you should definitely come to that too!
Before we start, let me say Happy Star Wars Day!
So after last week's GSoC focus, this week we have a lot breadth to cover. Let's get straight to it with the announcement of the winners of the JBoss Community Recognition Awards! Our communities are a critical element in the success of JBoss and our projects, so being able to recognise key members of those communities is a great way for us to show our thanks. Hopefully all of these winners will be taking up the offer to come to JBoss World and we'll be sure to make them feel even more welcome than they already are. In fact one of the winners, Markus Eisele blogged about how happy he is to be recognised, so check that out too.
The Errai project just keeps delivering. Mike Brock has posted the second part of about Errai IOC and if you haven't checked out the first part then you should definitely do so. Whether you're interested in GWT, mobile or just like to follow what Mike and the team are doing, Errai is definitely a project to watch. Another one to keep an eye on is Teiid, and Ramesh discusses how the latest 8.0 release brings Data Virtualisation to AS7. And the relative newcomer to our project portfolio, AeroGear, was represented at OpenCloudConf recently by Kris, who talks about his experiences and things going on in the project.
We all know that EAP 6 is coming soon and that AS7.1 is a significant improvement over previous releases. We also know that some of that is due to EE6 being significantly better than previous versions. However, that does lead to a potential migration headache if you want to move your code from an EE5 container to EE6. Well Shane Johnson has kicked off what could be an extremely important (and interesting) series of articles on how to tackle the migration.
There were quite a few of use at Devoxx France and some had the pleasure of being caught on camera! Here's Stef, a core member of the Ceylon team, talking about the language and community involvement. And Gavin has more to say on some changes in the language too. Emmanuel, in his inimitable style, discusses Devoxx and other parts of the "French Revolution", though whether or not he is right in his title is open to debate
We have our usual series of project releases. Congratulations to the Weld team for getting Alpha2 of 2.0.0 out, with the CDI 1.1 TCK. And ModeShape 2.8.1 went final this week. If you're interested in JCR then of course you should check it out. However, ModeShape is shaping up (no pun intended!) to be far more than just JCR. If you are at all interested in NoSQL then you may find some of the features in this release and the intended 3.0 release to be relevant. Hardy and team have also pushed out Hibernate Validator 4.3.0.CR1, which they hope will be the only CR before the final release. Jesper announced the release of IronJacamar 1.0.0.Alpha7 as well as outlining the road ahead.
And it appears that the entire TorqueBox team is "happy as kids around a maypole on May Day", as they mention for the 2.0.2 release. Absolutely no comment on which team members are wearing the dresses in the picture!
Finally, don't forget that Max and team have produced the latest Asylum podcast! OK, that's it for this roundup. Enjoy!
There's a lot going on in the world of JBoss and it seems like most of it happened in the last week! So summarising is more of a challenge than usual: what do we mention and what do we hope you'll go and check for yourselves? But this is a good position to be in, as it shows we continue to have a lot of thriving communities pushing the innovation on a day to day basis. Of course it then raises another question: where to start? Well if you look through everything that's happened in the past 7 days, that's actually a little easier to answer. Google Summer Of Code has come to JBoss in full force! There have been a lot of people on the JBoss side involved in making this a reality this year, including Anil and Dan, but Dan summarises it best:
"The much anticipated announcement about which students were selected to participate in the 2012 Google Summer of Code program was published earlier today. In total, there are 1,212 students participating. We’d like to congratulate all the students accepted and wish you all best of luck this summer! The JBoss Community is proud to be participating as an independent mentor organization for the first year. We were selected thanks to a strong showing of volunteer mentors and an overwhelming number of compelling and creative ideas."
We are really proud of our involvement in GSoC and pleasantly surprised at the quality of the students who applied. You can check out the individual blog posts, but we have acceptances covering RHQ, Arquillian, Forge and Infinispan. Once again, congratulations to everyone who was successful. Thanks to everyone who applied to participate. And extra special thanks to all of those who helped to get us to this stage, especially the mentors who now take on the next phase. Hopefully we can build on this success for next year too!
OK, so what else has been going on this week other than GSoC? Well for a start Shane has written a great piece on how to import a Maven project from GitHub into the early access version of JBDS 5. Heiko Bruan has been doing a lot of work recently on domain management for AS7 and has written up some of his observations and tips in a couple of entries. The first is on how to debug a domain setup with multiple hosts involved when you only have a single physical machine, whereas the second is about configuring a domain on virtual network interfaces. Prahbat has written an interesting article on why it has taken us so long to produce a supported version of Infinispan when it's been in the community since 2009. The issues that Prahbat discusses, such as ensuring scalability and resilience, may seem specific to Infinispan, but in fact most of the underlying reasons behind the 3 year "delay" are critical to the way in which Red Hat works when taking community projects into platform. We work closely with our communities, productisation teams, QE teams etc. to ensure that the products we create and the best they can be; if that takes a while then we'd rather delay than put our users and customers at risk.
We've also had the usual flurry of project releases, including the Arquillian Extension Jacoco 1.0.0.Alpha3 and HornetQ 2.2.14. Congratulations to those teams! And from what Mircea mentions in his blog, it seems that the Infinispan teams collaboration in the Cloud-TM effort is working out really well, with some significant improvements to Infinispan that go way beyond what other implementations have to offer currently. Again, great work to the Infinispan team and to their wider community!
OK, that's it for this week. Definitely busy!
It looks like it's my turn again to give everyone an update on the world of JBoss over the past week. Before I dive in, it's worth mentioning that next week's editorial should cover all things Devoxx related and since I was at QCon San Francisco during the week, I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say too!
So we started the week with a quick look back at something that happened at JUDCon London earlier this month: the JBoss Asylum podcast, hosted as usual by Max and Emmanuel (I still expect them to open these podcasts in a very Robin Williams 'Gooooood morning JBoss' shout!) In this episode the team decided to do a panel session on Polyglot JBoss, i.e., what non-Java languages are we using or thinking of using in the future. As you can guess, this has a lot of relevance with JBoss Everywhere.
Since we're talking about JUDCon, it's worth mentioning or reminding everyone that the next event will be in just over two months time in Bangalore. If you haven't submitted something already then you should definitely get a move on, and of course don't forget to register and attend. Although we don't know yet who will be presenting, it's certain from what they've said this week that both Heiko Braun and Mark Proctor are hoping to be present and would make any JUDCon a place to be at!
Someone else who may be at JUDCon India is Kris Verlaenen, jBPM lead, and who this week had a lot to say about executable BPMN 2.0 and jBPM:
"Bruce Silver did a blog recently, wondering whether any tools already exist that truly support executable BPMN 2.0. He defines supporting executable BPMN 2.0 as not just following the graphical notation guidelines (that are probably not that different from BPMN 1.x), but also supporting the underling XML serialization. And not just the basic high-level elements, but also the details that are necessary to come to executable processes, like process data, data mappings, service interfaces, etc. I believe that jBPM satisfies these requirements!"
So check out what he has to say and also give jBPM a try. It's evolved a lot since jBPM 3 and is already a critical component by itself, but also within several other projects and platforms.
There were a couple of announcements this week related to tooling. The first was from Max, or rather Max commenting on an announcement from Google that they had finally open sourced their Eclipse plugin. As Max says: "With the open sourcing of the plugin we are looking forward to working even more closely with the Google team and the rest of the community on making the developer experience even more productive and an integrated part of Eclipse platform."
The second was from me about work we've been doing across the company on improving the developer experience for OpenShift, our public PaaS effort. There's a webinar on the subject tomorrow (21st of November), so register for that and hear from Max and others directly, as well as be able to ask your questions.
Finally we have the usual project announcements, including BoxGrinder 0.9.8, another CR for Hibernate Search 4.0.0, the first CR for Teiid 7.6, and last but by no means least, Bela talked about the jGroups 3.0.0.Final release.
OK, that's it for this week. It hasn't been as announcement-full as other weeks, but I suspect that's because everyone has been busy producing things to talk about next week!
We're a little late with this editorial review, but then we have been fairly busy. For a start, we've just announced the dates for the first APAC JUDCon, in Bangalore!If you haven't been to a JUDCon before then you can check out the previous events we've held in the US and Europe. Hopefully these will convince you to either submit something for consideration of the program committee, or register to attend. If you're interested in JBoss, (and let's face it, if you weren't then you probably wouldn't be reading this entry!), then JUDCon is the place to come and hear what's happening and help shape it too.
Another hugely significant announcement this week was from Max and the JBDS team, with the aptly named Shift Happens, 3.3 M4 release.
As Max describes, when you first start it up you'll see the new JBoss Central "dashboard", which includes quick links to access common things such as the quickstarts, as well as the JBoss blog roll.
But probably the biggest addition to this release is integration with OpenShift, so now you can develop and deploy directly within JBDS. Other new things in this release include Richfaces 4, colourised Forge, and improvements to JBoss OSGi integration. Lots to check out!
We had a few new releases this week, with Weld 1.1.3.Final, quickly followed by SP1(!), Hibernate Core 4.0.0.CR6 and Richfaces 4.1.0.M4.
There was quite a lot of transaction-based discussions this week too! First we had Galder from the Infinispan team talking about locking improvements in the 5.1.0.Beta4 release. As he puts it: "A hugely important lock acquisition improvement has been implemented that results in locks being acquired in only a single node in the cluster. This means that deadlocks as a result of multiple nodes updating the same key are no longer possible. Concurrent updates on a single key will now be queued in the node that 'owns' that key."
Then Mircea talked about the single lock owner feature in Infinispan: "The basic idea behind it is that, when writing to a key, locks are no longer acquired on all the nodes that own that key, but only on a single designated node (named "main owner")." If you read the entry from Mircea and the associated wiki page, you'll learn about how this can improve the performance of your Infinispan applications. He also wrote about how, if you're using pessimistic concurrency control, Infinispan will re-order your lock acquisitions to automatically avoid/reduce deadlocks. Very nice! In fact Mircea had a pretty busy week all told, with yet another blog entry on pessimistic transactions which were added in the 5.1 release.
Finally Jonathan had a few things to say about Spring and JPA configuration. In general people go to extremes to try to remove the need for transactions from their applications without actually understanding what it is that they're doing and how, at least in this case, they end up having done a lot of work for no good reason at all! I won't summarise the posting because it's well worth a read. However, it is worth quoting this: "You probably should not bother to invent a better mousetrap until you've determined that current mousetraps don't catch your mice. The imposed cost and complexity are definitively unnecessary."
OK, so that's it for this week. Hopefully you found this summary useful and we'll try and keep on schedule for next week
We've been very busy over the past week, what with more Cloud/OpenShift activities, getting ready for JavaOne and JUDCon London, it's hard to know where to start. So let's dive in chronologically
OK, that's it for this week. Don't forget that you can keep up to date with everything that's going on by watching the aggregated JBoss feed!
We're slightly later with this week's edition, but a lot of that's to do with the time we spent at JAXConf (where we won the award for the most innovative Java company!) and all of the work we've been putting into the upcoming JBossAS 7 release! But no more delay, so let's get on with it:
Well that's it for this week. Of course there were many other things going on in the wonderful world of JBoss, but we have to keep these things short and snappy. But hopefully this will whet your appetite and you'll check out all of the syndicated blogs we have and other news that happens on JBoss.org. So until next time ... enjoy!
Welcome to the first regular weekly roundup of what's been happening in the world of JBoss. As editors, our attempt here is not to replace the other streams of information that flow from JBoss projects and people, but to act as an aggregator for some of the ones that we believe are worth paying attention to. As a result this will often be a subjective view, so you may see some things focused on here that you wouldn't normally notice and others may be missing. Hopefully we can please most of the people most of the time!
So let's jump in and look back over the last week:
Well that's it for this week's roundup!