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Weekly Editorial

359 posts

Hey, look ! It's me again ! And so, here I am again to welcome you to this brand new JBoss Weekly Editorial. Certainly a rich one, as the quiet work of the JBoss Community over the holiday period is paying off, and many blogs, articles, and releases have been done in the last week. Ready for some tech action ? Here we go...


On the architecture side of life...


Before diving into code and low level considerations, let's take a look at some high-level topics that were discussed last weeks within the community. The he interesting notes of Markus Eisele on Coding in a cloud-based enterprise - designing for distributed architectures ~ Enterprise Software Development with Java are certainly a good start, and will probably led you naturally to read Thomas Qvarnström"s JBoss Tech Blog entry on "How to add JBoss xPaaS images streams to OpenShift Enterprise V3".


Once those read, you'll be ready for the next, more gritty items coming right now !


And the developer's corner


You are back for holiday, you did not good, hack together and tinker with anything for a little while, and both your mind and heart are hurting for a new, interesting challenge. Well, you're in for a threat as the community has delivered many intriguing litte tutorial and "tips and tricks" for you in the last week:


Learning JBoss Fuse with BPM & BRMS


The potential power of using both a powerful integration tool such as JBoss Fuse with a business rules engine (BRMS) along with Business process management (BPM) is certainly attracting for anybody who has dwelved a bit in either technologies. Issue is, seldom people have managed to tackle both.

Fortunately this week, Christina の J老闆 is offering you a very Getting Started Home Loan Demo version 6.2, followed by JBoss Fuse - JBoss BPM Microservices Integration. Of course, if you are already familliar with Fuse, you might not know yet BPM. Not an issue,   Eric D. Schabell is here for you with his new starter kit : Launching Digital Sign for JBoss BPM Suite Starter Kit. And once you'll be done with this one, guess what ? You'll get one for BRMS too : 7 Steps to Your First Rules with JBoss BRMS Starter Kit ! Isn't that swell ? 


Releases, releases, releases ... and some more releases !


To kickoff September as well as we could, the Jboss Community has released a lot of new version, including quite a lot of very important ones (in bold, if you want to be a bit picky, and only look at those):





A couple of upcoming events are worth mentioning this week. First, Eric D. Schabell's description of Red Hat Forum UKI 2015 in London

will probably make anyone closed enough to attend, so check it out. Also in Europe, but a tidbit more later on the EMEA Partner Conference, in Frankfurt, Germany, from 4th to 7th October, where I will be delivering (shameless plug) a lab on JBoss Data Grid (Infinispan).


That's all for this Editorial, and if you want more, well, it's impressive, because there is already quite a lot ! Please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from the communities surrounding the JBoss projects.

In a few days, most kids will be back to school, if not already, and holidays season will come to an end (for now).... It could be a depressing time, but don't worry, this editorial will bring enough thrilling news to make your coming back at work passionating !


Getting started with ... everything !


Start Your Engines

In a few days, school start again and it's probably a got time for all us of to also "get started". And this is so with perfect timing, the JBoss community has released many "getting started" in the previous week:



Disclaimer : some of those quickstarts will be mentioned again below.

Docking Point

Grand Canal Docks

Whenever I do this editorial, I often make joke about Docker as being the almost systematic "topic of the week". Well, this entry not be an exception, as

Ioannis Canellos entry on"Fabric8 Kubernetes and Openshift Java DSL" gives us, yet again, an interesting insight in the popular container technology. That being, I'm also happy to see that the fad is seems to be finally getting down a bit, and people start questioning if "Docker everywhere, for everything" is really the answer to all our problems (one day our industry will learn, one day...).


That's why I found equally interesting Thomas Qvarnström entry on"Application Containers is not a replacement for Virtualization", along with Containers in the enterprise – Are you ready for this?. Indeed, if Docker has certainly a lot of merits, it is - as always, good to know where to use it and where not to use it - in short, how to find your docking point.


Data Virtualization with Teiid


I'm quite happy to see that in the last years, Teiid (and the associated product JBoss Data Virt) have been getting a lot of attention, and a lot of interesting material about it have been released, blogged or twitted. Indeed, while part of the JBoss community since a long time now, this very powerfull tool that is still a tidbit of a mystery for many people.


But at least for those living in Europe, now that Teiid and Data Virtualization are going to be a focus the EMEA Partner Conference

, they have a chance to catch on ! And if you can't be in Frankfurt, on the 5th of October, don't worry, you can always catch a glimpse of Teiid magic by following this Easy Getting Started Example with Data Virtualization for Developers !


Security :Database Authentification & Authorization with Elytron


In the last year, security have been a raging topic, especially with hacks as public as the one of Ashley Madison (or the far less impressive one of TV5 in France), so it is certainly a good idea to take a little tour of Wildfly security subsystem, Elytron, following Pedro Igor's WildFly Blog: Using a Database to Authenticate and Authorize Your Users in Elytron.


Wildfly Console Updated and Feedback Requested !


If you have been in the JBossverse for a long time, you might remember the high quality user experience of our very first JMX console with a mix feeling of dread and panic   (BTW, I loved the JMX console, but I also read my email with mutt and chat over irssi, not sure I'm the right customer for fancy UI). Of course, we've been doing some major progress in this area for years now, and the current webconsole provided with Wildfly is pretty slick.


Nonetheless we still aim at making it better, so please checkout Arun Gupta's entry on WildFly Admin Console Updated - Feedback Requested

and take the time to give us some feedback on how you will like to see it enhance.




Langing for some "hard core" C programming, and low level grittyness ? Take a pick at the impressive Dirty Trick: Launching a helper process under memory and latency constraints (pthread_create and vfork).

Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, this week bringing you a double dose of news as we try to catch-up on a selection of Community news that has been published over the last two weeks.


BRMS, BPMS and Fuse with Christina and Eric



Limiting Requests with APIMan


In the sixth article in his series on the JBoss API Management framework, Len introduces us to the management policies that are designed to limit the behaviour of client requests.  As of APIMan 1.1.6 we have access to the Rate Limiting policy, a Quota policy and a Transfer Quota Policy, each of which can be employed individually to throttle requests or combined to provide a solution with greater flexibility.


Improved LDAP Integration within KeyCloak


If you have been paying attention to the work taking place within KeyCloak then you are likely aware of the existing LDAP integration.  With the release of KeyCloak 1.3.1 this integration has been greatly improved through the inclusion of LDAP mappers, providing you with greater flexibility in specifying which data can be synced to KeyCloak and written back.


Hawkular Alerts


One of the most interesting aspects of the  Hawkular project is the alerting service provided by  Hawkular Alerts, a component that provides the ability to define flexible triggers based on complex reasoning over events raised within your application.  In order to demonstrate these capabilities Lucas has created a video that covers the installation, configuration and use of Hawkular Alerts and has combined this with an introductory post covering some of the details that are of interest when watching the video.


Asynchronous Processing with jBPM


The release of jBPM 6.0 saw the inclusion of the jBPM Executor component, responsible for handling the background, asynchronous processing within the jBPM process flows, and is a capability that has been enhanced as part of the jBPM 6.3 release.  In the first of two articles Maciej covers the jBPM Executor, describing its capabilities and how it works, and then follows this with his second article where he discusses some of the enhancements that have recently been made to jBPM 6.3 through a real use-case.


Infinispan's Functional Map API


The Infinispan 8.0.0.Beta3 release introduced a new experimental map-like API that uses lambdas to interact with data, allowing you to take advantage of the new functional programming and asynchronous capabilities that are now available through Java 8.  In the first part of a series covering this new API Galder takes us through the motivation that led to its creation, answering some key questions and setting the scene for the remainder of the series.


Server Side JavaScript


One of the more interesting new additions to  WildFly  is the introduction of Server Side JavaScript support, an experimental feature enabling the internal Nashhorn JavaScript engine to be used within your deployments.  By way of an introduction to this feature Stuart his written a tutorial showing how to write a simple HTTP endpoint, how to extend it and return JSON, how to inject resources from JNDI and CDI and how to integrate the Mustache templating engine.  Now is the time to provide feedback on this feature so please take time to go through the tutorial and provide feedback to the team.


JBoss Out and About


Arun will be travelling throughout September, October and November to deliver his Docker and Kubernetes Workshops, visiting nine countries in four continents.  He will also be involved with the Silicon Valley Code Camp, a community event taking place on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th where developers and children can learn from other developers.


November 16th through to November 18th will see the inaugural Devoxx Morocco event taking place in Casablanca, an event previously known as JMaghreb.  Markus was fortunate to attend last year's event and has since joined the program committee selecting the best talks for this year's event.


New Releases


The Hibernate team have released Hibernate ORM 5.0.0.Final, Hibernate ORM 4.3.11.Final and Hibernate ORM 4.2.20.Final.

The RichFaces team have released RichFaces 4.5.8.Final.

The JBoss Forge team have released JBoss Forge 2.18.0.Final.

The Infinispan team have released Infinispan 8.0.0.CR1, Infinispan 7.2.4.Final and Infinispan Spark connector 0.1.

The JBoss Tools QE team have released RedDeer 0.8.0.Final.

The Hawkular team have released Hawkular Business Transaction Management 0.3.0.Final.

The Errai team have released Errai 3.2.0.Final.

The Teiid team have released Teiid 8.12 Beta1.

The WildFly team have released WildFly 10.0.0.Beta1.

The Arquillian team have released Arquillian Drone Extension 2.0.0.Alpha5 and Arquillian Spring Framework Extension 1.1.0.Alpha1.

The WildFly Swarm team have released WildFly Swarm 1.0.0.Alpha4.

The Hibernate Search team have released Hibernate Search 5.5.0.Alpha1.

The Teiid Designer team have released the next milestone release of VDB Builder.


That's all for this extended update from the Editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from the communities surrounding the JBoss projects.

34116489_527e153c4e_m.jpgHoliday season all around us. People slow down a lot because of the ongoing heat and even the project news and weekly newsletters are late this week. But we're all doing the best we can: Sitting in the backyard, feet in the pool and trying to make it bearable. Welcome to this weeks news in Red Hat JBoss Middleware ecosystem. (Title image, CC-BY-NC by Toni Lucatorto)


WildFly, Microservices and Containers

As it is still a very hot topic, which could be better to start of the hot summer edition of the weekly newsletter with latest news in this section. Followed by the new WildFly 9.x and 8.x releases last week, I wrote something about how to not only run WildFly on OpenShift Online, but on latest OpenShift v3 with full Kubernetes support. And Arun added some best practices to collect logfiles from those installations with ELK. And even later, I also added another post about how to scale and loadbalance WildFly with Kubernetes and OpenShift v3. Not directly related to microservices or containers, but also part of the broader set of technologies to build upon is Hibernate. And there's been some new articles around Handling queries on complex types in Hibernate Search or Map me if you can - Advanced embeddable mappings.


Integration News

Claus introduced us to a new feature in the upcoming Apache Camel release which will be about Apache Camel 2.16 - Show me all my incoming and outgoing endpoints in real time.

Last but not least, Rich looked into why TIBCO has some valid points about open CORE integration technology. Eric Wittmann walked us through the latest changes in apiman and told us that Plugins - Not Just For Policies Anymore. And Christina updated all her integration demos on to latest Fuse 6.2: Read about one of the updated examples in Red Hat JBoss Fuse - Getting Started Home Loan Demo version 6.2 Part 1 and Red Hat JBoss Fuse - Getting Started Home Loan Demo version 6.2 Part 2.

BPM Suite And Processes

And no, Eric D. Schabell doesn't sleep at all. He kept updating his readers with latest workshops and information: Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite - Online Workshop Building a Travel Agency (Lab 04 - Create Data Validation Guided Rules). And also makes us aware, that there is an upcoming Webinar: Developing process-enabled applications with BPA and BPM tools.

IoT And Big Data

Kenny came up with a couple of posts this week about What is the Hadoop Ecosystem? and also introduced us to Suggested Minimum Requirements for Data Virtualization Server and Designer.

Hot Summer Releases

WildFly 9.0.1.Final and 8.2.1.Final are released

Infinispan 8.0.0.Beta2

Arquillian Container Chameleon 1.0.0.Alpha4 Released

JBoss Tools beta2 brings some Bower to Mars

Teiid 8.12 Alpha2 Released

Keycloak 1.4.0.Final released

Hibernate Validator 5.2.1.Final

Hawkular, all good things make three!

Third Candidate Release for ORM 5.0


That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

If you are not already on holiday, you'll probably be soon (or you are already back from them) - in any case, the JBoss communities are never on the break, and this week, last the ones before, comes a fair of exciting and interesting news (and yes, stuff about Docker).


Monitoring Wildfly and your Vert.x apps


In the last year, with the emergence of the DevOps initiative and the adaption of Java since the early 2000s, the topic of monitoring (and handling operation) of JEE server has been under an increasing focus. Especially because many administrators had an hard time grasping JVM related concept

and integrate the available JMX metrics inside their own tools (or scripts). However, if all metrics and operation on Wildfly

Monitoring DevOps Style With WildFly 9 And Jolokia ~ Enterprise Software Development with Java


Along those lines, the new project Hawkular, which aims at replace the previous RHQ as monitoring and operations managements tool for Wildfly, has made an interesting demo on Monitoring a Vert.x Application using Hawkular BTM, go check it out !


Data Virtualization and Hadoop


Kenneth Peeples, one of our very own Evangelist, has been diving deep into the integration between DataVirt  and Hadoop, in Connecting to Cloudera Quickstart Virtual Machine from Data Virtualization and SQuirreL. He also took the time to do a thorough inventory of supported environment and products in the latest version of the Data Virt: Tested Integrations for Data Virtualization.


Note that Data Virt is the name of the Red Hat supported version of Teiid. Whatever you read in those article obviously applies to the associated version of the community project Teiid.


On the applications side


Along the lines of the previous section on monitoring, the following article discuss how to configure a Vert.x Application and it is certainly worth the read ! And if you are not (yet) using Vert.x to develop your latest webapp, chances are you are still going to be deploying some (or more probably a lot of) Javascript. In this case, you'll be delighted to hear that Bower support is coming to JBoss Tools !

BRMS and jBPM -  Processes, Rules and Events for everyone !

BRMS and jBPM are all over the place, and, as you'll see in this section, and you are bound to find something here that interest you ! Obviously, the first item is this new book on the topic: Processes, Rules and Events: Book: Mastering jBPM6. Certainly an excellent starting point, wouldn't you agree ?


Then, if you are use of Fuse, you'll be delighted to read this new blog entry from Christina on Enterprise application architecture with JBoss Fuse and JBoss BPM suite.

If you read this editorial on a regular basis, you must be aware by now that Eric Schabell has published a lot of workshop around JBoss BRMS. Well, now he even show you how to use it to build your own workshop or event on JBoss BRMS Workshop in a Can Getting Worldwide Love !

Last, but certainly not the least, Drools & jBPM: Validation and Verification for Decision Tables Update




As always, the Arquillian ecosystem has come with his share of releases ! Please check'em out, as they are both adressing quite difficult (and crucial) topics :



It maybe Summer, but it's still 2015, and no week should go by without at least mentioning Docker ! Rest assure, our famous Arun Gupta brilliantly took care of that by discussing Kubernetes Design Patterns. Go read it, it comprehensive overview of the high concept of Kubernetes and how it would apply to your software architecture.




Quite unknown in the Java universe, the Red Hat Software Collections are very practical and provide an excellent environement for developers to work on. Last week article on Red Hat Developer Blog on Using Software Collections Toolset For Your Own Applications offers a nice overview if you wish to learn a bit more about those...

That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities.

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Editorial where we take you through some of the work that has been taking place within the community over the past week.


Kubernetes, Docker and Swarm


We begin this week's editorial by taking a look at a number of posts written by Arun, covering topics including Docker Compose, Docker Swarm and replication in Kubernetes.  His first post demonstrates how to set up a multi-container application using Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.  He follows this up with two posts discussing kubernetes and its replication controller, first demonstrating how the replication controller can automatically restart pods when necessary before moving on to discuss how to use the replication controller to modify the number of instances of a running image, scaling a cluster up or down.


Camel on WildFly


Marcus has written three posts this week discussing how to use Camel on WildFly to solve some problems you may face.  In his first post he demonstrates how to leverage Camel routes within JavaEE components through integration with CDI, JSF, JAX-RS and EJBs.  He then looks at how to use the HornetQ JMS bridge to integrate queues from a backend Weblogic server into WildFly, testing the integration using Camel, before ending the week by taking a fresh look at a demonstration written by Christina Lin and showing how the same application can be developed using JPA and CDI integration with Camel.


BRMS Goodies


This week has seen Eric provide updates to some of his BRMS goodies.  He began by providing an update to his BRMS Cool Store Demo, taking advantage of a number of the fixes that have gone in to JBoss BRMS 6.1.1 to showcase its features, and then followed up by introducing a canned version of a workshop that you are free to use with any audience, whether a JUG, JBUG, work group, a conference or any other.


Hello Vert.x


If you have already heard of Vert.x then you will know that it is a project that enables reactive applications to be developed, relying on event driven and non-blocking features to scale applications with minimal hardware requirements.  To help you get started with this we have two "Hello World" tutorials, the first demonstrating how to develop a Vert.x application using java and the second demonstrating how to develop a Vert.x application using javascript.


Visual Editor for JEE Batch


The tooling team have added a new visual editor to support JSR-352 batch files, an API that provides support for Batch applications within the Java platform.  The editor is now available in JBoss Tools 4.3 and Developer Studio 9 for you to try out.


Hibernate Search Roadmap


Sanne has recently spent time updating the roadmap for Hibernate Search and has now provided a summary of the major aspects currently under development, also including some information on the direction they wish to take with future efforts.


Camel In Action, the sequel


Claus and Jonathan are writing a second edition of their popular Camel In Action book, a major rewrite of the first one.  As well as updating many of the existing chapters they are including six new chapters covering many of the new features that have been introduced into Camel over the recent years.


Hawkular Alerts


Hawkular Alerts is a new project spawned out of the experience learned during the development of the RHQ project, providing  fast, scalable alerting as part of the Hawkular Monitoring project.


VDB Builder


The Teiid team are busy developing a more versatile VDB editing tool called VDB Builder, a command line tool allowing the creation, editing and management of dynamic VDBs and their content.  Their first milestone release is now available and is ready for you to start experimenting.


JBoss Out and About


Arun and Devoxx4Kids were recently seen in London at the Minecon 2015 convention where they were fortunate to present their Minecraft Modding workshop to approximately 200 kids.  The workshop was a success with many kids experiencing their first opportunity to develop software through extensions to a game they love to play.


New Releases



That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities.

For those of you in the US reading this a day late ... Happy 4th of July


We've a lot to cover this week as despite the fact many people have been recovering from the hectic week at Summit/DevNation, life and work must go on! So for a start let's look at something not necessarily associated with JBoss: Minecraft. For those of you in the know, however, you'll understand that not only is Minecraft based on Java but it also relies on Netty! A while back we announced that we had joined the Devoxx4Kids community; well this weekend our very own Arun Gupta and his son will be running the Devoxx4Kids Minecraft Modding Workshop at Minecon in London (helped by yours truly!).


Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 11.12.13.png

We all know that last week was Summit, but it turns out that a new conference was also kicked off in Barcelona. JBCNConf was attended by several of the Fabric8 team and Claus gives a great overview of what happened there. Which ties in quite nicely to the release of Fuse 6.2, which Christina writes about. As Christina states, one of the important new features is RBAC: "Another important new feature is the Role Base Access Control. Powered by JAAS implemented. Many enterprise needed this in real production environment, what this does, it authorized user's right on access the Fuse console, JMX, command line mode and the service allowed in OSGi." Claus also has a great article on getting up and running with Fuse 6.2 quickly.


Now of course we have the usual flurry of entries summarising Summit and DevNation. Including one from Eric with his usual BPM focus, Mark Proctor talks about his presentation (with more related here), Arun (again) has a nice piece on Summit with lots of photos, and of course there's the Summit Keynote demo to watch again!


Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 11.20.50.png

Some releases to note include 0.1.0 of the Hawkular Business Transaction Management project, which Gary discusses along with how you can monitor SwitchYard applications with it. Hot on its heels is Heiko talking about the Alpha2 release of Hawkular. JBoss Data Grid 6.5 is out!


If you're a LiveOak fan then you should take a look at the latest entry from Ken talking about its future.


And last but by no means least, WildFly 9 Final is out!!


OK that's it for this week. And I'll be on holiday soon, so it'll be down to the other editors to take you through the summer

All the hard work preparing for the DevNation and Red Hat Summit has come to pay off as Red Hat wraps up Summit Week and DevNation also comes to a close.


All About DevNation and Red Hat Summit Boston 2015

If you weren't able to make it check out this recording of the keynote and demo from the JBoss team.

Check out the recording of keynotes for DevNation over at 

And, of course, the big announcement was the strategic partnership announcement between Samsung and Red Hat

Follow more about the Summit on the Summit Blog

Also check out a cool story about Devoxx4Kids at the summit.


Specific DevNation Sessions/Keynotes to check out:

Rx.js Session at DevNation

Matt Hicks on The Future of Development with Kubernetes and Docker


Elsewhere in things JBoss:

Brian Che talks tenets of DevOps here and here.

A new episode of "Camels in Space!" by Claus Ibsen (not to be confused with Pigs in Space).

Eric Schabell talks design to execution in BPM Suite: From Design to Execution with JBoss BPM Suite & Signavio Process Editor

Harry Mower talks about the announcement of : - Learn More. Share More. Code More

And Gavin King talks Constructors in Ceylon



8.11 Final Released, Support for OData V4 and SAP HANA

Immutant 2.0.2 Patch Release

Hawkular-Metrics 0.4.0 release and the way beyond

Docker 1.7.0, Docker Machine 0.3.0, Docker Compose 1.3.0, Docker Swarm 0.3.0

Released jBPM Migration Tooling v0.14

Developer Studio and JBoss Tools arrive on Mars

JBoss Fuse 6.2 is out!

RichFaces 4.5.7.Final Release Announcement

redhatsummitattendees.pngThis week has been busy for alot of folks getting ready for DevNation and Summit.  With more than 170 sessions and labs, 8 keynotes, parties, and receptions, Red Hat Summit has something for everyone as shown in the infographic to the right. From business and technical sessions to hands-on labs to 1:1 conversations, there's something for each level of interest and need during Red Hat Summit. 

For Developers, in addition to Summit, this year's DevNation event will have four general sessions to capture our imaginations, inspire our work, and spark the conversations that move us forward. Our keynote speakers are ready to bring it.


Here’s what you can look forward to.

- Freedom of choice. With 5 tracks, including sessions, panels, and labs, learning opportunities abound. Or you can hang out in our developer zone and charge up on coffee and electricity.

- Freedom of speech. You don’t have to network, but if you do, you’ll never find a cooler group of people.

- “Free as in beer.” Can you really know what “free” means if you don’t have a free beer in your hand? (But seriously, we have a few fun social events planned, and the hops will be freely flowing.)

- Freedom to break and create. We’re going to hack like hell over 4 full days. We’re dedicating 2 evening events to it, and you might win prizes even into the wee hours of the next morning.

- Freedom to roam. DevNation is co-located with Red Hat Summit, so you don’t even have to leave the building to attend both conferences. Do both at once in the shared track.

Developer Position Available

The Fuse team is looking for an Eclipse Developer to primarily work on JBoss Tools Fuse tooling.

Win Prizes at DevNation Code Challenge!


Join us Monday, June 22, 6:00pm-11:00pm in Room 200 at DevNation in Boston!  Show off your coding skills and win prizes at the DevNation Code Challenge! Using showcased technologies from cloud, mobile, and data services--plus your creativity--you’ll build an extraordinary project with friends (or on your own). Judges will choose winners from the projects built and presented during the session. The winners will walk away with awesome prizes and bragging rights (until next year).

Summit by Day, Party By NIght


Visit the Red Hat booth in Hall D at Red Hat Summit where you can see our awesome line up of demos and pick up a card with the party details which is being brought to you by the Application Platforms Business Group.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Conferences, Meetups and Webinars


Mobile, Microservices, and More...


This week's Releases:


Infinispan 7.2.3.Final - A few bugs have been found and fixwd in the Infinispan 7.2 branch.

Drools 6.3 SNAPSHOT - The team has rewritten the internal parts of our code that deal with multi-threading to remove a large number of synchronisation points and to improve stability and predictability.

Wildfly Swarm 1.0.0.Alpha3 - The team has fixed some things, enhanced others, written some tests, and generally knocked it together a little sturdier.

Keycloak 1.3.1.Final Released | Planet JBoss Developer - The team has done alot of improvements with this release.

Arquillian Container Chameleon 1.0.0.Alpha2 - In Alpha1 the definition for the JBoss AS / WildFly containers were hard coded. In Alpha2 we’ve externalized the configuration.

Bean Validation TCK 1.1.4.Final - BVTCK-68, which is about the removal of two tests from the TCK which could not be tested in a portable manner across containers. Check out the issue itself for the complete story.

Forge 2.16.2.Final - JBoss Forge 2.16.2.Final is now available

As a late student sneaking into classroom, and pretending to have been there since the beginning, summer has suddenly rolled on Europe this week. However, despite the heatwave coming with it, the JBoss communities have been, as always, thriving and produced numerous releases and interesting content for you. So, if it's too hot to work, or if you wish it would be, maybe it's time to have an iced tea, sit back and enjoy a nice tour of what happened last week...

When Data Virtualization goes the NoSQL road...


As you may know, Teiid is a data virtualization solution, which allows you to abstract your numerous databases into one, both simplifying your applications developpment and enabling you to easily creates report spanning across various part of your company or organization. If you don't know anything about it, the project just released Teiid 8.11 CR1 so it's perfect opportunity to go check it out.


For people who already knows about data virtualization, quite focused on SQL storage, they often overlook the fact that Teiid can also access NoSQL storage such as Infinispan or MongoDB. And even bring some SQL capacity to such storage ! Look at this in details with Ramesh Reddy blog's entries an SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 1 and SQL on MongoDB using Teiid - Part 2.



Photo Credit Wikipedia

(sorry, I really tried to find a picture of Teiid Lizard eating mangos, but one must admit the internet still has its limits, so you got a well feed one instead)


Keycloak in real life


Nowadays no website is really secured without a proper authentification - as my friend François Le Droff and I have strongly pointed out during out talk on Java & Security at Devoxx France (in French, sorry). However, strong authenficiation generally makes a horrid user experience - expect if you smartly uses OAuth2. And if you wonder how to set that in place, look at this thorough demonstration using Keycloak to secure your services with OAuth2.


An other brilliant demonstration of Keycloak usefulness is this other explanation of how OpenShift UI Console authentication with Keycloak and OpenID connect together.


Hopefully those two description will convince you to give a serious at look at Keycloak, so if you happen to go to DevNation, don't forget to attend Enterprise security with Keycloak – from the intranet to mobile.


Photo Credit - FutUndBeidl


No Docker ? Seriously ?


Of course not ! This entry would not be a proper "IT related blog entry" without at least one entry mentioning Docker, would it not ? Well, don't worry, here it comes : Docker Compose on Windows with Python And Babon ! (Yes, just one, but a good one )


AeroGear and Feedhenry


If you are an aficionado of either AeroGear or Feedhenry, you'll probably be curious about this new post on AeroGear quick start push Templates,

which show both product can operate together quite nicely.


Evangelist's Corner


As always, our team of Evangelists have been tireless and produced quite a lot of interesting content for you to browse this week. First, Eric D. Schabell offers, yet an other follow up, to his JBoss BPM Travel Agency Demo adding modern BPM Data Integration to it, along with a peak of sneak preview of his submission for both NCDevCon and Red Hat Summit :


Then, Arun Gupta comes and discusses how to go from Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring for Java EE Applications,  whille Markus Eisele is tackling on an ever more challenging (albeit none technical) task in his 9 Ways To Stop Hurting And Start Helping Women In Tech.


Releases, releases, releases




With some many cool Java news, your blood is now filled with caffeine, your hands must be shaking like hell, and your heart is pounding. In short, time to switch to decaf' ! So, for a change, and a completly none Java related topic, take a look at this quite thorough and interesting description on Five different ways to handle leap seconds with NTP (if only to be able to clearly state why leap seconds is not an issue for your Java code ).


That's all for this week's spin through the JBoss world, please join us again next week when we will take you through more interesting and informative articles written by our communities. And don't forget to follow @jbossdeveloper !

Welcome to another edition of the  Weekly Editorial where we take a quick spin through the JBoss Communities and highlight some of the interesting work that has been taking place over the last week


Data Mapping within the Camel Editor


Strong data mapping tooling is a capability that has been missing from JBoss Tools suite for some time however a recent effort to improve the tooling has had this as its focus.  In the first part of a series to cover this work Brian introduces us to some of the underlying technologies that are being used within transformation, explains how to obtain the new tooling capabilities and finishes this first part by demonstrating how these capabilities are being integrated into the Camel tooling in order to handle data transformations as part of an existing camel route.


NoSQL with Hibernate OGM


In the third installment of the tutorial series "NoSQL with Hibernate OGM", Gunnar demonstrates how to use Hibernate OGM from within a Jave EE application.  This installment extends the entity models created in the previous installments and introduces additional functionality showing how to expose those models through JAX-RS endpoints.


Java EE deployment within Docker Containers


Interest in the containerisation of applications has grown over recent times with many of us exploring how this impacts the way in which  we package our applications and deploy them into production environments.  If you are still investigating this technology then you may find this post by Markus to be of interest, in which he covers some of the major advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


Type Functions within Ceylon


The Ceylon team have recently been experimenting with a new feature to introduce type functions into Ceylon, technically known as higher order generic types and higher rank generic types, and are looking for feedback from the community to determine whether this is a capability that should be included in the language specification and officially supported.  Gavin has a post covering the experimental feature, including a very good explanation of what is being proposed, and there are already some very good conversations happening within the comment section.


Dependent Joins with Teiid


If you have been using Teiid to join disparate data sources then you may have come across a number of scenarios where the Teiid planner cannot determine a good plan using statistical analysis.  If this is the case then Ramesh has an answer for you, introducing an optimisation that can be used to reduce the impact of your statements through the inclusion of hints.


Camel and IoT


IoT is garnering a lot of attention these days and, with its support for MQTT, the Apache Camel project is well placed to help provide solutions.  Claus has found one such project where Camel is being used to help gather air quality metrics from IoT devices all over France.


JBoss Out and About


With  Red Hat Summit  starting in a few weeks many people are busy preparing for their presentations or going through the Agenda to sign up for interesting sessions.  If you are attending Summit, and interested in BPM, then you may wish to check out a couple of labs being hosted by Eric Schabell and others, Racing Camel with BPM and JBoss Fuse and Choose Your Own Adventure with JBoss BPM Suite.


New Releases



That's all for this week's editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more exciting news from our communities.

Another week in JBoss. It's been pretty busy and everybody went straight back to work from a long vacation weekend. Now we're gearing up for Summit and DevNation. So, let's see what happened over this last week:


Microservices - Container, Orchestration and More

We are hosting a full day event, in central London on June 11th 2015, where we will present the latest stuff we hack on our day time job - that is fabric8, hawtio, kubernetes, openshift, Camel, and more. Eric Schabell published a Microservices Migration Story with JBoss BPM Travel Agency. And you got to learn how to secure microservices with Keycloak. James Strachan showed you what Kubernetes means for Java Developers. A lot more hands-on is Thomas' post about Installing Red Hat Container Development Kit on Mac OS X. He also taught us how to use the Docker Client with the Red Hat CDK. Our own Mark Little published a nice peace on InfoQ about Microservices Premium.


Interesting Picks To Read

Asciidoctor encompasses and builds an ecosystem around Asciidoc for writing documentation, and well, writing anything. If you want to host your own blog, documentation site, book, ect., Asciidoctor would be an excellent choice. If you want to do that in OpenShift, that is what this post going to help you with. If you're into Hibernate, make sure to check out the great content on Vlad's blog. He recently wrote about How does Hibernate READ_WRITE CacheConcurrencyStrategy work and has a ton of other great tutorials and Hibernate details over there.

Find a new page on all Internet of Things related activities on


devnation_250x250_blogbadge_joinme.pngDevNation Highlights 

The open source community loves sharing. So do we. Here are some blog badges for you to share. Let everybody know, if you’re attending or even speaking!


New Releases


Thant's been it for the week. See you again next week! If you have interesting picks we missed, just let us know!

Don't forget to follow @jbossdeveloper or @myfear on twitter.

undiversity.PNGI feel very lucky to be a part of JBoss.  It is great to see global diversity in the JBoss Community.  I wanted to wish everyone a Happy World Day for Cultural Diversity which is celebrated on May 21st and supported by the United Nations.  They have setup a Community Facebook page for "Do One Thing For Diversity and Inclusion".  The campaign aims:

  • To raise awareness worldwide about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion.
  • To build a world community of individuals committed to support diversity with real and every day-life gestures.
  • To combat polarization and stereotypes to improve understanding and cooperation among people from different cultures.

Our JBoss Community is a large global community and I enjoy reading all the wonderful articles, news, blogs, etc that are published during the week.  This week was another great week of news, new releases and articles.  So let's jump into This week in JBoss.


New Releases


To see the specific Release notes go the the Homepage or Website for the project from the links below.

jgroups-raft 0.2 - The jgroups-raft project is a Raft implementation in JGroups. It is currently in its own repo because it'll move much faster than JGroups and I wanted to have the freedom to release versions in quick succession.

byteman 3.0.0 - Byteman is a tool which simplifies tracing and testing of Java programs.

immutant 2.0.1 Patch Release - Immutant is an integrated suite of Clojure libraries backed by Undertow for web.

infinispan 8 - This actually isn't a release yet but the codename for infinispan 8 was voted upon and is, Infinite Darkness.

forge 2.16.1.Final (Club) - Forge is the Fastest way to build Maven-Based Java EE projects.

keycloak 1.2.0.Final - Integrated SSO and IDM for browser apps and RESTful web services.

Hibernate OGM 4.2.0.CR1 - Hibernate is an Object/Relational Mapper tool.  OGM is the Domain model persistence for NoSQL datastores.

Hibernate ORM 4.3.10.Final - Hibernate is an Object/Relational Mapper tool. ORM is the Domain model persistence for relational databases.





  • DevNation 2015 - June 21 - 25, 2015 | Hynes Convention Center | Boston, MA | USA - AN OPEN SOURCE CONFERENCE, BY AND FOR DEVELOPERS ACROSS THE GLOBE. DevNation is a full stack development conference featuring the best in open source! Learn how industry leaders use open source. Hack with some of the most innovative new projects including Docker, Hadood, Vert.x and more. See what new innovations are coming out of open source for DevOps, mobile and application development.



Microservices and Integration


  • Syed Rasheed wrote an excellent article on JBoss Integration Products, explaining Application Integration and Data Integration, Ultimate Guide: When to use which JBoss Integration Products.  In The Bottom Line he indicated that In the end, application integration platform like JBoss Fuse are best suited for the functional integration of independent applications to implement a multi-step business process. Data virtualization platforms are best suited for the creation of data services where one is attempting to present a holistic view of the business data for analysis or operational visibility. Both technologies have different primary use cases and they are not interchangeable, however they can be used together.
  • Christina Lin continues her Microservices migration story with the Integration Demo Series with Fuse and BPMS. 
  • Stian Thorgersen discussed Securing Microservices with Keycloak and OpenID.  As microservices is all about having many smaller services each that deal with one distinct task the obvious solution to security is an authentication and authorization service. This is where Keycloak and OpenID Connect comes to the rescue. Keycloak provides the service you need to secure micro services.
  • Mark Little highlights XA and Microservices. I'm not suggesting that XA doesn't have a role to play within microservices and between microservices. At least in the short term it most definitely does for some (small) set of applications. But really when I'm suggesting transactions have a role I'm looking well beyond XA.


Data Services with Teiid and Data Virtualization



Business Processes and Rules



And More.....



This weekend is a holiday weekend in the US to honor those that have died while serving in the armed forces.   Be safe if you are in the US as alot of people will be traveling on the highways.  On to another week in the community.....

Welcome to another instalment of TWiJB. We've got your microservices, travel, decision, release information and more all here. Let's get to it.


Mark Little talks app servers and APIs and more.

Monolithic application servers, web-scale and synchronous APIs 

"It's also interesting to think that the move we're seeing in the industry towards separate services is very much in line with what we had back in the CORBA days (something I've repeated a few times.) No, I'm not suggesting CORBA got it all right!".... or is he? Read more to find out.


Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite - Online Workshop Building a Travel Agency (Introduction) andtravel-agency.jpg

Integration Project- Micro Services Migration Story with JBoss BPM Travel Agency - Part Two

Let's get our travel on!






Distribution changes -- We're making some changes to keycloak -- read more to find out what the deal is.

DevNation is coming! Be there or be ☐

Spread The Love. Let Everybody Know You’re Attending. devnation_250x250_blogbadge_speaker.png

What happens when xPaaS and DevOps hook up? Christina Lin takes us through part five of this romance.

Red Hat JBoss xPaaS - When xPaaS meets DEVOPS - Part Five

Unlock the value of SaaS within your enterprise

Using a service such as SalesForce? Integration of two services where one resides outside your domain of control can be daunting but it doesn't have to be says, Ken Peeples.

Ken is talking microservices too

Moving to Data Services for Microservices


Dimitris Andreadis checked in this week to say thanks and share the content on the state of union where Wildfly v9 is concerned.

Validation and Verification for Decision Tables

Toni talks validation and verification with plenty of tips to find common problems and squash them like <ahem> a bug.

In our tips-n-tricks for this week....

JBoss BPM Suite Quick Guide: Changes You Need for Building Applications with JBoss EAP 6.4 Modules

Learn Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization through multiple avenues

Release Me!

Hibernate Search 5.3.0.Beta1 with native Lucene faceting

Arquillian Container Chameleon 1.0.0.Alpha1 Released

April's month is over and May begins with a new edition of the Weekly editorial containing great news around the JBoss Technology World. Take a break, a cup, seat down and take the time to review what has been done by the developers, projects this week. They continue to open the horizons by providing infinite possibilities to design and develop Middleware, Front & back end solutions.


Red Hat, a strategic Eclipse member


Red Hat has officially announced that they have upgraded their membership to Strategic Developer at Eclipse. This has been announced at


Strategic Members are organizations that view Eclipse as a strategic platform and are investing developer and other resources to further develop Eclipse Foundation technologies. Strategic Developers commit to assign at least eight developers full time to develop Eclipse technology, lead Eclipse projects and contribute annual dues up to 250.000 $.

At Red Hat we already have more than eight developers doing development Eclipse technology, both at and around the base Eclipse distribution. As a new strategic member, Red Hat will take a seat on the Board of Directors of the Eclipse Foundation, strengthening its support of the Foundation.

Red Hat is an active member of the Eclipse open source community. Red Hat employees participate in 27 Eclipse Projects, including as project leaders for Vert.x, m2e-wtp, THyM, BPMN2, BPEL, SWTBot, Linux Tools, ...

Red Hat delivers Eclipse-based solutions to their developer communities, including:

  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio, built on the popular Eclipse-based developer tool JBoss Tools, allows Eclipse Java users to develop applications for Red Hat JBoss Middleware, such as Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and JBoss Fuse.
  • Red Hat Developer Toolset, based on Eclipse Linux Tools and CDT, allows C/C++ developers to quickly build Red Hat and Fedora based solutions.

Red Hat also plans to join the Eclipse Internet of Things (IoT) Working Group, an open source community for the Internet of Things. Red Hat's participation in the Eclipse IoT community will focus on enabling enterprise middleware for IoT solutions.


Introducing to Vertx.3



Thanks to Tim Fox to take the time to communicate around the new Vert.x 3 architecture. This v3 will introduce lots of changes and improvements and should become 3.0.0-final release on 22 June.

A new web site has been created to support this platform and is already available :


One of the big things in V3 is Apex which is a set of components for building webapps with Vert.x and is already proving to be quite popular even before the final release. More info about Apex can be find on the web-site.

You can use Apex for all sorts of web applications - e.g. "traditional" server side rendered web apps, client side rendered web apps, but a key focus is for lightweight HTTP/REST micro-services.

Apex has built in support for content negotiation and various other features -most of things you'd find in JAX-RS, but 100% async, and usable from any of the languages that Vert.x supports.


We've also made great efforts to make V3 super embeddable and it has a minumum of dependencies. Here's a Maven hello world app:


V3 also aims to create a full async (where possible) stack, so we've also included components for database connectivity (JDBC, Mongo, MySQL/PostgreSQL, Redis), email, messaging (AMQP 1.0, RabbitMQ), and we hope to increase the number of components over time.


V3 contains some sophisticated code generation technology which means we only have to maintain Java versions of our APIs and examples, the other language APIs, documentation and examples are auto-generated at build time from the Java stuff. This makes it much easier to maintain than Vert.x 2 where we manually had to maintain each language API.


V3 also has some pretty cool Rx support ( - if you're not familiar with Rx, it's all about doing operations on asynchronous streams of data using functional style operations. It's one way of mitigating against "callback hell" which can occur when using event based APIs. We provide "Rx-ified" versions of all our APIs - so you now have a choice of whether to use the standard callback-based API (node style) or an Rx-style version.


V3 also reactive streams support - this is about interoperability with other reactive systems (e.g. Akka, project reactor etc) !



Hot Stuffs of the week



  • IoT Eclipse Gateway & Apache Camel


OSGI is not death and looks like a promising technology for the IoT Gateway platform developed by Eclipse under the code name Kura for the field devices (RaspberryPi, ...). By combining this platform with the Integration Java Framework Apache Camel and its messaging routing engine, we expend the possibilities to interconnect everything, everywhere.

Thx to Henryk Konsek to record this video and share its presentation.






  • Infinispan 7.2.0.Final
    • JCache (JSR-107) support over Hot Rod
    • Listeners can be registered using DSL queries
    • The performance of bulk operations (getAll, putAll) in both embedded and remote mode has been improved by an order of magnitude
    • The clear operation is now non-transactional and lock-free
    • Eviction : New design based on the ConcurrentHashMap from JDK 8
    • It is now possible to deploy cache stores to the server
  • Eclipse Docker Tooling
  • Hibernate Search 5.2.0.Final
  • Jolokia 1.3
  • Apache Camel 2.15.2
  • RichFaces 4.5.5.Final
  • WildFly Swarm initial release
  • WildFly 9 CR1
  • AeroGear UnifiedPush Server 1.1.0-alpha.2
  • Keycloak 1.2.0.CR1
  • Openshift v0.5
    • Docker 1.6 is now required for OpenShift, which allows us to use pull-by-id in the new...
    • Integrated V2 Docker registry for OpenShift
    • New osc commands (deploy, new-project, new-app)
  • JBoss Web Server 3.0 is GA
    • This major version release updates Apache httpd and the versions of Apache Tomcat to recent versions
    • Include updates to all of the mod* extensions for httpd, and the version of Hibernate for the JWS Plus product
  • JBoss Data Grid (JDG) Version 6.5 Beta!
    • Remote Events and Listeners for the Java Hot Rod client enhanced
    • Enhancements to JBoss Fuse integration (camel-jbossdatagrid component). Can receive and process events from remote caches over the Hot Rod protocol
    • Adds support for JSR-107 (JCache) API in Library mode
    • Can be used as a shared, in-memory index (Infinispan Directory) for Hibernate Search queries on a relational database


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