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Weekly Editorial

359 posts

With the end of the year, many of you are thinking that the developer world will stop to turn and that no additional contributions will be published, released. Hopefully, this is not the case and this new editorial will prove you that we must stay on the track till the last day of the 2015 year !!


Weld 2.3.2. final is out


Even if this release is mainly a bug-fixing release with 15 issues resolved, it also contains new great features as it allows to perform dependency injection upon objects not having a CDI-compatible constructor, provide enhancements for OSGI probing. See the release details to get more information.

RESTEasy 3.0.14 & wadl


Like Weld, Resteasy 3.0.4 has solved many bugs but supports now to generate the XML description of the HTTP Rest endpoints using the Web Application Description Language (WADL).


Time to send your talks


It is time to send your talks as the Call For Paper process has been launched for many conferences



Advocate's corner


Microservice, container and DevOps have been the hot topics of this year and this O'Really Webcast of Markus Eisele is not an exception as it will dive you into the Microservice Architecture vision promoted top of Java EE Platform.


Claus Ibsen has been interviewed by DZone and reviewed the history behind this fantastic opensource enterprise integration project which is Apache Camel. With the release of the new Red Hat BPM Suite, Eric Schabell has blogged about the ultimate collection of demos available.


As jigsaw and modularity will be part of JDK 9 announced next year, Stéphane Epardaud took the time to present Ceylon language modularity with JDK 9.


Don't miss the video of Claus Ibsen showing how to use the Camel Editor (to creates routes) in a type safe manner. Finally, Christina Lin presented how to manage the Apache Camel Routes using Hawtio Management Console in JBoss EAP.


Releases, ..., releases




That's all for this week, please join us again for the next instalment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

With Christmas only a couple of weeks away, most of us are trying to wrap up things nicely to enjoy the holiday with a nice sense of completeness - and that's probably why there are so many releases this week. Sadly, some are not at all in the Christmas spirit as you'll see by the Ceylon's troll alert... But first things first, let's look at the good stuff !


Keycloak is out and social !


Keycloak 1.7.0.Final Released and it's full of good features (already documented when the RC was released: Keycloak 1.7.0.CR1 Released). And if you wonder how this could help you, well take a look at this article on First social login in Keycloak, and you'll know what to do next time your application needs some authentification layer (no more extra passwords and user credentials to manage anymore !).


Infinispan is also out and make sparks !


Infinispan 8.1.0.Final is out! This release comes with many enhancements, but the main focus is certainly on the brand new Web Management Console - which the team has been working on quite hard, and are rightly proud about. They even made a video for you to check it out: Infinispan 8.1.0 Admin Console.


Infinispan is a very powerful tool and it's nice to see that more and more connectors allow to integrate with it smoothly. A nice example of this is this brand new Infinispan Spark connector. If you like to play with Spark, check it out !


Really ? In this day and age ?


Sometimes, you run into something that just make you think "Seriously ? People are still doing that ?" - and of course not in a good way. Indeed, the Ceylon community has just released "Troll alert". I honestly thought those days were gone, but apparently, I have been quite naive about it - read the whole story, it's a cautionary tale.


Fremont Troll
Oh, great, now you've let him out ...


On C-Level


While the JBoss Community is obviously all about the gritty-nittyness of in-depth technical details, it's also nice to take one's head out of those, and to look at the so-called "Big Picture": DevOps and the Myth of Efficiency.


Evangelist's Corner


As every week, our Evangelist team, all over the globe, have been quite busy. First, Christina released a new workshop "101 Fuse in EAP", that certainly is worth a look. And, as usual, Eric D. Schabell produced new materials on his ongoing series of JBoss BPM 6.2 new features articles, including Multi-user support in Business Central and How to use the Correlation Key.


Releases, releases, releases...



That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

Welcome to another Weekly Editorial where we bring you the latest news from around the JBoss Communities.


The Key to Extending KIE


This week sees a number of articles from Maciej Swiderski discussing the capabilities of the KIE Server that support extensions.  Maciej begins the series with an overview of the extension points within the KIE server and why they are needed, continues with an article that discusses when and why you would extend the server with additional REST endpoints and how to add additional transports should you find that the existing transports do not fit your use case before ending with an article describing how to extend the KIE Server Client.


EE7 and Microservices


With the release of EAP 7 now getting nearer, Markus has spent some time pulling together some resources that will help to refresh your memory about the new features that were introduced into Java EE 7.  Once you have caught up you can then put this information into practice by following along as he demonstrates how to deploy an EE7 application into OpenShift 3 using JBoss Developer Studio.  Markus has also been interviewed recently by Daniel Bryiant during which they discuss Microservices.


Time Scheduling Design Patterns


When using a tool such as OptaPlanner to solve scheduling problems it is very important to understand the domain you are trying to model and the design pattern that best suits the solution you are trying to achieve.  Geoffrey, the project lead of OptaPlanner, has written an article introducing three useful design patterns that can be used to similar scheduling problems with slightly different requirements.


Using Hawkular Business Transaction Management with Docker Images


Gary Brown from the Hawkular Business Transaction Management project has written a great article showing how you can use BTM to monitor the flow of business transactions within applications running within your docker containerized applications, providing greater insight into the workings of your applications and the services they invoke.


Ceylon and Dependency Injection


If you have been using the Ceylon language for any length of time then you will already realise that Ceylon does not provide any native support for Dependency Injection however thanks to Ceylon's interoperability with Java it is reasonably easy to use both Weld and Guice.


Vert.X and Mongo


End of Year Cleaning in the Drools House


The Drools team have recently spent time cleaning up the internal state machine that was introduced back in June in order to manage the interaction of the engine, user and timer threads with their current being to make the code easier to read and understand.


Working Offline with Keycloak


The Keycloak team have written an article describing the  Offline Access token feature that was introduced in Keycloak 1.6.1 and described in the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification, allowing applications to perform actions on behalf of users when running offline.


Back in the Asylum


Max has published the next JBoss Community Asylum podcast in which he sits down with Burr Sutter and Scott Stark to discuss this year's Middleware Keynote Demo.


New Releases



That's all from this week's editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more news from the JBoss Communities.

Another week almost behind us. Today is Thanksgiving and the start into a silent week for most of us non Americans. But the good news is, the JBoss community never sleeps and has some news for you every week. Time to start over with the weekly editorial which brings you the latest news from all of JBoss. This time, I'm going to cover three particular highlights:


Vert.x - Reactive Applications On The JVM

Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM. Unlike restrictive traditional application containers, Vert.x gives you incredible power and agility to create compelling, scalable, 21st century applications the way you want to, with a minimum of fuss, in the language you want. This includes JavaScript. In a recent blog-post Paulo Lopes explains what you have to do to port your existing EcmaScript 5 applications to EcmaScript 6. If you want to learn more about it, the project team provides a wide range of examples demonstrating usage of Vert.x in many different situations - from getting started with a hello world example in Maven to a range of web application examples. Don't forget to follow project lead Tim Fox (@timfox).


Make your JBoss EAP Fuse ready!

Christina Lin started an interesting series about how to make your JBoss EAP installation ready for Fuse. With the upcoming JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 release Red Hat is supporting a new scenario: Running Camel on EAP. And because Fuse and especially Camel are so rich in terms of features, it takes a couple of blog-posts to walk you through the various development options. The first part showed you how to use the Spring Framework to define your Camel route. The second explains everything about using CDI with the Java DSL to create your routes and the third part uses plain XML without Spring. The final post glues everything together and gives you a complete walk-through on how to integrate your Camel CDI application with a Database.


Learn About JBoss Technology Online

virtualjbug_twitter_avatar_400x400.pngThe Virtual JBoss User Group got a make-over. More precisely the website. Make sure to check out and enjoy the 40 recorded sessions which are already available on demand. And we’re adding another one or two every month! Make sure to follow our Twitter handle @vJBUG and also check out our meetup group regularly. Next upcoming session will be the legendary Burr Sutter (@burrsutter) talking about “An Enterprise Developer’s Journey to the IoT”.

The new Red Hat developer programs blog has a longer article about the vJBUG up. Make sure to read it!




That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.


For this week I wanted to start out describing the rewards of joining the JBoss Community. The JBoss Community is full of great projects and people. In addition to using the Projects you may want to considering becoming a contributor, whether it be a new feature, a bug fix, wiki entries, helping other members, or even just filing a bug report.  When you join an open source community you join developers from all over the world who contribute in different ways.  They are 100% open source, developed for and by its community of users.  For myself, being a part of the JBoss Open Source Community for many years has been very rewarding.  Some of the reasons are:



  • Building awesome New Technology
  • Learning something new
  • Proving yourself
  • Being part of something big
  • Challenging yourself
  • Building relationships


The Wildfly project has come a long way and supports the modern web and Java EE7.  So let's move onto this week in the JBoss Community!



EAP (Wildfly)


Markus walks us through getting started with JBoss Entrprise Application Platform (EAP) 7 Alpha and JEE 7. Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 (JBoss EAP 7) is a middleware platform built on open standards and compliant with the Java Enterprise Edition 7 specification. Built on top of innovative and proven open source technologies like WildFly, it will make Java EE 7 development a lot easier.  Markus also walks us through HTTP/2 with EAP 7.  HTTP/2 support has been added as a technical preview. It is provided by the new webserver Untertow.  HTTP/2 reduces latency by compressing headers and multiplexing many streams over the same TCP connection. It also supports the ability for a server to push resources to the client before it has requested them, leading to faster page loads.



Rules and more




The Rest




New Releases



That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities.


And stay up to date with latest developments - Follow @jbossdeveloper


And stay up to date on my Open Source Experience - Follow @ossmentor

22921480296_e86af0dabd_z.jpgAs if we would have anticipated something to happen. This years Friday the thirteenth marks the week, we failed to deliver the weekly editorial. The good new: You get two this week. But beside this, the week has been pretty busy as usual. Here's the latest happenings of last week with all the relevant JBoss Community News.


Ceylon News

As you might know, Ceylon already has the most feature rich IDE of any modern language for the JVM, with some features that even the Java IDE for Eclipse doesn't have. But IntelliJ users don't like having to switch to Eclipse when they code Ceylon, so a few months ago we got serious about porting Ceylon IDE to IntelliJ. And another post shows you how to write and publish a bare-bones application on OpenShift Online.


Java EE And More

I had the pleasure to give two talks at Øredev. One of them is about my favorite topic: Security and Java EE. It is designed to fulfill two goals. On the one side to introduce the typical Java EE developer to the overall application security process and main objectives. But also to look at the details about what Java EE has to offer. Learn all about Security and Java EE in my blog-post. And after that, it was Devoxx Belgium time. There has been a lot of Java EE involved also. The CDI reference implementation Weld released a development mode and JMX support. And finally, the JBoss EAP 7 ALPHA release went out! Right in time to look back and ask, if Java EE is still relevant. Mark Little answers in his blog and also reflects on things he has seen at JavaOne.


Devoxx Belgium

The Docker Tooling was presented by Xavier. Chris talked about Process Driven Applications. And Red Hat was happy to sponsor Devoxx4Kids with a significant amount this year. We love opensource and am very proud to help raise the next generation of open source developers.Find the complete set of picture impressions online on flickr. And also make sure to watch all the sessions you missed. Because they are already online available! For Free!! Thanks Devoxx! If you have some more time, spend it on the recording or Aslak's and Alex's talk about The Borg is docking your system; testing is futile! Or is it?.


The Rest


New Releases


That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

Halloween has come and went away, and Winter swept in before the door can close behing the annual pumpkins massacre... But, lucky us, not everything is so gloomy in the JBoss universe this week...

Microservices for the real world


Right behind Docker - if not even sometimes in front, "microservices" has certainly been a big buzzword of those last years. And, as any trend, it's good to take the time to step back a bit and look at it seriously, and a couple of article released last week will certainly help you on this. The first one is High Performance APIs for Microservices With, certainly an interesting angle, because high level architecture sometime overlook performance constraint. Of course to be able to assess your microservice performances, you need to be able to deploy it and test it - so, let's how Red Hat JBoss Engineers think about Java EE, Container, Microservices and Testing.

"Architect of an Open World"

However, if you don't even see the value of microservices, all those good practices and considerations will neither help you, or speak to you. If this is the case, I strongly recommand you look at this in depth article on Tear Down Data Silos with Mobile Microservices from Red Hat Developer Blog.

Side note on this topic : How Would ESBs Look Like, If They Were Done Today ? - an interesting disgression, somewhat related to the topic of microservice (at least from my point of view)


Events, news and books


A lot of very cool upcoming events has been announced last week. I'll start by home territory, as two talks have been announced at the Berlin JUG, one from Infinispan on JBoss Clustering and an other, quite related, about BJGroups by Bela Ban (Berlin JUG Nov 19). If you happen to be in Berlin (Germany) on the 19th, please do join us ! (we'll have beer and pizza !)


柏林墙 - The Berlin Wall - Berliner Mauer

Berlin is not the only place to go, Roma will be hosting  Alfresco Day Roma 2015 - so if you really picky about your pizza, you know what to attend ! At last, but not the least, if you are in Switzerland, you may want to take a look at Dimitris' Andreadis Blog on "WildFly activity in Geneva".


Of course, not everybody can manage to get to Berlin, Geneva or Roma, but rest assured, some events are coming to you instead, like this upcoming webinar on How to become a data-driven organization to achieve more and gain a competitive edge. And if you don't have time to attend anything, you can still be kept up to date, the "old fashion way" - meaning by reading a book, so checkout this Book Review: "Arquillian in Action" by Alex Soto and Jason Porter.


Last bits of news for this week, we are currently looking for a Developer User Experience lead - so if you want to join us or know someone who might fit...


How To's and tutorials


After those high level considerations, let's get to some more practical stuff. First, let's take a look on How To Setup Integration & SOA Tooling For JBoss Developer Studio 9, as it never hurts to be well prepared. Along the same line,  if you are looking forward to use JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP - look how to be ready for it !


Now that you are all set up, let's take a deep dive into the command line tool Kubectl : Logging Into a Kubernetes Cluster With Kubectl - I'll bet it will make using Kubernetes and Docker far more efficient for you.


Last but not the least, this week have seen the release of a followup on Getting started with Keycloak - Securing a REST Service. Certainly an interesting tutorial to look at...




Only two releases this week - propably a the lowest numbers of releases for a week since I contribute to this editorial. But, quite important and major ones.

The first one is Byteman Blog: Byteman 3.0.2 release supporting some exciting and impressive monitoring packages - definitely a must see (or in this case must "click on"). The second one is a new Teiid Designer 9.2 Released, which contains numerous bug fixes, but allow to import dynamic virtual database. If you are a regular user of the Teiid designer, you will probably be quite interested in this release.




Even if the JBoss Community is a very large one, it's good, now and then, for Java developer to look outside the JVM. Especially, that the following announcement of this week concern the java competitor .NET : Red Hat and Microsoft making .NET on Linux work for Enterprises.And talking about Linux,Fedora 23 has been released, so time to update your system (or try it if you are using an other OS).


Last bit of news, concerning more Red Hat than the JBoss Community, but too important to be overlooked: Red Hat jumps into DevOps by buying Ansible ! Indeed, there is also many in the JBoss community using Ansible, and one can guess that this adoption will certainly not slow down now...

Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Editorial where we take another spin through the Community blogs in search of interesting news and developments.


This week we begin with Mark Little who has written a great post explaining his thoughts on the next generation of frameworks and stacks to come out of JBoss.  He discusses the evolution of existing frameworks and their integration with newer frameworks, such as those designed to support microservices and reactive programming, the impact of migrating applications to the cloud and the benefit to be gained from technologies such as Fabric8 and CD/CI.  This is definitely worth reading if you want a better understanding of our future.


Why you should use Ceylon


This week sees the release of Ceylon 1.2, a phenomenal development effort that has been underway for the last year.  Ceylon is a sophisticated programming language that is designed to run on the JVM and JavaScript virtual machines, as such it is often described as a true cross-platform language.  There are many other reasons why you should take a look at Ceylon and who better to describe some of these than Gavin King.


Return to the Asylum


This week sees the long awaited return of the JBoss Community Asylum with guests Tristan Tarrant and William Burns being interviewed about the Infinispan project.  The discussion touches on the use cases for Infinispan as well as some of the new features that have been introduced.  If this podcast intrigues you then also check out William's post on expiration in which he describes the behaviour present in previous releases and how this has been enhanced in Infinispan 8.


Getting Started with KeyCloak


If you have an interest in Single Sign On or Identity Management then you should check out the KeyCloak project, an integrated SSO/IDM server that comes with many useful features.  For those of you who wish to do more than read about the server Stian has provided some great instructions for running the server as standalone, within WildFly, within docker or on OpenShift.


Datamining with Hawkular


The Hawkular team are busy developing a Datamining module for integrating into the Hawkular platform the purpose of which is to predict alerts and forecast the values of metrics.  Pavol Loffay introduces the work taking place and describes its architecture, its goals and the next steps for the project.


Cleaning up Hibernate ORM


The Hibernate ORM team are again cleaning up their open JIRA issues, their intention being to close those issues that are no longer applicable to the 5.0 stream, verify the others and to allow them to focus on those issues that matter most.  If you have an interest in Hibernate ORM then take a look through the JIRA issues and make sure that any you care about are covered.


Red Hat 4 Kids


As part of our We are Red Hat Week, an annual event that has every office within Red Hat arrange activities in celebration of our culture, the Red Hat France office decided to put on a RedHat4Kids event, following the very successful Devoxx4Kids format, and invited their children into the office to learn about programming.


Docker and Kubernetes Presentations


The first presentation is from Christian Posta who recently gave a four day deep-dive course on Docker and Kubernetes, he has now uploaded his slides for everyone to use.  The second presentation is a recording of an interview between Markus Eisele and Rafael Benevides in which Rafael discusses docker within the context of Java EE and it was  a sneak peak into their Hands-on-Lab at JavaOne.


JBoss in Books


Markus Eisele has cause to celebrate this week with the publication by O'Reilly of his mini-book entitled "Modern Java EE Design Patterns".  Markus has provided more details on the book, including its abstract, and also mentions where you can download the boot for free.


Packt Publishing have recently released the WildFly Cookbook, a book written by Luigi Fugaro.  The book identifies specific goals that you may encounter and demonstrates how each goal can be achieved through the use of individual recipes.


JBoss Out and About


The Fabric8 team will soon be visiting New York City, USA to take part in the Microservices Developer Day.  The event takes place on November 4th on West 39th Street,  Manhattan, New York.


New Releases



That's all from this week's editorial, join us again next week when we will bring you more news from the JBoss Communities and hopefully more information about what has taken place this week at Java One.

Java One returns to San Francisco next week and we are fortunate to have many Engineers presenting sessions on behalf of Red Hat and our communities.  If you are attending the conference then take a look at Markus' blog and see if you can find something that interests you.  You may also want to check out the mini-theater schedule at our booth for smaller presentations and don't forget to stop by the Red Hat party where you'll have another great chance to mingle with Red Hat Engineers and talk about anything that interests you.


BPM and Push Notifications


Integrating with mobile devices is often at the forefront of any modern development, a fact that is equally as true for those developing Business Processes.  If this is something that interests you then Kenny has a great article showing how easy it is to set up the push server and integrate it with a business process to send notifications back to those using mobile devices.


Running Kie Server alongside the Workbench


If you are running jBPM or drools in a development environment then you may wish to run both the Kie Server and the Workbench on the same machine.  Thanks to Maciej you now have all you need in order to set this up using either Wildfly or Tomcat.


Port Forwarding with the OpenShift V3 All-in-One Image


If you have been playing around with the OpenShift all-in-one image then you may also have been wondering how to use port forwarding to expose internal services, you may even have tried to make this work and been unsuccessful.  Fortunately this is a problem that Markus recently faced and solved, writing up all he details so that we do not have to go through the same process of discovery.


Asynchronous SQL through Vert.X


After a long break Clement continues his Introduction to Vert.X series with his next topic being the asynchronous JDBC client.  Through the use of a working example Clement discusses the setup and initialisation of the asynchronous client before showing how it can be used within an asynchronous application.




On November 12th there will be a webinar introducing BPMS, entitled 6 Steps to Your First Process with JBoss BPM Suite Starter Kit.  Register now to reserve your place!


New Releases


That's all for this week, join us again next week when we will bring you more articles from the JBoss Communities and plenty of news from the upcoming Java One conference.

There is alot to report this week in the open source and JBoss Community.  I thought I would start off with a today in history moment.  American teacher and journalist Noah Webster (1785-1843) was born in West Hartford, Connecticut on October 16th.  His name became synonymous with "dictionary" after he compiled the first American dictionaries of the English language.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary was first published in 1828 as An American Dictionary of the English Language.  From 1787 to 1789 he was an outspoken supporter of the US Constitution.  One of the great achievements for JBoss is that JBoss Middleware is used globally by many cultures that use many different languages in many different countries.  We are proud to be a global open source community.

Now on to our Community Weekly Recap.........

Releases, releases, releases...and more releases!


  • Teiid 8.12 Final Released - The Teiid Team announced 8.12.0 Final. They have resolved 147 issues (features, enhancements, bugs) in this release.
  • Forge 2.20.0.Final (Silver) Released - The Forge Team announced 2.20.0 Final.  What's new included Better Performance, Deprecating your old comments and options and Component upgrades.
  • Arquillian Universe 1.0.0.Alpha1 Released - The Arquillian Team announced 1.0.0.Alpha1 of the Arquillian Universe Component.  The project aimed to fulfill two main requirements: Simplify the Getting Started Experience and Unify naming and versions.
  • Hawkular Metrics 0.8.0 Released - The Hawkular Metrics Team announced 0.8.0.  The release is anchored by major enhancements for metrics query aggregation, updated container support and performance and stability enhancements.
  • Apache Camel 2.16 Released - Claus Ibsen went through the Top 11 highlights of the Apache Camel 2.16 Release.
  • Fabric8 2.2.51 Released - Claus Ibsen also walks us through getting started deploying and running Java Applications on fabric8 or more precisely an OpenShift or Kubernetes Platform.
  • Keycloak 1.5.1 Released - This release contains a moderate impact security fix.


Fuse Examples


Infinispan Examples

Microservices this week


Tools this week

Highlighted Events

  • Christian Posta describes Microservices Day which will be held in NYC on November 4th.
  • Kris Verlaenen describes Devoxx Belgium which will be held in Antwerp November 9th through 13th.
  • Phil Simpson, Maggie Hu and myself will be hosting a webinar on Building a business application in 60 minutes on October 22nd.  The webinar highlights multiple Middleware products used together in a Insurance scenario which includes Red Hat Mobile and JBoss BPMS.


Additional Highlights


Ansible and hybrid cloud management, OpenStack and Containers

As I have had some questions concerning Ansible and Red Hat, I thought I would include a link here for those that are interested.  Ansible and Ansible Tower is an IT automation and DevOps platform that provides significantly simplified multi-tier application deployment and IT automation across hybrid clouds.  Ansible will help Deploy and manage applications, Speed service delivery, Streamline OpenStack and Accelerate container adoption.


Looking forward to a new week in the World of JBoss....

This is really incredible to discover every week what happened during the previous week. You felt that nothing new, trendy was out and finally after digging into the different emails, tweets & forums, you can always find amazing news and info to share with the community.

RedHat JBoss Developer Studio & JBoss Tools

One of the great announce of this week is certainly the release of JBDS9 supporting Eclipse Mars and the new JBoss Tools release. There are many new features and improvements. The full list of what is new you can find on this page. Hundreds of bugs have been fixed on JBoss Tools side but they have also continued to work on making Eclipse better and contributed to many Eclipse projects: Web Tools, Docker, Maven Integration, JavaScript, Hybrid Mobile Tools and many others.

Some of the more significant highlights concern the new Openshift3 tool which help to develop kubernetes applications, improvements did around the Docker tool & the Java EE7 Batch tool.


Integration with Apache Camel

Even if the release hasn't been yet published on the Apache web site of the Camel project, the Apache Camel 2.16 release is out since this Friday. This new release proposes around 10 new components which are really great as it will be possible to generate pdf content (camel-pdf), to expose HTTP-based endpoints using the HTTP Server part of the Wildfly platform (camel-undertow), to transform JSON to JSON messages (camel-jolt) or to use the MQTT client of the Eclipse Paho project (camel-paho).

Another dataformat will be supported with the camel-boon data format component to transform from/to POJO to JSON. The DSL language of Camel has been enriched to support script execution using this syntax :


  .script().groovy("// some groovy code goes here")


while it will be possible now dynamically calculate the endpoint where the message must be send



Fabric8 & DevOps

The Open Source Fabric8 project which has been designed around the OpenShift 3 platform & docker container technology provides a DevOps tool to generate a Continuous Delivery project top of docker containers. This DevOps Tool uses behind the scene JBoss Forge to edit the steps of the  process to create the environment as a collection of commands. During the creation of the cd-pipeline project, it will be possible to grab the required information like the name of the git repo, to enable the synchronization of the git repo with the Gerrit Code Review server or to specify which jenkins groovy script must be used to setup the jenkins jobs, ... The information collected will be used next to setup the different pods required to put in place the cd-pipeline : Gogs - Git Management Platform, Gerrit Git Code Review, Nexus Maven Repository server, Jenkins Server, Letschat - Chat Server integrated with a Hubot Server, Taiga - Project & Issues management.




This DevOps tool has been demonstrated this week during the RedHat EMEA Partners conference by Charles Moulliard.

Blog Articles

- Camel & Swagger in action by Claus Ibsen which explain how to use the new Swagger 2.0 spec with Camel & how Camel can generate from the model read the Swagger AP=i documenting the REST endpoints

- Quick Tip: Running Wildfly Docker image on Openshift Orign by Markus Eisele

- A WildFly Swarm JAX-RS Miroservice in a Docker Container by Markus Eisele

- Quick Tour : JBoss BRMS the basic Install Project - Video by Eric Schabell

- Updates in the Docker Tooling by Xavier Coulon

- Update Modern BPM Data Integration with JBoss BPM Travel Agency by Eric Schabell

- Turn your static static config into dynamic templates with MVEL by Paolo Antinori

- Critical HL7 Use cases with Camel, ElasticSearch & ActiveMQ by Christian Posta


Releases, releases, releases


On top of the Apache Camel 2.16, already mentioned above, the rest of the JBoss Community has not been resting, idle, and has delivered, as always, a fair amount of new version in the last week:


Incredibly enough, this week, there is no Docker related news (at least in the JBossverse) ! ! ! But don't worry this does NOT mean, this weekly is empty, far from it. Indeed, on the week jBPM and Wildfly lastst releases, there is a a lot of interesting material to peruse into, so buckle up and let's go !


BPM & Rules



With the released of both jBPM 6.3 and Drools 6.3, the last week, BPM has a been the focus for many people in the JBoss community. First of all, if you have no idea or prior experience on the topic, you may want to use the discount code on the book "Mastering jBPM6". Indeed, I do still believe that reading an actual book is an excellent to get into a subject, especially, when - like it is the case with BPM, it comes with a long history and rich ecosystem. Of course, in our ages of learning technologies by reading a couple of blogs and/or watching a couple of video, you might want something a bit more "hands on", but rest assure, as always Eric D. Schabell has thought of you and released three more videos on BPM Quick Tour series:


Some interesting stories around jBPM have been released also last week, including the Google Summer of Code 2015 Success Story: jBPM Mobile (MGTW) , but also a technology highlights: jBPM and BPMN 2.0 workflow creation and a in depth article: Lienzo for new jBPM Designer and Drools Decision Tables.

Last but not the least you are living in Chile or Argentina, or going there in November, you might be quite interested by the upcoming Drools Workshops Chile/Argentina (Nov/15) happening over there.






Infinispan is an excellent project, bringing the power of data grid storage and computing to the Java ecosystem on top of giving a new youth to the JCache API. If you want to learn more about Infinispan (and its associate Red Hat Product, JBoss Data Grid) and attend the Red Hat EMEA Partner Conf 2015, please come to my lab on 5 Things You Should Know on JBoss Data Grid for a quick, and hands on, introduction to the matter.


If you are already familiar with Infinispan, a couple of very interesting articles has been released last week. The first one is Infinispan: Memory based eviction - and eviction being at the core of the product, you will certainly appreciate this nice walk-through from William Burns of the internal design. The other one is the first of a series of article from Thomas Qvarnström on JBoss Tech Blog: Scaleable Events with JBoss Data Grid - part 1 Overview of Events. Events in Infinispan are a very simple and yet powerful way to implements logic on data changes or insert, leveraging the very scalable and distributed nature of the grid. Just take a peak at this article and I'm sure you'll see what I mean here


Wildfly 10 is coming...


... Soon. So soon in fact, that WildFly 10 CR2 has been released and that Markus made a nice overview of its key feature: Java EE 7, Java 8, Hibernate 5, JavaScript Support with Hot Reloading. Enjoy the preview, and rest assure, you won't be waiting for too long for the GA.



Technological bits (or bytes)


First of all, let's take it easy by starting with a video - no coding, nor reading to do, just enjoy the JBoss Fuse - Tools make your world go round, the slides and basics, and learn :

  • How to debug Camel application using the tooling provides.
  • Data mapping between POJO and XML, JSON with Dozer with drag and drops only.
  • Deploy and package an OSGi ready Applications.

Then, our own Kenny Peeples will take you through the  the new feature Data Virtualization 6.2. In case you are not aware of this, Data Virtualization is the Red Hat products associated to the Open Source project Teiid, which, by the way, have been recently named "Best Open Source Application" by InfoWorld Bossie Awards. A nice, simple read here again, but now let's go up a notch, and look at Narayana.

Narayana is the implementation of the Java Transaction Service, which is of course a crucial, internal part of our JEE server Wildfly. That being said, most likely - or at least for most of you, you will never interact directly with it. However, now that Narayana team has released a JTS Docker Container, it gives you the opportunity to easily test this framework and see for yourself the intricate complexities of transaction management (if you think that this matter is simple, try, like me to read Mark Little's book on the topic and call me when you hit the first bottle of aspirin...). IMHO, it is quite crucial to any application developer to have a fair grasp of transaction management - at least to know when NOT to use them and when you actually CAN'T go without them. This light docker container might be an easy for you to test it or demonstrate it*.

OK, let's go even further with OptaPlanner - How lucky are your random seeds ? But, on this one, I'll take the 5th amendment (even if I'm no citizen of the US), because my knowledge of OptaPlanner is sketchy at best, and to make it worse, I really suck at statistics and math. But if you are into any of those, you'll bet you'll find yourself a nice gift in this article...


* This docker container for JTS does not count as a Docker related news - not changing the title of this weekly editorial !


Releases, releases, releases


On top of the jBPM 6.3 and  Drools 6.3, already mentioned above, the rest of the JBoss Community has not been resting, idle, and has delivered, as always, a fair amount of new version in the last week:


20150901_090204.jpgIt's Thursday and as such time for another weekly roundup on latest JBoss news and features. It's been another week full of surprises, releases and how-to's by fellow Red Hat JBoss Middleware egineers and friends and going through it as the responsible editor once a week is a little bit of a time-machine experience. So, sit back, relax, grab a #coffee+++ and read through it while enjoying your lunch-break.



Red Hat Tech Exchange has taken place in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city two weeks ago, it was a great event held by Red Hat in Asia Pacific Region. Many of the technical marketing managers have been there and brought back some new technical presentations. Christina Lin and Thomas Qvarnström showed the audience how to Supercharge your integration services .  Another interesting blog by Christina was about how to Load Balance Quartz Cron Jobs with JBoss Fuse. Claus Ibsen blogged about Apache Camel 2.16 - Swagger Java and API documentation out of the box.



Our very own Eric D.Schabell wasn't vacationing this week either. He posted a couple of revamped quickstarts for the updated JBoss BPM Starter Kit: Quick Tour #1: JBoss BPM Suite the Basic Install Project and Quick Tour #2: Where to get JBoss BPM Suite product. If you're a Java developer and looking for the JBPM API documentation, he also knows how to get you there: How to setup JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 API (javadoc) documentation. A little cross technology synergy was raised by the OptaPlaner team: They showcased how to integrate JPA with Hibernate.


Hester Mofet - The rest of the week

For all you movie loving readers no need to explain that title (everybody else, check IMDB). The Keycloak project wrote down a longer experience post about their fun with REST API documentation. And I have a new post up after a while about Running OpenShift Origin on Windows. A little more specific the Infinispan team introduced you to the Infinispan Hadoop Connector. And we've seen a great wrap-up of one of our Google Summer of Code students about his experience with the Keycloak project. If you want to get 50% off of selected WildFly titles by Packt Publishing, check out my blog post for a discount code!


The Bossi Award for JBoss Teiid!

We are very proud to announce that Teiid was named one of the winners of the 2015 InfoWorld Bossie (Best of Open Source Software) awards in the business applications, enterprise integration and middleware category.


New Releases

Data Virtualization 6.2 Released!

JBoss Data Grid 6.5.1 is out

JBoss Tools CR1 for Eclipse Mars - more Docker, OpenShift and WildFly 10

Infinispan 8.1.0.Alpha1

ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.0 Released

Weld 2.3.0.Final released!

Teiid 8.12 Beta3


And A Goodbye

Beside all the new releases and news, we had one loss this week. My fellow boss and friend Arun Gupta went on to new endeavors and left Red Hat with a last Au Revoir Red Hat blog post. We wish you the best for your new gig Arun.


That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavor to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

Another week in the JBoss Community is almost over. Time to sit back and relax with a decent cup of coffee to reflect a bit about the news and releases that the week brought us.


Security Is Hot

With another popular breach a couple of weeks ago, the topic gained more attention again. But we have some security content for you to educate yourself and help making software secure. A post about secure Vert.x apps helps you getting started with securing vert.x web applications. It is by no means a comprehensive guide on web application security such as OWASP. Standard rules and practices apply to vert.x apps as if they would to any other web framework. The post will cover the items that always seem to come up on forums. And the first recordings from this year's JavaZone conference are already up. One of them is from my talk about "Securing Your Java EE Applications" and it outlines the key capabilities of the Java EE platform and introduces the audience to additional frameworks and concepts which do help by implementing all kinds of security requirements in Java EE based applications.


Java EE, Weld and WildFly

The recent Java SE 8u60 update revealed some issues with the CDI implementation Weld. And we released WildFly 10 CR1 last week! And there is already an OpenShift cartridge available with it!


Persistence and Caching News

"Order, ooorder!" - Sometimes not only the honorable members of the House of Commons need to be called to order, but also the results of Hibernate Search queries need to be ordered in a specific way. And Infinispan introduced the new Redis Cache store and initial support for Apache Avro and Gora. Another Infinispan post about Simple cache introduces you to using Infinispan with Hibernate.


Integration News

In her post Red Hat JBoss Fuse - Tips, Driver not found in JBoss Fuse , Christina introduces us to solutions about JDBC driver class loading issues. And there's also a very nice blog post about How to reason about queue depth graphs. This came out of field experience and will help your in communicating about ActiveMQ problems.


We Are Hiring!

The Developer Experience and Tooling group, of which JBoss Tools team is part, have a set of job openings available. We are looking to continue improving the usability for developers around Eclipse and around the Red Hat product line, including JBoss Middleware. Topics range from Java to JavaScript, application servers to containers, source code tinkering to full blown CI/CD setups.


The Rest Of It

Mark Little gave a report about the Red Hat Tech Exchange 2015 and Eric Schabell is giving an outlook to the Red Hat Forum Benelux in his post.


New Releases


That's all for this week, please join us again for the next installment of the JBoss Editorial where we will endeavour to bring you more interesting articles written by members of the JBoss communities. And stay up to date with latest developments by following @jbossdeveloper on twitter.

Ayuntamiento,_Ciudad_Ho_Chi_Minh,_Vietnam,_2013-08-14,_DD_03.JPGThis week I wanted to bring you some Highlights of the Red Hat Technical Exchange (RHTE) that occurred in Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City, this past week.  Ho Chi Minh City is a beautiful place that is full of history and culture.  The picture to the left is the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Building, which used to be named Saigon City Hall.  It is not open to the public but it is a very popular tourist destination for pictures, especially at night when it is lit up.  The event occurred in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s vibrant business and entertainment district on the famous Dong Khoi street at the Sheraton.  Quinten Laureijs did an excellent job organizing the event.  The Asia Pacific Red Hat Tech Exchange is a yearly event for Red Hatters and technology and business partners to catch up on the latest trends in technology as well as best practices. This year's theme was Train (gain and apply knowledge and skills), Share (best practices and experiences) and Enable (your personal and customer success).


During the event Enterprise Products and Community Projects were discussed.  The first half of Monday was devoted to keynotes: Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen on Train. Share. Enable., Sachin Shridhar on Collaboration: key to enabling wins, Mark Little on Cloud, IoT, future of Java, Phyllis Fann and Larry Spangler on Communities Of Practice, Javier Perez on Red Hat Mobile Application Platform, James Labocki and Thomas Cameron on the Cloud, and Harish Pillay on Back to the Future.  The rest of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday revolved around internal and external sessions.  On Thursday and Friday additional add ons took place for a deeper look at some of the topics: Openshift v3.0 Implementation by Shachar Borenstein, Anuva Ambastha, Red Hat Mobile Application Platform by Hong Hua Chin, Kenny Peeples, and Openstack (Kilo) Implementation by Asaf Waizman, Glen West and the Devops/Agile Masterclass.


Now on to our JBoss Community Weekly Recap.........


Releases, releases, releases ... and some more releases !



Unified KIE Execution Server


Maciej Swiderski gave us a three part series on the Unified KIE Execution Server.  He has more planned so stay tuned.



Javascript, Node, Aerogear and Keycloak


Barbora Suchanová discussed Windows 10 app with integrated Keycloak OAuth 2.0. Team Aerogear provides many useful libraries not only for Android, iOS and Cordova. They developed OAuth2.0 Nuget package for Windows Phone platform enabling user to easily authorized through Google, Facebook and even through Keycloak.


This week I discussed Node and Mobility at the Tech Exchange.  I provided a workshop where you can learn about Git, Javascript and Node along with an example of Node connecting to Cloud Data Services.


Infinispan in depth


Galder Zamarreño continued with the blog series on the experimental Functional Map API which was released as part of Infinispan 8.0.0.Final. In his blog post he focused on how to work with multiple entries at the same time.


Now that Infinispan supports Java 8, William Burns discusses taking advantage of one of the new features.  He introduces for Infinispan 8, the feature Distributed Streams!  This allows for any operation you can perform on a regular Stream to also be performed on a Distributed cache (assuming the operation and data is marshallable).


Real World Example with Data Virtualization (Teiid)


I walked through a real world example of combining Product Code and Name from Salesforce and Product Code and Price from MySQL in a Virtual Database.  We also use the WebUI to build the data services as well as use Red Hat Mobile (Feedhenry) as a consumer along with the dashboard. Although the demo is built on Openshift the same demo can be done on premise.  You can find the steps and references here.  Some of the material came from the excellent Mark Drilling gave on the WebUI.


This week in Integration


Thomas Qvarnström discussed Scalable Integration with JBoss Data Grid and Fuse and points to the demo he and Christina Lin have provided everyone. By combining the agile, lightweight, Enterprise Integration pattern (EIP) based integrations using open source technology with scalable in-memory storage, it’s possible to achieve near linear scalability and boost performance of your integration services. If you want to learn more Christina and Thomas published the demo using JDG both for Claim check and for Publish-subscribe on JBoss Demo Central here.


Christina Lin discussed process and integration routes.  People often confuse when they look at camel route and BPM process, although they do look very similar as connecting different nodes with conditions and passing objects or messages, the way they are structured and engineered to execute is a complete different story.


Christina also provided  an example on Invoking Process in JBoss BPM Suite using CXF-RS Client in Fuse.


BRMS and BPMS this week


Eric Schabell gave us the 7 Steps to Your First Process with JBoss BRMS Starter Kit. He has even scheduled the digital sign for the next few weeks.  The next time you are in a Red Hat office somewhere in the world, keep your eyes peeled for the digital signage that is displaying all manner of news.


Maciej Swiderski discussed a very powerful feature of BPMN2 in jBPM 6.3 which is signaling.  It is realized by throw (send signal) and catch (receive signal) constructs. Depending on which type of signal we need it can be used in different places in the process.


Looking forward to this coming week in the World of JBoss.........

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